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Well-known member
Jul 15, 2008
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So! I am looking for a new amp as I am tired of my ****ty practice amp, and also I will be gigging soon so i need a good amp eventually!

I need:

- Great Cleans
- Able to pull off good vintage classic-rock distortion (tones like Led Zeppelin, Hendrix, the Who)
- Can do the high gain distortion (think of Metallica)

however the most important 2 are (in order): High gain distortion and good cleans. so i can live without the vintage classic rock distortion.

My budget is sort of tight as my parents are being annoying and they wont let me get anything really over the $800 mark as they are paying for half of it. I mean if i really asked/pestered them a lot i could get it to the $900 area but thats about it.My dad is opposed completely to 100W, so 50W is preferable. i sort of agree, but i could just get an attenuator to solve that 100W loudness. too bad my dad is just plain flat out against 100W.

My dad has a friend who plays guitar and has been for over 30 years, and he thinks a Fender Deville 4x10 is perfect for me, but i don't think it can handle the high gain thing like other amps can.

anyways, is there an amp like this? Should i just wait to get more money and but the whole thing myself so i can get a better amp (and also that way i can get what i want).

help me please.

Sorry for the wall of text.
Fender Deville 4x10's not gonna do high gain and metal.

what you're asking for, is a lot.

granted, you can get a line6 that has modeling, and get sorta sounds for all the different things you want...
and if you're not doing really loud gigs, or recording original music, that'd probably do you til you could afford a nicer rig.
you can get a lot more used amp for $800 than you can new. Is used in the picture?
A Mark3 is definitely within reach. Pristine cleans, mid-ground gain, and high gain. These have relatively high wattage though.

I would also look at stuff like the DC series, Nomads, etc.

These are all discontinued models that sound great and can be had for cheap.
Hirschberger said:
but i could just get an attenuator to solve that 100W loudness.

that power attenuator would suck up a large percentage of your $800 i think.

Are you looking for a head or a combo amp..and if you are just looking for a head do you already have a speaker cab or will you be looking for that as well?
CoG said:
you can get a lot more used amp for $800 than you can new. Is used in the picture?

Yea I would actually prefer used as I can get just as god of an amp for way cheaper.

Elpelotero said:
A Mark3 is definitely within reach. Pristine cleans, mid-ground gain, and high gain. These have relatively high wattage though.

I would also look at stuff like the DC series, Nomads, etc.

These are all discontinued models that sound great and can be had for cheap.

How much does the mark III run for used? and just how many watts is it?

I was also looking at the Nomad 55 as I have played one and I loved it. I figure I can get a head and cab for under $1000 right? if not I could just get a combo I guess.

MF said:
Hirschberger said:
but i could just get an attenuator to solve that 100W loudness.

that power attenuator would suck up a large percentage of your $800 i think.

Are you looking for a head or a combo amp..and if you are just looking for a head do you already have a speaker cab or will you be looking for that as well?

I would prefer a head and cab but if I can't I'm pefectly happy with a combo. for some reason, I think a head and cab looks way cooler.
A head and cab may look way cooler but think about how your gonna get a full stack to practise/gigs etc.

I have had full stacks and believe me you get bored very very quick humping a stack around.
Setzer said:
A head and cab may look way cooler but think about how your gonna get a full stack to practise/gigs etc.

I have had full stacks and believe me you get bored very very quick humping a stack around.

well the thing about that is, if I am going to get a half stack, I won't have to worry about bringing my amp to my bands practices. My drummer and singer/rhythm guitarist both have dads that are professional musicians and have a shitload of amps. the singer's dad has like original Fender Twin Reverbs and the like, while the Drummer's dad, who is a profession sound mixer, has like a home studio with a vintage JCM 800, a vox AC30, and a nomad 55 half stack, so there would be no reason to lug my amp around :p
you could always look into a carvin x100b and a good OD or distortion pedal. the reissue or the originals. they are 2 channel monsters.

a reissue runs 800 for a combo.

the originals run anywhere from 200-400.

the clean amazing. and so loud for a clean. has a harder time with really high gain. but with a good pedal you can do it. they can be had for cheap and are great amps. they have power switching from FULL to 50% and 25%. but its not a watts switch. its more like the tweed switch on a mark IV.

here is a link to the audio i extracted from a video i took of my EL34 x100b. just noodling around with my seven string. the bass didnt really come through very well. i think i was on the 50% setting. sounds best on FULL though.
+1 for the carvin. One of the best all time sleeper deals out there. Has a half power switch too. Even 50 watts is WAY loud. In the clubs that people play today, it's hard to use much power in a 50 watt amp, too loud by far. A solid state distortion pedal can get you into Metal gain territory, but with the right tubes that Carvin has a lot of gain anyway. Start searching eBay. Can get the amp and distortion pedal for less than 700, no need to spend all your money available.
A Mark III head or combo can be found for about $800 if you shop around a little. If you get a simul-class one you can tell your parents you're only playing it on 15 watts at home.

If your parents think they're going to notice a volume difference between 50 watts and 100 watts they are sadly mistaken.

Seriously man, if this is the situation you're in, you might be better off looking into a CHEAP modeler you can use at home to practice quietly, working out a deal with one of your buddies' dads where you can borrow an amp for jams (buy him new power tubes now and then, maybe), and save more money until your parents come around a little more that you're serious about music.
CoG said:
Seriously man, if this is the situation you're in, you might be better off looking into a CHEAP modeler you can use at home to practice quietly, working out a deal with one of your buddies' dads where you can borrow an amp for jams (buy him new power tubes now and then, maybe), and save more money until your parents come around a little more that you're serious about music.

Agreed. If all you're looking for is an amp to play at home then don't waste your money on something that is just going to irritate your parents and ruin your hearing - save that for the gigs!

Look into the Vox Valvetronix line (i've got an AD100VT for home use and i love it). Even if you go for a 100W model, they've got a variable wattage dial that lets you play at bedroom volumes (as low as 0.2W!) while still driving the tube. The modeling is really nice and gives you a nice range of tones to play with.
Hirschberger said:
The thing is I am looking for an amp to gig with as I already have a practice amp :p

sorry, i guess i assumed that having access to quality amps at your rehearsal space meant you were able to use them for gigging as well. my mistake.

carry on...
Then, like you mentioned in your original post, you're better off saving more money so your parents aren't in on the decision. Try to fight the GAS (Gear Acquisition Syndrome.) Don't bleed money here and there on pedals and little stuff, save it all.

In the meantime, take every opportunity you have to play other amps, play your buddies' dads' amps and figure out how to dial them in.

*edited because in the US everyone who tries to help out anyone under 18 who they aren't related to is assumed to be Hannibal Lecter.*
MF said:
Hirschberger said:
The thing is I am looking for an amp to gig with as I already have a practice amp :p

sorry, i guess i assumed that having access to quality amps at your rehearsal space meant you were able to use them for gigging as well. my mistake.

carry on...

Yeah, well the thing is that the singer/rhythm guitarist is like my best friend and so his dad will let me use his twin reverb and so on, but he has nothing for high gain, and my DS-1 can only do so much.

The drummer, on the other hand, I am not as friendly with, and while his dad with let me use his high gain amps for practice, I have never asked about gigs.
EDIT: ugh my phone is being wierd and posting my messages more than once... sorry for the double post.
EDIT: ugh my phone is being wierd and posting my messages more than once... sorry for the double post. :x
oh my god my phone for some reason posted the same thing 5 times... its not letting me delete these either. can a mod delete this?

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