help Need Info for Mark II C++ amp

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Well-known member
Mar 17, 2007
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You know on this board or anybody that now something about Mark IIc++ mine is a sixty watts embuya combo with an extra Mod on the Middle/pull Mid Boost. any info about this would be appreciated.. thanks
i just responded to the other post....


the ++ mod adds another 20 or 26 db of boost to both channels. The best way to do it is sacrifice the reverb or whatever you want and use the hole for a footswitch jack. from what I have heard, the ++ mod also sacrifices the clean channel and makes it dirty. Channel 2 is in your face high gain. I say all this never having heard one, but reading whatever I could find. I'm not sure if you could just put a boost pedal in front and do the same thing for a lot less money."

thanks for the info, well i dont think my amp have this mod then.. need to figure about the Middle/pull Mid Boost is all about
mxr2000 said:
You know on this board or anybody that now something about Mark IIc++ mine is a sixty watts embuya combo with an extra Mod on the Middle/pull Mid Boost. any info about this would be appreciated.. thanks
I have a factory c++ :) 1 out of 12 made... pull middle pot for mid boost that's it.. c+ is already the best amp man made the c++ is even better
GuitarPlayer, you said that your C++ has a push/pull on the mid pot? Interesting. I too own a factory C++ which has been directly confirmed by the man himself, Mike Bendinelli, to be legit. However, my C++ does not have a push/pull on the mid pot, nor am I able to switch between C+ mode and C++ mode in any way. Mike B also specified to me over the phone that in all of the C++ mods he ever performed, never did he add a push/pull anywhere, nor any additional pots or anything like that. With the exception of the duplicable ++ marking above the power cable, a real C++ will appear externally identical to a regular C+. Even a well trained eye couldn't make a determination with any certainty until getting a good look at the internals.

It's my perception that most of the information about the C++ on forums such as this is flat out wrong. Bits of misinformation, like how "C++ gain is crazy high", or that "you can't get a clean clean after the mod", or how you'll need to "install a 2nd Vol 1 pot in the footswitch jack to make it a C++", spreads like a virus via pyramid parroting. At least zodiac272 was honest about not having first hand experience, though.

Having said all this, there are IICs and IIC+s out there with other (non-factory) mods which closely resemble what zodiac272 and others have described. Below is a link to an example of what many people are referring to when posting about C++s;

Below is another "footswitch-jack-modded" C+ sitting on top of a regular C+ (scroll down for the pic of the wood finished heads posted by Octavarius);

No idea what these modified C+s would actually sound like, but I'd be highly interested in taking a close gander and listen. And as for you, GuitarPlayer, let me clarify that I do not doubt the awesomeness of your amp. The mid boost you have there probably does sound quite good. And you may very well be the proud owner of 1 of only 12 existing legit C++s currently on the planet (12, so says Mike B), but you should know that your mid boost is not what makes your amp a C++. Whether you have a true C++ or a regular C+, an additional (non-factory) mod has been done to your amp to give it the mid boost feature.

Please excuse the long winded post. The internet is the world's encyclopedia for bullshit as well as knowledge. I'm just doing my part to tip the scales towards the latter.
Audiokill said:
GuitarPlayer, you said that your C++ has a push/pull on the mid pot? Interesting. I too own a factory C++ which has been directly confirmed by the man himself, Mike Bendinelli, to be legit. However, my C++ does not have a push/pull on the mid pot, nor am I able to switch between C+ mode and C++ mode in any way. Mike B also specified to me over the phone that in all of the C++ mods he ever performed, never did he add a push/pull anywhere, nor any additional pots or anything like that. With the exception of the duplicable ++ marking above the power cable, a real C++ will appear externally identical to a regular C+. Even a well trained eye couldn't make a determination with any certainty until getting a good look at the internals.

It's my perception that most of the information about the C++ on forums such as this is flat out wrong. Bits of misinformation, like how "C++ gain is crazy high", or that "you can't get a clean clean after the mod", or how you'll need to "install a 2nd Vol 1 pot in the footswitch jack to make it a C++", spreads like a virus via pyramid parroting. At least zodiac272 was honest about not having first hand experience, though.

Having said all this, there are IICs and IIC+s out there with other (non-factory) mods which closely resemble what zodiac272 and others have described. Below is a link to an example of what many people are referring to when posting about C++s;

Below is another "footswitch-jack-modded" C+ sitting on top of a regular C+ (scroll down for the pic of the wood finished heads posted by Octavarius);

No idea what these modified C+s would actually sound like, but I'd be highly interested in taking a close gander and listen. And as for you, GuitarPlayer, let me clarify that I do not doubt the awesomeness of your amp. The mid boost you have there probably does sound quite good. And you may very well be the proud owner of 1 of only 12 existing legit C++s currently on the planet (12, so says Mike B), but you should know that your mid boost is not what makes your amp a C++. Whether you have a true C++ or a regular C+, an additional (non-factory) mod has been done to your amp to give it the mid boost feature.

Please excuse the long winded post. The internet is the world's encyclopedia for bullshit as well as knowledge. I'm just doing my part to tip the scales towards the latter.
I hear you man.. I love my c++ .. I asked richard duvall from mesa today what mods does John petrucci have on his c+ but he said they can't say.. I'm sending my c++ back to mesa next week cause capacitors went back and plus Im gonna have them put the chassis on a head shell :) I think the c+ is the best amp I have ever heard and so i dont mind making some improvements to it.. Ill never sell it.. I got really lucky to be able to find one mint, 100 watt simul-class with EQ c++.. I dont even like my mark V after I started playing with the c+
I have a c++ with a mid pot pull switch and a footswitch jack at the back to also switch it.
I think the 1 of 12 thing is a factory mod done to the amp during the manufacture of it.
every amp modded to c++ after this isn't switchable it is either a c+ or C++
I think it works great as a solo boost which I turn on with a footswitch.
JD said:
I think the 1 of 12 thing is a factory mod done to the amp during the manufacture of it.
every amp modded to c++ after this isn't switchable it is either a c+ or C++
What sources of information do you have that supports/confirms this? Or, are you the original owner of your amp? Just curious as to how you came to these conclusions.
100 watt simul-class? Nope! Never made. No such thing. I've been studying Mesa/Boogie amps for two years, and although I've only scratched the surface, there is no such thing as a 100 watt Mesa/Boogie Mark ll simul-class amplifier. That design was never, ever made. I myself prefer the 100/60 or a straight up 60 watt amp over the simul-class, but I'm in the minority when it comes to that. You may have "mis-heard" Mr. B., or possibly he "mis-spoke," politicians do it all the time. Rest assured comfortably, you do not have a 100 watt simul-class C++.
Markedman said:
100 watt simul-class? Nope! Never made. No such thing. I've been studying Mesa/Boogie amps for two years, and although I've only scratched the surface, there is no such thing as a 100 watt Mesa/Boogie Mark ll simul-class amplifier. That design was never, ever made. I myself prefer the 100/60 or a straight up 60 watt amp over the simul-class, but I'm in the minority when it comes to that. You may have "mis-heard" Mr. B., or possibly he "mis-spoke," politicians do it all the time. Rest assured comfortably, you do not have a 100 watt simul-class C++.
So if my amp in class A only puts out 15Watts I also think there's something wrong cause with the master on on 2 1/4 and lead on 3 its fucking loud master on 4 and my ears will ring. And those 75watts are way louder than the 90watts my Mark V was. And I prefer simul class cause the tone is much better to me. I can get the same exact Dream theater sound when I run 6l6 and el34 together and I'm not sure but because of what I hear I suspect that's how John Petrucci plays with his c+ ;-)
A few things....

The MKIIC+(++) are either 60w, 60/100w, or 75w Simul-Class. (or the Coli)

There were a few IIC++'s made (probably 5) that have a pull mid, which use a relay to switch between + and ++. This was done in development towards the MarkIII. Not all IIC++'s have the pull mid...and none of the ones modded later have the pull mid.
GuitarPlayer, always remember that watts doesn't equal volume. If you have a 90 watt amp and a 100 watt amp and run them with the volume knobs set at the same spot, you probably won't hear any difference in volume at all... Also, what AudioKill and Markedman said is correct, as Authorized Boogie pointed out. All Simul-Class Mark amps are 75 watts except for the Mark III Green Stripe and the Mark IV which are 85 watts Simul (and the Mark V of course which is 90 watts).
Regarding what you said about John's IIC+'s, I was also convinced for a long time that he played Simuls exclusively. However, I was a bit stoked when I saw this picture he uploaded when he was recording their last album in 2013.
It clearly isn't ideal, but you can see that the IIC+ amp sitting on top (which is the one he seems to be using as it's the only one that has its' output connected) has 100/60 R.M.S. written in the power switch at the back, and you can compare it with the Mark III sitting below that says Simul-Class/Class A. Maybe he always used Simuls before and now he decided to change a bit, but we'll never know.
Still, I don't doubt that you can nail that tone and many more with your IIC+ Simul, it's definitely one of the best amps (if not the best) ever made.
JP's C+ are 60/100 confirmed by Mesa. See you tube Mark V C+ -vs-real C+ JP Compares
JP uses No EQ for cleans
Simul-Class can run all 6L6 if desired..

all these years peeps where buying up Simul-class and they where 60/100's :lol:
Agustín Collia said:
GuitarPlayer, always remember that watts doesn't equal volume. If you have a 90 watt amp and a 100 watt amp and run them with the volume knobs set at the same spot, you probably won't hear any difference in volume at all... Also, what AudioKill and Markedman said is correct, as Authorized Boogie pointed out. All Simul-Class Mark amps are 75 watts except for the Mark III Green Stripe and the Mark IV which are 85 watts Simul (and the Mark V of course which is 90 watts).
Regarding what you said about John's IIC+'s, I was also convinced for a long time that he played Simuls exclusively. However, I was a bit stoked when I saw this picture he uploaded when he was recording their last album in 2013.
It clearly isn't ideal, but you can see that the IIC+ amp sitting on top (which is the one he seems to be using as it's the only one that has its' output connected) has 100/60 R.M.S. written in the power switch at the back, and you can compare it with the Mark III sitting below that says Simul-Class/Class A. Maybe he always used Simuls before and now he decided to change a bit, but we'll never know.
Still, I don't doubt that you can nail that tone and many more with your IIC+ Simul, it's definitely one of the best amps (if not the best) ever made.
Yeah man, I wouldnt trade my c's on any other amp in the world. Every time I play with it I have a blast.
Authorized Boogie said:
A few things....

The MKIIC+(++) are either 60w, 60/100w, or 75w Simul-Class. (or the Coli)

There were a few IIC++'s made (probably 5) that have a pull mid, which use a relay to switch between + and ++. This was done in development towards the MarkIII. Not all IIC++'s have the pull mid...and none of the ones modded later have the pull mid.
I guess I'm lucky I have 1 of the 5 built c++ with the mid push/ pull cause I would hate not to be able to switch :-/
Im about to send my 60w mark IIC for a c+ mod, so you don't think mike B. Could give the ++ mod with the relay under the mid pot?

The MKIIC+(++) are either 60w, 60/100w, or 75w Simul-Class. (or the Coli)

There were a few IIC++'s made (probably 5) that have a pull mid, which use a relay to switch between + and ++. This was done in development towards the MarkIII. Not all IIC++'s have the pull mid...and none of the ones modded later have the pull mid.[/quote]
On this link there is a photo of a Mesa Boogie Mark IIC+ 100W Simulclass w/ reverb :

Can this be wrong ?