Help my Dad with his life long dream

The Boogie Board

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Well-known member
Jun 3, 2007
Reaction score
Tempe, AZ
My Dad has entered a contest that would help him realize a life long dream, He has spent pretty much all of his life siging for our family outings weddings and funerals. With the passing of my grandfather one month ago. We have talked him to singing for himself and try this contest to sing for the flag dedication of the original Flag that flew at Fort Mchenry that Frances Scott Key wrote the National Anthem about. Please help me get his dream shot and view his video and score him high. Thank you for taking the time.

YouTube - Oh Say Can You Sing - Norm Carlson
Bumppity bump bump...

Please take 2 minutes to watch his whole video. Then take a moment to log into youtube, and rate his performance. (The more stars, the better) Thank you!

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