help me with my Mark please

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Active member
Nov 23, 2005
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I have a G-system for a couple of weeks and yesterday I got some cables to try the realay channell switching..

but there is a problem, when changing from lead channel to clean and playing at the same time, I hear a very loud POP, very LOUD!!!

Every other channel change is smooth, from clean to crunch or to lead or from crunch to clean, but not from lead to clean.. :(

I have to spop playing for a second to be able to swich back to clean and avoid that sound..

any advice?

i'll really apreciate any input
it might be the cable. which amp model is it? the mark iv has been known to have a loud squelch on occassion. mine pops when i engage the fx loop--this is especially bad if there's a delay involved. anyway, have you tried isolating the problem w/ regular footswitches?

good luck.
thank you for the reply,

the amp is a Mark IV

with the regular footswich there is no problem, the switching is really smooth.. i'll change cables to see if this is the problem, but its most propable will not, because when changing from rythm II to clean there is no POP, only when swithcing from lead to clean...

thank you again for the reply
I had similar issues with the GMajor latch switches (relays) and switching the Mark IV. I also read somewhere that Mesa did not recommend that method, maybe because there is the possibility of having two channels active at once. Not sure and I never talked to them about it.

I use the CFX with the custom Mark IV cable and it works beautiful (and works with my midi pedal.) I turned out to be a great buy for me.

I really like Mario's stuff. High quality, great service and very reasonable prices.
I read that same thing on the TC Electronics website. It may have something to do with the jacks being isolated from each other and not sharing the same Ground.

Try a single botton footwitch in the Clean Channel, & another in the Lead channel. Switch back and forth between the Channels to see if it is a problem with your G-System.

It may be that you have to change your programming:
Lead Channel - all Channel Switching Relays OPEN except the Lead Channel Relay
Clean Channel - all Channel Switching Relays OPEN except the Clean Channel Relay

Try this for all Channel switching functions. It should alleviate any chance of having 2 channels active at the same time.

Also, I had a similar problem with my Mark IV when I 1st got it. There was a Pop and a Volume Swell when switching between Rhythm I & II.

Mesa told me to set the Master Volumes closer together and the problem disappeared.

I have the G-Major, the CFX looks like a great deal. $200 with the cable.

Have you noticed any delay or gaps in sound when using the CFX?
I have had no issues.

I had one stupid problem (total user error)
I had the global input level on my GMajor set to use my expression pedal and the preset defaulted to 0, it then read my expression pedal and went to full volume. So everytime I switched to the lead setting I had a volume swell, drove me nuts. Anyway now that I configued it correctly it seems to work great.

It does seem that there is a slight delay changing presets on the GMajor, never figured that out. But the CFX works great.
I had that loud pop problem with the GMajor doing the switching. That is why I went else where to solve the problem. Plus I wanted to switch between the three channels. The CFX basically replaces the Mesa Mark IV switch functions with midi capabilities.

Mesa has recommended other relay switching units in the past and I used the relay switching on my GRX4 (another piece I got) and that seemed to work ok, I would talk to Mesa and see if there is anyway to get the G-System to work well with the Mark IV.

You would have to think something could be done.
Right on Tim,
Thanks for the info.

When I'm not faking guitar lines or fixing amps, I program Smart Homes for a living.

I have had similar problems with Lighting Control Systems and motorized shades.

The shades can only go in 1 direction at a time, but it is possible to tell the motor to go in both directions at the same time. This can result in all sorts of problems, from burnt motors to shades that simply change directions several times a second until the motor burns out.

This is why I suggested configuring the Relays so that only 1 Channel Switching Relay is on at a time. I would be willing to bet this will at least help with the situation.

Does the G-System have 2 or 4 jacks for the Relay Switching?

If it only has 2, then you might want to experiment with which Relay switches which Channel. It could be that sharing a Ground between these 2 channels is causing the Pop.
There are latching and non latching type switches. The Mark IV uses both. On the Mark IV rhy 1, rhy 2, lead, and ld-eq use nonlatching switches. The eq and loop are latching switches. If you don't use the Mesa footswich then you have to understand the difference in these switches and connect your aftermarket swiches properly for them to function. Once you do, all the rice crispies (snap,crackle,pop) will disappear. For instance I use the GCX as a midi controlled audio switcher. It allows you to select between latching and non latching switches for each of it's eight channels so that you can control each function depending on it's required type of switch.
This is an old thread I know, but has anyone ever solved this problem ?

I've just got my G-System set up with my Mark IV and I'm getting the pop going to R2 from either R1 or Lead. Don't get a pop switching to any other channel or switching EQ on.

Relay 1 is connected to R1 and R2 switch sockets while Relay 2 is connected to Lead and EQ.

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