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Mar 13, 2005
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I am stuck on channel 2; I can not switch channels; I have a three channel dual rect and on the footswitch only the solo and fx light up on the pedleboard; no clean and no modern makes for a very grumpy metalhead!

Yeah, that is what i was asking. Hmm. That is odd, never heard of that one yet. I really don't know from their other than a bad footswitch or cable connecting to it. Hopefully it is something small like that.
wow! less than a year old; waited nine months for it and my ten year old carvin half stack kicks its booty. $2700 for a single channel amp is well worth it!
you can switch manually on the back with the channel select knob. You probably have a faulty ftswitch cable or the ftswitch itself. Make sure you go through the manual and check everything to make sure you got it all connected correctly.
There's a know on the back that switches manually...if that works, then your problem is in the footswitch.
cotlod said:
I am stuck on channel 2; I can not switch channels; I have a three channel dual rect and on the footswitch only the solo and fx light up on the pedleboard; no clean and no modern makes for a very grumpy metalhead!


I would certainly eliminate the cable and the footswitch first as the problem . If that doesnt work call Mesa artist relations .