Help me! Mark III question, urgent!Thank you!

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Well-known member
Apr 19, 2005
Reaction score
Wellington,New Zealand
Hey guys:
I just saw a Mark III combo at my local site, I always want a Mark IV, but I haven't found one for two years, but Now, the chance seems close to me.

It is a Mark III combo,<a href="" target="_new">click</a>

Price and location looks is killer to me (No shipping and wait)

As a Solo50 owner, I'm now more looking for a hard and tight metal tone like Lamb-of-God tone, so I look further into Mark series.

So could any one help me if you know how does Mark III sounds like compare to Mark IV? Can I get what I want (hard and tight metal tone) from this little beast? Thank you and please help me!

Any help would be great, I really don't want it pass on to someone else!Cheers!!!
1st of all, wrong forum.

I think the MkIV would be more up your alley, especially since Mark Morton actually plays em, but why not try the MkIII and decide for yourself?
Technically, with the MK III being discontinued in 1998 he may have a loop hole to post here. IMHO, the MK IV is abrutal and crushing amp when set up properly. Unless you E-bay a MK III, the IV is much more accessible.
I run my 1993 MK IV through a Mesa 4FB 4X12 with 2000 Celestion V-30's and it will maim small animals at 20 feet with an unholy amount of drive, chunk and a brutal bottom end.

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