HELP! mark iv does not work with footswitch

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Active member
Apr 12, 2007
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my footswitch is not working.when i select "footswitch" on the knob the mark remains in "no mode"(no one channel is selected). what could be it?
A little more info such as: does the rotary knob work when used to select ch. 1, 2, or 3 ?
If so: try rotating it vigorously around a few times and see if that helps. Make sure the ft sw is properly plugged in and jiggle the rotary knob. What happened?
Does the ft sw itself light up when the rotary is positioned on "ft. sw"?
Make sure your ft sw cable has not been cut or damaged.

The rotary switches have been known to go south and sometimes a cleaning will help. If you've tried the above with no success a mesa repair shop should be your next stop.
the rotary works well,the amp works well without footswitch(with the rotary in every position but footswitch position). the footswitch does not light up for the channel selection(rh1 rh2 lead lead/eq)but works only for the last 2 switches(eq and loop).
Take a look at this thread where I was able to help pabloguitar fix his foot switch.

If you can follow directions like in this thread, have a volt/ohm meter and can use it or at least learn how to use it, and possibly be prepared to do some soldering I can help you. Otherwise it may be best to take it to a tech and have them fix it.