Help killing fizz

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Jun 7, 2007
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Hi all, I've got a solo 50 recto head, series two. I want a nice heavy guitar sound, Metallica meets me, but, no matter what I'd I can't get rid of the top end fizz. Turn the treble down, left with bass same with presence. Turn them up to get treble but just get fizz. Tonight I really want to throw it out the window n drive over it! Not impressed with it at all, any help would be appreciated! Cheers..... Tom
Where's the master volume set? Rectos are IME unavoidably fizzy at bedroom/living room volume, and turn into firebreathers at band volume.

If it's too fizzy for your tastes even at volume, some darker preamp tubes can definitely help.
Master vol up at 11 to 12, what make,brand, of darker tubes, would this kill the useful treble? Thanks for your input!
I have the same amp and same problem. Mine is so bad it's going to the shop tomorrow b/c I think something may be wrong. Even on my clean channel the guitar just seems lifeless and the picking notes are ice picky. The only way I can describe the sound on the clean channel is plastic-like if that makes sense. My amp also sounds more like AC/DC with my gain any lower than 3 o'clock but that also muds the tone. I'll let you know what happens.
The amps circuit was designed like that which is what I didn't like about the Single. No matter what I did with my Series 1, it still always had the fizz and the buzz. I tried using different cabs (Rectos,Marshalls,Peaveys,Orange, 2x12s) changing tubes, swapping guitars,adjusting pup height, etc. to at least tame it back a bit, but realized after spending a bunch of money that I was just trying to make the amp into something it wasn't.

I was on tour before I finally got rid of it and had it up against an older 2-channel Dual Rec. It smoked my Single Rec out of the water. That was the last hurrah for that amp.

If I was to recommend any Rec today, it would be the Roadster through a Port City OS 4X12 which I had the opportunity to hear live a bunch. Killer set-up if you know how to make it work.

Anyways, the moral is..if you don't like it now and you've done what you could to at least try and make it work, then maybe it's just not for you. Good luck!
You can try this:

-Raw mode; all values o'clock
-Bass 9~10
-Mids 11~12
-Treble 9~10
-Presence 8~8.30
-Gain 10~12


-Push with a good OD pedal and place an EQ pedal after it. Ajust sliders to taste and drop the treble side down a little.
-Add an EQ in the loop and adjust to taste. Bump up the treble side to add presence/sparkle iof it sounds a bit dark, reduce bass side if a little muddy, with one or both EQ's.

-With the OD pedal, play with the level and the gain. I've explained a lot here: and

Good luck.
It may not solve your problem entirely and it may not be the sound you're after, but you can experiment for little money with pedals bought 2nd hand.
TractorTom said:
Gains about 2 or 3 o clock, any less and the sound just goes, like Metallica to ac dc? Any ideas?

Are you sure this thing is working correct ? There is no way the gain above 12:00 or so should be mistaken for AC/DC ...
TractorTom said:
Master vol up at 11 to 12, what make,brand, of darker tubes, would this kill the useful treble? Thanks for your input!

I find JJs and JAN Phillips to be nice for darkening things slightly without throwing a blanket over your amp.
The amp all checks out, but yeah ac dc, anymore it's fizz. Time to sell it me thinks, but why would boogie design an amp to do fizzy, they cost a fortune here, there supposed to be a excellent amplifier manufacturer, if this deign is intentional then why?! We've got soda for fizz, and the best of it is you can't even get in touch with them online to ask for help. I will try the suggestions on here and thank you all for your time and help!! But really boogie come on, design re design, no just get it right!!!!!
TractorTom said:
The amp all checks out, but yeah ac dc, anymore it's fizz. Time to sell it me thinks, but why would boogie design an amp to do fizzy, they cost a fortune here, there supposed to be a excellent amplifier manufacturer, if this deign is intentional then why?! We've got soda for fizz, and the best of it is you can't even get in touch with them online to ask for help. I will try the suggestions on here and thank you all for your time and help!! But really boogie come on, design re design, no just get it right!!!!!

Adding to what I've already said--I think they should of just kept it at the Dual's and the Triple's without later releasing the Singles. The Duals and the Triples rely more on moving the power section (cranking the volume) to break that 'fizz' point, where as the Single Rec just can't quite get there without running out of headroom no matter what, the fizz is always gonna be there. IMHO, bad circuit design for something it can't really do.
Yeah I agree with you, but theres so many other 50 watt amps out there and work fine. It's not even a new technology, I think they've let the name and rep down. I'd consider getting a dual but no, this has left a bad taste. What I get now I don't know, I've had nothing but trouble with marshalls, had a Randall mts that was great but started crackling and the fan was so annoying. The quest begins again.
Boost it. Lower the gain to half or less and boost it. Simple.
Oh yeah, and put the output volume at half or higher and keep the channel volume low.
This is mine. No fizz.
If you plug straight in and use the modern modern mode then yeah, it's going to fizz at any volume short of full tilt. But it's pretty easy to get rid of. At least it was for me.
Also try boosting the Vintage mode with a half gain setting. That's my typical setup now.
I also find the amp likes my Eminence V12 Legends much more than V30's. So speaker selection is also a large factor.
TractorTom said:
Yeah I agree with you, but theres so many other 50 watt amps out there and work fine. It's not even a new technology, I think they've let the name and rep down. I'd consider getting a dual but no, this has left a bad taste. What I get now I don't know, I've had nothing but trouble with marshalls, had a Randall mts that was great but started crackling and the fan was so annoying. The quest begins again.

Other amps to consider:

-Carvin's new Legacy 3 or X100B reissue if you want something a bit Marshally or smoother. Carvin make good gear and great value.
-Peavey JSX (very versatile) or Ultra Plus....fluff191 did this
TractorTom said:
What I get now I don't know, I've had nothing but trouble with marshalls, had a Randall mts that was great but started crackling and the fan was so annoying. The quest begins again.

Mesa Mark Series, brother.

Super tight ( not saggy like a Rec),organic,killer smooth lead tones, crystal clear chimey cleans...all in ONE package. Plus, they aren't as finicky as Rec's with speakers either - so it makes things a bit easier.

Once folks go Mark Series, there's no turning back. :D
Some good replies and advice! I thank you all, and shall be experimenting during the week, and we'll see what happens.
Yeah the rectifier series in general is known for being inherently fizzy. Especially at low volume. It is an amp that appeals to a narrow field of players just like most amps. But Ill tell you man you dont know fizz until you plug into a 6505+. And you dont know super godlike fizz until you have played on a bugera 333xl. I love my mark V. Can it be fizzy? yes but so can any amp if dialed in wrong. But with its vast tone shaping atleast it can be taken out.
Well I've tried n tried, sometimes it seems like I've got rid off the fizz, but then it sounds odd, put graphic in the loop, pull out the fizz, but left with muffled type of sound, tried to put up treble n just gets harsh, arghhhhhhhhhhhhh lol :)