Help! Front Panel setting changes having NO effect!

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Nov 21, 2007
Reaction score
ann arbor, michigan
the world has crashed and burned.

I replaced my tubes and had two days of incredible sound. I mean seriously beautiful. Then today I turned it on and all the modes sounded like total crap, like every tube was shot or like my speakers had shredded. I re-seated the tubes and dropped the gain down and turned down the output and bypassed all the other boxes. Now I get a nice clean sound but none of the controls have any effect at all. Across the face, from preset to dynamic voice to mode, there is no discernible change in sound.

When I change preset, the numbers all change but the sound does not.

Does this sound like a ribbon issue?
Well, I shut it off for the night. now it's back to just sounding crappy, like it ate up my new tubes over the course of two days.

probably needs a trip to the shop, but I'm broker than the TA is...