Hear the Stiletto Ace! demo with mp3s inside

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Well-known member
Jun 5, 2006
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Boston, MA

Here's the latest demo of my band Black California's song `Rock Slut`.
Its not done but also not far from done if you know what I mean. I'll likely retrack the solo. I was burnt by the time we got to this part.

Tracked exclusively with the Ace for the dirty parts. This is basically all one take all with the same settings. Tite gain, knobs all around 11 oclock give or take a half hour.

As I've said before the Ace does lots of things well, this is one example of the tite gain channel dailed in for lots of mid crunch without too much low (fight with the bass) or too much high (fight with singer).

Without further chat...


another new song minus the solo - not tracked yet...

all Ace clean and dirty... except for the acoustic - duh!

That's fine, I'm not trolling for compliments. For these songs a degree of mid congestion is what I'm actually going for. The Duncan CC pups in my guitar really help create that sound as much as the amp.

Its funny there's no tone insult that can't be turned into a compliment - or the reverse depending on perspective.

Clear can be shrill.
Warm can be muddy.
Fat can be congested.

Its all expectation that you hear when people describe tone. I posted these clips to show that the Ace, like an older Marshall, does the mid heavy crunch. Some people won't like it, some will. It does other British tones too and I'll post those clips eventually as well. These are the songs I'm tracking now.

*edited for content*

sorry, I deleted my comments. They were not cool, and I felt bad.


First, many thanks to all of you who listened. Any feedback about the music is welcome.

I realize this may not be everyone's cup of tea tone - but please understand I'm EXPERIMENTING not trying to clone Zakk or Lamb of God or anything else. That said, its not perfect even to me, I rolled off the highs too much.

But that anyone would have anything to say that was so uncool it had to be deleted, even by their own choice, is a bit confusing and disconcerting.

This is an amp forum right? I'm looking for other musician's opinion on the tone of the guitar and just as importantly the whole mix of the band. I'm playing for the song, not just for other guitar players. I'm here also showing off a couple of the things the Ace does so people can see.

I think the solo tone on the first clip is much closer to my ideal than the tone on the verses and chorus parts but its a learning process I want to share. If people aren't into it I'll move on.

Happy 4th,

I think it would sound good live. It has cool crunch, but recorded, I think it lost its zest.

I know that "Dry" crunch your getting, it is a sweet sound.
Hey Paul,

First of all, thank you for having the brass cajones to put your music out there in front of a bunch of other musicians. I'm sure that you'll get opinions that range from one end of the spectrum to the other.

I think that you're right, you need to add a little in the highs from what I'm hearing on my cheap speakers. Maybe add a very slight amount of reverb to make the rhythm just a tiny hint wetter. As far as the mix, the drums and bass sound slightly thin to me. (That's only my opinion though, which automatically disqualifies me from being a renowned music critic.)

I do like the music overall and your vocalist puts it right out there. Thank you for allowing us to hear you! Have a Happy 4th!

It sounds like no one but you. It has it's own thing going on. Be proud that you dont sound like anyone else. Your singer is great, but she needs to re eq her tone. The vocals get swallowed by the guitar. Good song, good hook and with some PP EQ it could be perfect. Who is doing the final mixdown?
You can get that song sharp without having to recut it.
Hey, I'm diggin it man! Both of those tunes are really cool, I especially like the second one, it seems to be a better balanced mix. You guys have a really cool, unique sound going. Keep it up, I look forward to hearing more!
Thanks for all the feedback, I appreciate it. I'm going to reply to everybody in one big response...

I figure if I can get up and play these songs for a room full of strangers (and hopefully a few fans!) I can post here too.

None of the links here are done being mixed or mastered so your feedback really can make a difference. The stuff on myspace is done but it was recorded months ago with different equipment - except for the live track - which is basically the same sound live as the one you are hearing in the recent recordings - just goes to show how hard it is to get from live to studio without radical changes!

People really do like Autopsy its an eternal favorite at the shows. We get our `Black California Sabbath` on pretty hard for that one.

Yeah, I'm probably going to double track the guitar with the 2nd track being a different guitar and a different EQ setting. It is a smidge too dry but verb is really a tricky animal.

We don't have anyone mastering it yet, we want to see how close we can get it in the mix first.

Sue, our singer, is a first class belter and has a pitch sense thats pretty tough to beat, thats what we like about her. There's no room for shy in a lead singer either on mic or in person if you play rock!

I'm all for this becoming a clip friendly post - whether its live, home, or semi-pro, Ace or Recto. We can certainly all learn from each other.

I always have respect for anyone who can conceive of a musical idea, develop it and produce a finished piece. Congrats on that. I think the tone is another example of what a Boogie can do.

I too would prefer a bit more cut but that's just me.

Keep doing what you do.

Cool stuff, I bet that's brutal live... I get the feeling you lost a lot of top end sizzle in the recording process
Keep up to good work..Always nice to listen to someones tunes, and although different sounding than most this is what stands out to me with these recordings.

Well I don't have any new mp3s of equal quality but in the last couple months I've learned a lot more about dialing this amp in. The EQ is simple but very responsive. I've found the whole EQ shifts based on where the highs are. Thats no exaggeration in the manual. Somewhat ironically, turning the highs up almost to noon and the presence down more gave me an ever better sound and return some of the crispness people found lacking.

I've also gone to the EVH / '78 Duncan pup in the bridge and it is a better match for me. The CC's are GREAT pups don't get me wrong, they'll be moved into my #2 axe, but to me they are ideal for the second track if you are doubling. If you can only get one in live I prefer the '78. Thats for all you Alinco II folks out there anyway.

More than anything I love this amp. I cannot say enough good things about it. Been playing with the spongy / bold switch more too. Its amazing what it will do for leads if you want to cop that loose feel and ultra smooth feel without getting muddy.

Sounds pretty good, but i agree w/xscottx9. It seems like the power tubes are not working hard enough... :wink:

rock on...
I dug the clips. The tone reminded me of a lot of Rivera clips that I've heard. That's a good thing.

P.S. I think that singer has a very sexy voice.