Hardwood Extension Cabinet Question

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Well-known member
Sep 28, 2006
Reaction score
Caguas, Puerto Rico
Hello Folks;

Last night I was able to purchase the matching Imbuya 1x12 that originally came with my early 80's MkIIb. As I 've been told by the original owner, this extension cabinet was ordered at the same time the mkiib was ordered. He later sold the mkIIb but kept the ext. cabinet. 10 years later I finally convinced him to let go of the ext. cabinet. So now I have both. The question is; I noticed that the footprint of the ext. cab is slightly smaller than the mkiib. In other words, when I stack them together I can see that the combo is just a bit deeper and wider. Is this normal? It looks slightly off.

FYI my ext. cabinet is an open back with EV speaker and a flush-mount jack.

I appreciate your comments,
Wider should be normal (1/4" or so)

Next, assuming you're talking about a combo compared to the 1x12
Deeper..... that doesn't sound right.
Combo is about 11" deep (on the bottom) and a 1x12 is about 12" deep
Eye sight can be deceiving at 41.....Yep, I checked and the combo and the extension seem to be the same depth, but the combo is a little wider than the ext. cab. Now, the sound out of this mini half stack is so sweet. I'm glad I was finally able to get them together after all these years.
