Guitar Wireless

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Apr 8, 2009
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can anyone recommend a good one not thousands we're talking for places no bigger than 400 people odd for now but a good uhf complete system?
I had asked pretty much the same in another thread, back a couple months ago.....
While I have not bought one yet (had some unexpected expenses come up), I did a lot of research for MY price range ($300 - 400 + ) and basically came up with 2: Sennheiser G172 or AKG WMS 450, with a nod to the Sennheiser.

When I am ready, it will be one of these two (unless a newer, better model is out by then).

Hopefully someone that owns one of these can pipe in.....otherwise,
Good luck! :D
said it before... say it again - X2 is the way to go
I'm sure everyone and their mother will skewer me for saying this, but it's got to be said: wireless ruins your tone. Stick to regular old hard wired - your tone will thank you for it.
Danimal said:
I'm sure everyone and their mother will skewer me for saying this, but it's got to be said: wireless ruins your tone. Stick to regular old hard wired - your tone will thank you for it.

I USED to think that as well then I got the X2. I'm a believer in wireless now and I wouldn't use any other either.
Danimal said:
I'm sure everyone and their mother will skewer me for saying this, but it's got to be said: wireless ruins your tone. Stick to regular old hard wired - your tone will thank you for it.

Sorry, I fully respect your opinion, but can't agree. (No skewers required... :lol: )
While I totally admit there is some noticeable compression, "ruin" is hardly the word I'd use.
I have run tests, with witnesses, A-B'ing my late '90's Shure wireless to cables (Monster, BTW), and with distortion, no one could tell the difference. Clean is another matter as the comporession becomes more noticeable, esp. when rolling back the volume on the guitar. But otherwise, it's very, very difficult to tell the difference.

Maybe it's just my model Shure or I just happened to get an exceptional one, but, again it does not "ruin" my tone.
I could, however, see how a cheaper model may be another matter, but they are not worth buying in the first place, IMHO. 8)

And I do feel the advantages of a wireless (total freedom, no risk of electric shock due to shorts or ground fault issues, etc.) outweigh any of the negatives.

But of course, as we all know, to each his own.
Good luck! :D

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