guitar tube rack gear for bass

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Well-known member
Jun 29, 2006
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Are there any detrimental consequences for using tube rack gear designed for guitar to use with a bass and bass speakers?? I do have a separate bass rig but I'm always curious regarding tones :)
I currently have a recto pre and 2:90 and a Rocktron VP4.

Well I've run bass through various 'guitar' gear in the past with no detrimental effect (except for a small wattage ss power amp. It lasted a while before it blew...... hehe...... ). I just haven't done it with tube gear.
Nick_cor said:
uhhh yes. You'll blow the input because of the difference in impedances.

LOL...those damned impedances! I guess all those guys who use Fender Showmen for bass are just lucky, huh?

You won't hurt anything. Depending upon the voicing and gain structures, it might not *sound* good, but audio is audio.

Speakers are a different story, guitar cabs won't work well with bass, at least not at significant volume.
Yes, if I did try it; I'd be running it into my bass rig speakers. 4x10 & 1x15.

And I lean more towards the 'audio is audio' side of things. Cheers for the different opinions.
Nick_cor said:
yeah man, don't try it with an expensive boogie amp. You'll def regret it
I tried and I'm glad I did :D
Best sound I've ever had 8)

You do need a good bass preamp though, I'm not sure if the recto pre will give you a good bass tone...
I use an ART Nightbass with a Strategy 400 poweramp through a powerhouse 1000, 2 x 10 and a 1 x 15.
Thanks for the info FC. Maybe I'll try it with the 2101 I use atm. See the sound difference of the tubes.

cool. 8)