Guitar dead spot question

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Feb 3, 2007
Reaction score
I have a guitar that the first 5 frets on the high E string are dead. Ive raised the bridge and it went away, but I still would like the action low. The rest of the guitar plays perfect, its just those 5 notes that are dead. Does anyone know what might cause this? TIA.
Could be a few different things since we don't have full information. The truss rod could be too tight, did you change to lighter gauge strings? There could also be fret wear on those frets or even (unlikely) a twisted neck. I am a guitar tech so I can afford the luxury but every guitar I play gets a fret mill, crown and polish just to set a base line. The correct procedure for set up is: Frets, adjust truss rod, action at the bridge, action at the nut, intonation. By then your strings may be pretty tired. If you know a good tech, spend the money and get it set up properly. There can be a huge difference in the way the guitar plays, even less expensive guitars can usually be made to play very well. Hope this helps, good luck! :D
I'll offer some suggestions.
First, you could add a little neck relief by loosening the truss rod a bit.
Second, you might need to look at your frets; they may need a little grinding to level them out.

Well, 6V6 beat me to the punch!
Thanks a lot for the info guys. So the chances are it's not something too serious? I'll take it to a tech tomorrow to get a full setup, hopefully thatll take care of it.
ToneAddictJon said:
You could just need a new nut or raise the nut you have.

Action at the nut will affect the first fret only. He's got 5 in a row acting up, sounds like too tight on the truss rod. Been repairing guitars for 30+ years, used to walk 15 miles uphill in the snow both ways to get a fret file :D .