Guess which amps John Petrucci is using in this video??

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guitarmaster said:

This is the pedalbord shown in the video :

1-SKRYDSTRUP R&D custom power supply
1-BOSS Chromatic tuner TU2
1-SKRYDSTRUP R&D custom pedalboard power supply+buffer
1-Wah pedal (cry baby)
1-Volume pedal

(in the video he uses Power Pedal by Voodoo Labs)

3-Mesa Boogie Roadkings (not shown in the pictures)
2-Mesa Boogie Lonestars (not shown in the pictures)
2 2x12 Mesa cabinets (not shown in the pictures)
2 4x12 Mesa cabinet (not shown in the pictures)
1-Eventide DSP7000
2-TC Electronic M3000
1-Dunlop Cry Baby Custom Shop Rack Wah (newer version)
1-Mesa Boogie Power amp Rectifier Stereo 2:eek:ne hundred
1-TC Electronic 2290
1-DBX 266XL
1-Mesa Boogie Formula Pre-amp
1-Custom Mark Snyder interface (green unit)
1-DOD equalizer Sr-830
1-SKRYDSTRUP R&D MR9 Loop System
2-SKRYDSTRUP R&D Custom Rack System Interface
2-SKRYDSTRUP R&D Power center
1-SKRYDSTRUP R&D Custom amp switcher
1-MXR Phaser 90
1-Boss Tremolo Tr-2
1-Boss Distortion DS-1
1-Metal ZOne Mt-2
1-EVH Flanger
1-TC Electronic Stereo Chorus flanger

PS : In 2006 Petrucci had an endorsement with SKRYDSTRUP R&D

And with all this stuff ( 20000 US$ in equipment) his tone is not
awesome . This is not due to Road Kings.............Road kings alone sound better, but with "right" settings................
An incredible number of effects for nothing............and boss pedals :lol:,
this is the way to waste money and to have a weak tone..........

The video is taken from Young Guitar magazine (japanese magazine)

The rig you posted is the rig he used in the Score DVD, not in the youtube vid. The pedalboard looks similar though.

The green unit is a IIC+ preamp. "Homemade". Mark Snyder basically mounted two IIC+ preamp sections in the rack unit. The interface is the black one with the multipin in the pictures below.

This is the rig he used: (Roadking I's)


jdurso said:
he recorded 90% of the new album with a mark IIC+ and a mark iv.... used the RK sparingly

wrong, 95% of it was mark iv and lonestar used for cleans. He blended the iic+ and iv on "The Dark Eternal Night"
Well, not to try to argue...but...look at the "making of" video on the new album and you'll see him playing through MANY amps, one of them being a RK I. He did mainly use the Mark IV though. He's used combinations of Recto's and Mark's for years (at least since Awake) in the studio.
I am officially confused... I'm 99.9% certain he didn't even touch a Rec. for this album. I agree with VisualRocker69.

As a side note; I'd kill for that Pedalboard :eek:
I agree 100%, from everything I've read it was all Mark/Lonestar...that was until I seen the video and he had a rec sitting behind him.
Yeah, he has a recto sitting behind him while recording some power chords on Forsaken. But that´s the only time you see one on the making of video. But you can´t see if it´s turned on or not. So he might have used the recto a bit on that track. But the main rhythm track on that song sounds like a Mark IV to me.

On the Dark Eternal Night he seems to have used the IIC+ as a poweramp to the IV. You can see that both amps are turned on, but there´s no cord in the input of the C+, so it might have been connected to the fx return jack. Notice how piercing the highs are on that track, especially on the heavy riif at the end, probably due to the
more aggressive sounding poweramp of the C+.

Not sure if he used the IIC+ on any other tracks.

The LS was used for clean sounds, but also for the lead on Repentence.

Apart from that he used the Mark IV for all the other stuff.
See i have never had a major problem with the channel popping, with my three channel rec, and my two roadkings. I just cycled through first and never had an issue.

My sister in law knows his wife, she has her own band. I will see if she can get them over next time.

73h Nils said:
When we got to talk to him at G3 in Toronto, someone asked why he went back to the Mark IV and JP said partially it was because of the channel popping! :oops: Of course, the tonal difference was the major factor, but he did state he was annoyed with the channel switching noise.
ok to clear up a lot of misinfo here that is said with so much conviction though a lot of it is false. JP has had a big physical cahnge as well, his hair and muscles, so you can tell what stage his gear was based on that. that video which was on the original thread was his basic dream theater world tour rig, not hte skydtrud or whatever one. it was on the one that octavarius posted.

also he never used RK II. he always used RK I and it was only in one main touring rig. that rig is still in his home or wherever the storage is just the way it is. this came from him directly at a g3 meet and greet. he stopped using the RK because a) he wanted to change it up on their last album and one the G3 tour AND on the last legs of the octavarium tour and b) because he had problems with the channel switching and didnt want to bother with it because he was contemplating going back to the marks anyway.

BUT.... the mark iic+ has always seemed thin for him thus hes always blended (with DR/ MKIV) or boosted (fulltone, ds1m, etc.) the amp for leads and stuff so he found a great balance on the last of their octavarium tour aka the score tone. which was the NUNYA, which is a iic+ preamp going into the 2:100. it gave him the magic of the iiC+ with more power to play songs from latter albums whidh had RK on it.

while writing the new album he had all his amps there. mk iv, ii, rk, lone star, triaxis, and he ended up loving the mark iv the most during preproduction and everythign on the album except cleans (lone star) and repentance solo (lone star boosted) was a mark iv. some leads were a hybrid of the mark iv preamp and the iic+ power amp for ther huge tranny. every non clean tone had a mark iv in it. this has been said numerous times by him.

so in that tone he was uising his RK and lonestar rigs. he never mixed the nunya in with the RK at all. the nunya was seperatye though it did make an appearance in his late 90's and early 2000's touring rigs. thats where it got its nickname NUNYA because when people asked mark snyder what the hell it was he repsonded with its NUNYA business (none of your business) so as a joke everyone calls it the nunya.

and to clarify his latest rcords

six degrees - dual rectifier, MOSTLY IIC+, other amps mixed in here and there.

train of througt - 100% ROAD KING. even cleans. the lone star had not been released yet and he used the road king DRY no effects nothing. just a head and a cab and a back up stack in the studio. it was that simple. thats why it's is the dryest album of his. all effects were added during mixdown. and the solos only have a bit of delay and some reverb. it is a very stripped down bare bones heavy album.

octavarium - road king again for everythign except cleans and lone star for cleans. and his guitars had the D sonic for the record btu the title track was recorded with his older guitars.

suspended animation - same as train of thought. 100% road king dry dry dry all effects during mix

budokan - RK + LS

score - NUNYA + 2:100 (d sonic guitars + the BFR prototype with the gold plated virtual hot paf)

systematic chaos - my least fav DT album btu it was 100% mark iv (some mark iic+ preamp for leads) and lone star for cleans and all of repentance.

phew - so there it is. sorry for long post but there were so many statements in error i felt like it would help people who were confused. any one who is an avid JP fan can attest to almost anything i said as accurate as anyone except JP can tell you
^ Thanks 8) . I pity JP having to answer all these questions, haha. In Toronto, someone was like "What amp did you use to record 'The Glass Prison'?" and Petrucci stuttered and was like..." Umm...what album was that again??? Six Degrees??? When was that, '02? Oh, uh... yeah, Mark IIC+...Maybe...Yeah!" :lol:
Aramism said:
ok to clear up a lot of misinfo here that is said with so much conviction though a lot of it is false. JP has had a big physical cahnge as well, his hair and muscles, so you can tell what stage his gear was based on that. that video which was on the original thread was his basic dream theater world tour rig, not hte skydtrud or whatever one. it was on the one that octavarius posted.

also he never used RK II. he always used RK I and it was only in one main touring rig. that rig is still in his home or wherever the storage is just the way it is. this came from him directly at a g3 meet and greet. he stopped using the RK because a) he wanted to change it up on their last album and one the G3 tour AND on the last legs of the octavarium tour and b) because he had problems with the channel switching and didnt want to bother with it because he was contemplating going back to the marks anyway.

BUT.... the mark iic+ has always seemed thin for him thus hes always blended (with DR/ MKIV) or boosted (fulltone, ds1m, etc.) the amp for leads and stuff so he found a great balance on the last of their octavarium tour aka the score tone. which was the NUNYA, which is a iic+ preamp going into the 2:100. it gave him the magic of the iiC+ with more power to play songs from latter albums whidh had RK on it.

while writing the new album he had all his amps there. mk iv, ii, rk, lone star, triaxis, and he ended up loving the mark iv the most during preproduction and everythign on the album except cleans (lone star) and repentance solo (lone star boosted) was a mark iv. some leads were a hybrid of the mark iv preamp and the iic+ power amp for ther huge tranny. every non clean tone had a mark iv in it. this has been said numerous times by him.

so in that tone he was uising his RK and lonestar rigs. he never mixed the nunya in with the RK at all. the nunya was seperatye though it did make an appearance in his late 90's and early 2000's touring rigs. thats where it got its nickname NUNYA because when people asked mark snyder what the hell it was he repsonded with its NUNYA business (none of your business) so as a joke everyone calls it the nunya.

and to clarify his latest rcords

six degrees - dual rectifier, MOSTLY IIC+, other amps mixed in here and there.

train of througt - 100% ROAD KING. even cleans. the lone star had not been released yet and he used the road king DRY no effects nothing. just a head and a cab and a back up stack in the studio. it was that simple. thats why it's is the dryest album of his. all effects were added during mixdown. and the solos only have a bit of delay and some reverb. it is a very stripped down bare bones heavy album.

octavarium - road king again for everythign except cleans and lone star for cleans. and his guitars had the D sonic for the record btu the title track was recorded with his older guitars.

suspended animation - same as train of thought. 100% road king dry dry dry all effects during mix

budokan - RK + LS

score - NUNYA + 2:100 (d sonic guitars + the BFR prototype with the gold plated virtual hot paf)

systematic chaos - my least fav DT album btu it was 100% mark iv (some mark iic+ preamp for leads) and lone star for cleans and all of repentance.

phew - so there it is. sorry for long post but there were so many statements in error i felt like it would help people who were confused. any one who is an avid JP fan can attest to almost anything i said as accurate as anyone except JP can tell you

Wow! Great post. Are your fingers tired now?

I just have a couple of corrections.

Suspended Animation used the IIC+ on a few tracks. JP has mentioned this in interviews aswell. He started the recording with the IIC+, and began using the RK a few songs in. Damage Control for instance is almost completely the IIC+ and it can be heard on some of the other tracks aswell. But SA as a whole is mostly RK.

JP said in a recent interview that he used a Mark IV a bit on Octavarium aswell. I´ve never heard of this before, but the ending solo on the the song Octavarium sounds pretty mark-ish to me.
which interview is it that JP did suspended animation with a iic+

i dont remember exactly but i do know for a fact i've read a quote of him talking about how suspended animation was ALL road king.

damage control even sounds like a dry recto tone, not a smooth iic+ tone. he also said that in person at the g3 meet and greet that the iic+ hadn;t made an appearance neither on a studio album or a tour since the six degrees tour until he hybrid it up with the mark iv on systematic chaos.
by the way the wikipedia article is wrong about JP. keep in mind wikipedia is done by the public. it is not official info.

every article i've ever read points to JP using road kings soley on suspended animation. it even sounds like a rectifier
I dont´remember which interview it was. I think I read it somewhere on the net, but it might have been in a magazine. He said that he started the recording with the IIC+, but then he got the RK and used it on the rest of the album. It was not someone who posted his ideas of what was used on some forum. It was a real JP interview.

I´ve been following JP gear changes through the years and have a good understanding of what was used on each album and tour. That´s why I wanted to add what I read to your post (which was great by the way).

To my ears, the Damage control rhythm sounds very much like a Mark series amp. Very tight and more midrangey than the fatter, more spread out sound of the RK.
Even the lead tone on that song sounds a lot like my Mark III. Clearer and
more cutting than the more compressed recto leads.

I can definatly hear a difference between that track and some of the others were is sounds like a recto. There are some other tracks that sounds a lot like a IIC+ aswell.

Just to clarify, I own both a recto and a Mark III so I know what they sound and don´t sound like.

I´m not saying that you are wrong. just adding what I´ve read and what I hear on the album.
yeah i understand. i too own a road king and a mark iv and to me it seemed like more of a recto in vintage mode or something. def more smooth sounding. maybe its a mark who knows.

i just remember reading in a couple of articles that S.A. was done in his home studio with a road king.
jdurso said:
he recorded 90% of the new album with a mark IIC+ and a mark iv.... used the RK sparingly
pretty good,but you forgot to mention he ued his Lonestar Special..
Rich Brymer