Guess my V will need to go to the shop again.

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Well-known member
Jan 11, 2010
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I was playing loudly today--I hardly ever get to crank this amp--and heard a loud pop. After that, my amp worked, but the volume was minimal. I can hear all three channels, and they sound intact, but they are whisper quiet. (Channel 2 is the loudest, channel 3 is in the middle, and 1 is quietest.)

I tried swapping each preamp tube, one at a time. No fix.

I tried replacing all the power tubes. No fix.

The loop and reverb work.

I tried bypassing the preamp and plugging directly into the loop return. When doing this, the amp is normal volume. I could gig with it right now if I had an external preamp.

Hard bypassing the loop has no effect. Playing without a footswitch has no effect.

Hmmm. Any ideas? I suppose I'll just have to call MB on Monday. I'm getting irritated, though, as this doesn't appear to be a tube problem, and it's the second problem I've had in a year. I'm a stay-at-home hobbyist and this amp never moves. So, it shouldn't be having problems.
smd24fan said:
Sorry to hear about this. Please keep us informed as to what the problem is.


I have no useful advise beyond suggesting you retube the front half of the preamp if you have enough spare tubes just to see what happens.
eudaimonia02912 said:
I was playing loudly today--I hardly ever get to crank this amp--and heard a loud pop. After that, my amp worked, but the volume was minimal. I can hear all three channels, and they sound intact, but they are whisper quiet. (Channel 2 is the loudest, channel 3 is in the middle, and 1 is quietest.)

I tried swapping each preamp tube, one at a time. No fix.

I tried replacing all the power tubes. No fix.

The loop and reverb work.

I tried bypassing the preamp and plugging directly into the loop return. When doing this, the amp is normal volume. I could gig with it right now if I had an external preamp.

Hard bypassing the loop has no effect. Playing without a footswitch has no effect.

Hmmm. Any ideas? I suppose I'll just have to call MB on Monday. I'm getting irritated, though, as this doesn't appear to be a tube problem, and it's the second problem I've had in a year. I'm a stay-at-home hobbyist and this amp never moves. So, it shouldn't be having problems.

I had a similar problem in a local studio which had dodgy electrics. Mine did exactly this to me.. I phoned the shop and they thought that I might have blow a rectifier tube, but when I took it back to the shop, and all they did along with a cursory visual checking of the placement the tubes was take the fuse out and put it back again. It solved it, oddly.

I have no explanation for why that was, but that was what had happened, anyhow.
Have you done the same fuse thing? And if so, did it work..? Id be very keen to know.
Yes, I should have mentioned that I checked the fuse. My amp is always plugged into a power conditioner anyways.
Try Replacing the rectifier tube..I broke mine getting the footswitch out and experianced a similar problem...
I just tried replacing all the preamp tubes at once. Doesn't make a difference. Something must be messed up in the preamp. Ugh. I hope I don't have to go another month without this amp.
They told me to take it to the shop.

I have to say, I'm pretty irritated. It took a month to get it back last time. If that happens again, that means I'll have lost 2 out of 13 months with this thing in the shop. Not a good deal for $2100. Boogie may be friendly and have nice customer service, but I want an amp that doesn't break for no good reason.

Honestly, this is starting to make me think my next amp won't be a Boogie.

I think of Peavey as an inferior brand, but I've never had a Peavey break on me, and I actually took those out of the house.
boogieman60 said:
Did you try the rectifier tube?????

No. (I did try playing in channel 3 with the tube out, though, for a brief time.) The people at MB told me that won't make a difference. It's got to a be problem somewhere in the preamp before the loop return.
I have a similar problem. I never heard a "pop", but while playing at a pretty loud level the volume just dropped to a really low level. The sound of the amp was fine, I could still play my guitar, there was just barley any volume. Turning the volume knob did nothing. Switching channels did nothing. The next day the amp worked fine for about ten minutes then did the same thing. I disengaged the effects loop, changed settings for power, etc. and nothing would bring it out of this quiet state. The next day it worked fine for a few minutes and then went quite again, then volume back up, then quite. Back and forth. I swapped out power tubes and it made no difference. It is in the shop now, and the shop is having trouble duplicating my issue. So who knows. I'll post more if I find out anything.