GSP1101 to a Dual Rectifier

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Apr 2, 2010
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I just bought my first Mesa (Roadster) I absolutely love it, I have a GSP 1101, and a Controller II pedal that I'd like to be able to hook up to the full functionality of the amp... I'd like for the 1101 to talk to the Mesa and change channels for me with the push ( or stomp) of 1 button.. Like Patch #23 is on channel 1, but when I stomp on patch 25, it changes the amp to channel 3 or 4 etc... How does one go about doing this?? Also, I'm a huge Petrucci fan, so any help with building patches o tone settings would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks in advance!
Really?? Does anyone have a clue?? anyone? Bueler ?? Tell me I'm the only one in this boat- I'm trying to get a rack mount effect processor to change amp channels with the push of 1 button. Either thru a controller 2 or a Voodoo Lab ground control- just need to know the info before I purchase... Thanks again- Maybe it's just a holiday weekend, and no one is around to view my posts
I too have a GSP-1101/Control set up similar to yours...

I run 2 or 3 different rig setups (typical scatterbrain guitarist I am) depending on what I feel like doing,..but all done with 2 similar setups.

For both I use Axess Electronics controllers,..but the big catch on using this route now is,..Axess is no longer, which is really sad,.amazing products and Mario is all class too.

Anyway,...with the "rack" setup I'd run,..

GSP-1101 into the Axess "GRX4" box,..with an ADA MP-1 and a Mesa Studio Pre (used only for solo's) in the GRX's loops. Long story short,..I hit a patch on the Control 2,..Gsp-1101 sends the MIDI message to the GRX4 and tells it what loop to activate.

The same works for the other setup where I use (don't throw knives at me!!) a Peavey JSX 120 head and the GSP1101 only. Using the JSX tone(and all channels) with the GSP for effects or amp models depending on the patch chosen. To accomplish this though, I use the Axess "CFX4" box for amp channel switching. Mario made a proper cable to allow the GRX4 and the "footswitch input" on the JSX to allow the switching of the amp channels.

After typing this I realised this may be of little help,..but if you can get your hands on one of these they work fantastic and are bulletproof...

Hope this has been of "some" use?.....
Mr. Bungle
Thanks so much for getting back to me- It's been the longest weekend ever!! I was trying to get a hold of anyone, but it's the holiday weekend and everyone took off Thursday afternoon!! I found a Voodoo Labs GCX, and Ground Control Pro will work- I spoke with John Aycock for 25 mins, and he took the time to explain everything in (too much) detail !! Nothing like throwing $800 at the problem to make it go away!! There has to be a cheaper way to do it- I only play for myself, so it's not like I'm going to get anything back out of this little endeavor. He also told me about the demise of Axcess- I guess they copied VooDoo Labs from the beginning, but they're the only ones left apparently... I'll keep ya posted!! Wish me luck
well the digitech by itself can't do any changing of channels on your amp. It doesn't have any relays. I think you might be able to use an RJM amp gizmo along with the digitech. I'm definitely not a midi expert so you will probably need to get more info on setting it up properly.
Yup, Mesa turned me onto RJM Music, and the Gizmo and the mini Gizmo- They're both awesome little toys to play with- a must for everyone- and for $229 right now at Sweetwater, that's deal!! There's even a video of a Mini Gizmo plugged into a Mesa Roadster- Awesome! That's exactly what I needed! Thanks everyone- and go buy RJM stuff !!!!
i like using a RG-16 from RJM with my roadster. it changes channels and has midi so you can hook a midi controller to it and a rackmount effects unit like a G-major
You don't *need* the ground control, it would make life easy, but the GCX will do what you're asking with the C2. You'll have to set up the GSP1101 to send CC messages to the GCX for each midi preset, but it will do it.

I had a GCX with a JMP-1 along with a Dual Rec.

Now I use a GSP1101 & JMP-1 straight into a Mesa 50/50.

BTW I have a GCX for sale if you're interested.
Jong has found your answer. Not to bust your sale Jong but Jong is running his GSP1101 through a Mesa 50/50. Jong solved his problems, that is why his switcher is for sale. I ran Digitech 2101 Artist and 2120 through my Mesa 50/50's for years before buying a Triaxis and a Studio. The older Mesa 50/50's are on Ebay for $450-$500 all day. They are great sounding mated up with any pre amp processor. And most of all iron clad performance.