Greetings-New LSSer

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Well-known member
Jan 23, 2006
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Greetings to all, I'm new to the board, new to Mesas and old to everything else. :D This LSS is great, I'm planning a reunion gig with college band from early seventies and one of my old compadres is a pro with all the mikeing BS we need. I'm curious about the volume. I used a Dual Showman with 2 cabs(4 15 JBLs) back in the day. Breakup on the Mesa is way below that set up of course, would another cab add more clean headroom/volume?
Hi, and welcome!!

I'm not too up-on the LSS amps, but I can answer this....

(let me set this story up): I play with a Road King combo in my band, and we play pretty loud. We're actually in the middle of a 2 week stint at the same club and we had practice last night at the club. I don't like leaving my Road King at the clubs over-night, so I take it home every night. I didn't plan on cranking up too loud last night, so I just took my 30+ year old Fender Deluxe 22wt amp and my Vox Tonelab SE to practice......Well, our practice turned in to a "Paid practice" since there is a restaraunt in the same building as the club and everyone started wanting to hear the band. We ended up playing for about an hour and a half doing our "Best of" set list at full gig level and I was using my little 22wt Fender amp mic'd up thourhg the PA and it sounded GREAT!! I definately missed my RK, but I was impressed with my Deluxe's performance and now know I have a decent backup if my RK ever goes out (or when it goes in for the diode update later this week).

Not sure of the wattage on the LSS, isn't it 30wts?? That should get you by just fine, unless your used to a super loud stage volume.

Good luck with the gig, and have fun with your new toy!! Let us know how it went :wink:

EDIT: I did forget to mention that an extension cabinet will push more air, which will, in-turn, give you more volume and more head room on stage. But I guess what I was getting to is that the amp by itself should handle the gig with no problems.
Hello ol4t and welcome to the board, The short answer is that another cab will give you more volume and more clean head room. If you're being mic'ed, that will help. Depending on the stage volume of the rest of the band you may or may not need the mic, but it's reassuring that it's there. I'm not sure how big this gig is, but the LSS is louder than what it's 30 watts implies. My friend has one and I've seen him do leads with his at outdoor gigs. Enjoy.
Thanks for the replies. I can tell this amp is loud enough, but it seems to start "cooking" quicker. My old Fender roots are showing. It's more the clean volume that concerns. Maybe a small tube Fender with a A/B would do this better than another cab? Not much difference in cost.
You could always get a small (or big) Fender and run from the slave out of the LSS to either the input or FX return (depending on age) on the Fender amp. Or you could do the A/B/Y thing with it too... If it's gonna cost about the same for an extension cab or another amp, I'd get another amp too.
I run my LSS 1/12 combo with a 1x12 cab and find it to be plenty loud... even at the lower wattage settings...
I run my LSS 1/12 combo with a 1x12 cab and find it to be plenty loud... even at the lower wattage settings...

Yeah, same set up as my friend's. His 1x12 has a vintage 30. If you're looking at mic'ing you should still be able to have the clean head room. Either solution that Tele-jas or SabuJSE should work. If you're looking to add the the Fender 6L6 clean tone, then get the Fender, If you like your tone overall, then maybe the cab will do the job for ya. A cab will add more fullness and roundness to the tone that you already have, by not having an amp chassis in it. It also weighs less than another combo. So there are advantages to both ways. You may also want to check into lead times if you are buying a matching Mesa cab for your LSS. Depending on when the reunion happens, that may also play a part in your decision.
SabuJSE said:
I run my LSS 1/12 combo with a 1x12 cab and find it to be plenty loud... even at the lower wattage settings...
Would you say it breaks up later with the additional cab? I sure like the looks.
I haven't had a chance to open it up wide enough to where it would break up, if that helps :)
I was sooooo close to buying a LSS... The main concern for me was just that, the clean headroom.... I wanted the 2-12 version, but was still concerned.. I love the tone, both clean and dirty...Mic'd, I'm sure you're fine, but I guess I just need the stage volume to be higher before breakup.....
I run my mark III and EV/thieles at high master volumes, and get great spanky cleans, and crunch with R2....

I'd get a Fender and A/B/Y for sure... I know alot of guys who rely on a Hot Rod deluxe....
ax. 8)
Let me be clear - discussions about "headroom" give me a rash. It seems like people have different definitions.

I find the amp and cab to be plenty loud in Channel 1 without breakup. If you are playing a hockey arena, however, it may not be up to the task so you may have to mike it. :shock:
SabuJSE said:
Let me be clear - discussions about "headroom" give me a rash. It seems like people have different definitions.

I find the amp and cab to be plenty loud in Channel 1 without breakup. If you are playing a hockey arena, however, it may not be up to the task so you may have to mike it. :shock:
Okay, fair enough. The LSS is plenty loud, but at loud volumes it doesn't give me what I'm used to, not a bad thing, just different. I've got a used 65 twin reissue on the way. That ought to do it (with an AB/Y)!
Don't want to divert the topic too much, but I just want to jump in and say that you will have headroom for DAYS with that 65 Twin re-issue...
TPM said:
Don't want to divert the topic too much, but I just want to jump in and say that you will have headroom for DAYS with that 65 Twin re-issue...

Hate to say it, but nothign beats a Twin for clean headroom. Pure, LOUD clean tones that can rattle pictures off a wall (been there, done that).
TPM said:
Don't want to divert the topic too much, but I just want to jump in and say that you will have headroom for DAYS with that 65 Twin re-issue...
I know. The LSC was tempting because of the Twin-like headroom, I just liked the sound of the LSS more. Buying another Mesa cabinet would have been around $500 and I still need a tremolo. I've got a Loop-Master AB/Y, this rig ought to kick ***!
My LSS must be opening up of something because it sounds phenomenal to me these days - much more so then when I got the 1x12 in July and the cab in Novemeber.

It ages well :)
SabuJSE said:
My LSS must be opening up of something because it sounds phenomenal to me these days - much more so then when I got the 1x12 in July and the cab in Novemeber.

It ages well :)
The shop I bought mine had a 1x12, so I got to A/B. The thing is, it was a woody and I thought it was an icepick. They told me the cabinet made a big difference in the sound. :?:
I can share this with you about the LSS and the TRRI. I have had both.
LSS 1x12 not enough loud clean
TRRI 2x12 more than enough loud clean
Lonestar 2x12 nice blend of the two

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