Got the Dual Rec Parallel to Series Loop Mod.

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Ukalali Solo said:
....The Fx loop On/off switch no longer works....

**** it! You had my hopes up for doing this mod, but if the Fx switch no longer works, it will be useless to me. I only run my effects on cleans, and switch them as needed on the distortion channel, so that's not going to do the trick for me.

I even went out and bought a new soldering iron and supplies tonight so that I could do the mod tomorrow :cry: Oh well. Life goes on.
Yeah the FX Loop On/Off will be disabled. However, if you are dead set on going through with the mod, you could always get a loop pedal like the old Boss PSM, or the Line Selectors. There was someone selling a Radial Toneloop pedal in the 'Classified' section a week ago or so.
Ukalali Solo said:
Yeah the service wasn't great, but getting the mod done finally was all i cared about. There seems to be no significant tonal loss with the loop on/off. I tried putting my rack in the loop, then taking it out, and repeating a few times, so far there is no significant difference, I can actually now boost the amp a bit higher with the GMajor and the EQ (but i don't, not really worth doing). The Fx loop On/off switch no longer works, but the Solo switch does, i'm not sure if anything went differently between our mods but i gave them the same exact schems you had linked for me (thanks by the way). Let me know how your mod went. Also i was told that i will have no sound unless I have something in the loop or there's atleast a patch cable, lemme know if yours does that as well (not a big deal for me, as i always have something in there).

Yeah i'll make sure to upload them when i get to my personal computer this weekend. I think theres probably a few ways to go about doing this mod, hopefully the schems i have will help.

Don't worry about the schematic, I had Mesa send it to me. I wanted to make sure i had the correct one.

Thanks for your help
mikey383 said:
Ukalali Solo said:
....The Fx loop On/off switch no longer works....

**** it! You had my hopes up for doing this mod, but if the Fx switch no longer works, it will be useless to me. I only run my effects on cleans, and switch them as needed on the distortion channel, so that's not going to do the trick for me.

I even went out and bought a new soldering iron and supplies tonight so that I could do the mod tomorrow :cry: Oh well. Life goes on.

There is a pic of a mod you have to do to the bigfoot, and it is supposed to make the FX switch work again, but I am too chicken to cut traces in mine, so I am going to leave it. I will always have my EQ in the loop when I do my mod, so I don't care. When I switch it off, there is no change in my tone anyway, so why not just leave it on?
Zoomzilla said:
mikey383 said:
Ukalali Solo said:
....The Fx loop On/off switch no longer works....

**** it! You had my hopes up for doing this mod, but if the Fx switch no longer works, it will be useless to me. I only run my effects on cleans, and switch them as needed on the distortion channel, so that's not going to do the trick for me.

I even went out and bought a new soldering iron and supplies tonight so that I could do the mod tomorrow :cry: Oh well. Life goes on.

There is a pic of a mod you have to do to the bigfoot, and it is supposed to make the FX switch work again, but I am too chicken to cut traces in mine, so I am going to leave it. I will always have my EQ in the loop when I do my mod, so I don't care. When I switch it off, there is no change in my tone anyway, so why not just leave it on?

I have a 2 channel, so that won't work for me. I've been looking at the various mods, and I'm going to still try one of them, and if it doesn't work, I'll try the other.
ok so i got my head back and at first i couldnt get something without terrible tone color. THen i realized that even when you have the noisegate pushed off, the eq inside that buttom still works (for lack of better terms) so the eq was on and maxed out in every freq. haha. The thing is. I had to have the g major input and output volume knobs (on the left of the processor) all the way up to get some volume out of the dual rec. On red channel, i had my master at 12:00, output around 10:30, the fx loop send at around 11:00, and the g major input and ouput up all the way. How close are these settings compared to yours. With so many volumes theres so many different ways of achieveing final results and would like to just compare mine to yours. Also i noticed that when i would bypass the gmajor from on to off there would be a volume decrease, so i just had to set the presets at around -10db on the presetvolume section. Let me know bro. -ron
Ukalali, you should pull your chassis out and snap a pic of the underside of your amp by the send and return jacks so we can all see what your tech did. Maybe he did it differently which allows the solo button to work.
Weird, for me it was pretty much plug and play with my GMajor. I have the EQ bypassed on it, output and input almost all the way. My masters are about 7-8, and the fx send is at 12 oclock. When bypassing the GMajor by pressing the "Bypass All" I get a very minimal change, so i'm not sure whats going on. I would say your best bet is to start with just your amp and a patch cable in the effects loop, keep the send at 12oclock, and put all your channels to 12oclock. From there just add one component at a time and try to start with all the "default settings" (my output is usually -6db), from there just try and tweak so that your sound is almost the same w/ or w/o the GMajor. I wish i could be more clear, or more help, but with so many parameters possibly coloring your tone, i honestly cant be sure what it is. If you want; however, i will try this weekend to give you a full set of my settings for say 1 channel/patch that i know works well?

I will try and do that soon. I have to play a gig tonight, so i dont want to fiddle with it today; however, this weekend i will try to take a few pictures of the guts to see if that helps you guys out.
Well my idea of the mod was unsucessful, so I am going to have to start over. Argh! This should not be this difficult.
Zoomzilla said:
Well my idea of the mod was unsucessful, so I am going to have to start over. Argh! This should not be this difficult.

I think your best bet is to call up Mesa and let em know what you want to do. Then see if they can send you schematics for the mod. If you still want me to upload the schematics that were used on my mod (thanks tempest) i'd gladly upload it.
Ukalali Solo said:
Zoomzilla said:
Well my idea of the mod was unsucessful, so I am going to have to start over. Argh! This should not be this difficult.

I think your best bet is to call up Mesa and let em know what you want to do. Then see if they can send you schematics for the mod. If you still want me to upload the schematics that were used on my mod (thanks tempest) i'd gladly upload it.

I have the schematics from Mesa, but I am missing something. I tried to follow it the best I could, but it did not work, so I put it back the way I found it. If you have the opportunity, but only if it is not a hassle, a pic of your mod would be helpful. I can follow someone else's work, but I cannot seem to read a wiring diagram. I must be retarded! A pic would be all I would need to copy what your douchebag, I mean tech did.
ukalali solo. If you could do that for me man, that would be awesome (as far as writing your detailed settings for me. Just so i can get a ball park feel. And when you said your master was 7-8. was that 7-8 out of 10, or 7-8 o clock. haha.
oh god... the amp shop guitar parlor... what a hell hole. terrible service. i sent an esp to them to ahve a kahler trem installed. they kept telling me it would be done in 2 weeks, so i would call every two weeks... so after about 6 months she said stop calling and just pick up your guitar, we have customers who dont mind waiting. i didnt mind waiting, i minded being lied to about turn around time. so i took it somewhere else. they also charged me $60 to do a coil tap on my guitar (when i was stupid and afraid of electronics.)

then some of you may remmember i was the one who bought the really messed up tremoverb on ebay. i took it to them and the amp tech laughed at me and told me over and over that i got "fucked"... yeah... thats why i was there. so i got them to do an estimate (they were very reluctant) then i decided to have mesa repair my amp heh, and they kept their word about everything they said.

unfortunately it is one of the few few guitar/amp repair places down here, and sometimes i end up in ft lauderdale to get something done (like the trem on the esp) its too bad really... because they do decent work and they have a neat shop with a good used selection with some nice vintage stuff sometimes. but i stopped going there

their amp tech also compared my tremoverb to a B-52, it seemed strange but i havent tried one.

solo, where abouts do you live? i live in wellington and go to school in boca
Alrighty, I'll will try to get the pictures up by atleast tomorrow night, at the latest sunday night. But i will get them for yah! Are there any specific parts you want me to focus on? I will try to be as thorough as possible. I will also post my schematics anyways so you have a reference point of the work the tech did and the schematic.

Yeah it was 7-8 o clock. I will try and get all the settings down tomorrow or so and then post it here.

Commander Cool:
Haha, yeah that would be the shop. I used to browse the shop all the time because they had some pretty unique stuff (compared to George's Music and Guitar Center...) but this was my first dealing with them really. They really don't know how to treat the customer, and if it weren't for my bass in consignment there, I would have said something.
Their amp tech is...either really lonely, or extremely eccentric, once you get him talking, theres no shutting him up. Somehow a conversation on an amp once turned into him talking about the government's corrupt policies (crazy).
I actually live in Gainesville, FL now because i'm going up to school here, but i used to live in West Lake Worth and went to high school at Suncoast High.
Ukalali, I appreciate the pics man! I would think that the pics need to be focused on the send and return jack area. Everything they did should be in that area. I put mine back to factory settings because my original job did not work, so it's not a huge hurry. I have a useable amp right now, so I am not sitting here waiting on you. When you have the time, go ahead and snap some pics, but don't go out of your way.
Dude, I just graduated from UF in December. I had all these **** amps up there with hardly a place to let 'em loose and nobody from the board to jam with. And now's when you guys go to Gville! I was able to jam with Dave (Clutch71) a couple of times on some business trips he did. Not sure when he or I will be back in UF though...
UF. Chances are I know you or your brother haha. I've had that happen on other forums.

Haha, yeah man i've been up here for almost 2 years now. Finding places to jam out here are pretty tough though, we have to rent out a warehouse space like 20min outside of town to practice with our band...even then we get hassled by the cops occasionally.
As Promised Here are the posts for you guys:

Here is the best I could do. I do know that the tech did remove a few components (these little 3 pronged things) instead of cutting some wires, which is where the difference may lie.

Here are the schematics he used:

Here are the settings (I hope I didn't forget anything):
Dual Rectifier Orange Channel (Everything listed is O' Clock)
Master OJ Channel: 10
Presence: 1
Bass: 12
Mid: 10
Treb: 1
Gain: 3
Fx Send: 12

Input/Outputs are almost all the way.
Preset Outlv: -6 db
Global In/Out: 0db

This is just a generic channel with no effects or anything else fancy on.

Hope this all helps guys,

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