Got the Dual Rec Parallel to Series Loop Mod.

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Ukalali. I see what they did. I am not sure what they did with the wires from the pot though, but at leats it gives me an idea as to what they did. Thanks for the pic!!! It definitely helps me out. I guess the either removed them or taped them off and shoved them under the board, but I can follow the traces and see exactly what they did.

So the sound is way better? This is an easier mod than I thought. It makes sense, they basically removed the mix out of the scenario.

After looking at your board vs. mine. Your is a little different. I would imagine it would work the same. Do you have a 3 channel DR? If I look at my board vs. yours, I have a yellow capacitor above the area that they did the 2 jumpers. You do not have the same one. I don't know what it does, but it looks like the basic wiring is the same. I may give it a whirl. I need to get some smaller wires though. I don't have any small guage wires. I had to cut some strands from the wires I used to make it work.
Zoom. Yeah from what I understood, they took the components off, I tried to take pictures of the actual pot but couldn't get under there well enough to get a clear shot.

The mod doesn't make the amp "sound better," it just makes effects units and EQs or anything else you would throw in the loop a lot more usable.

Yeah mine is a 2003 3 Ch DR.
Ukalali Solo said:
Zoom. Yeah from what I understood, they took the components off, I tried to take pictures of the actual pot but couldn't get under there well enough to get a clear shot.

The mod doesn't make the amp "sound better," it just makes effects units and EQs or anything else you would throw in the loop a lot more usable.

Yeah mine is a 2003 3 Ch DR.

Ok, so they just removed the mix pot. I get it now. I will probably leave mine on and just tape off the wires. I may be able to put the jumpers in without lifting the board, so i will go that route.

Oh, one more question. I cannot tell from the picture, but it looks like you have 3 jumpers. the two of them are right next to each other and the third is where the mix pot wires used to be. Is that in fact a jumper if you can recall? If looks like the wire is flattened, so it's hard to tell, but i just wanted to make sure that is in fact a jumper. If it is, this mod is totally easy. It will take all of 20 minutes to do it.
Ok, I finished my mod. It works like a champ. It's series now because it will not work unless I have a something in the loop like an effect or patch cable, plus my solo button still does work. The FX switch on the pedal does not work like expected. A million thanks Ukalali solo. Your pic really helped me out, I was clueless before!!! After reviewing the pics the jumpers may cause some confusion. Yes I suck at making jumpers. But they really do go inbetween the left and right pads.

I have made a little "How to". If anyone wants to know how to do it, look at my pics.

I don't know how to post pics in here, so I will just include links.
does this mod work the same with the 3 channel triple rec or do they have a different mod? and how would i remove the 3 prong things? with a desoldering tool? and last did u solder the jumpers into place cause i cant tell by the pics, i dont see solder? dont look like any soldering job i have done ,like real messy.

sorry for the dumb questions but i realy am new to this stuff
stoned_gods said:
does this mod work the same with the 3 channel triple rec or do they have a different mod? and how would i remove the 3 prong things? with a desoldering tool? and last did u solder the jumpers into place cause i cant tell by the pics, i dont see solder? dont look like any soldering job i have done ,like real messy.

sorry for the dumb questions but i realy am new to this stuff

Hey, I'm pretty sure that the 3 channel triple rec can have this mod done as well. I can't imagine that the preamp section of the triple is THAT much different than the 3 channel dual rec, but then I may be wrong.
Not to sound condescending, but it doesn't sound like you are that confident in your electronic's work. Personally I am in the same boat, I know basic circuit stuff, and how to solder, but last thing I wanted to do was potentially ruin my amp by trying to do this mod myself. I would recommend that you call up Mesa/Boogie and ask them for schematics for a Parallel loop to Series loop mod for a 3 Channel Triple Rectifier, and also for your nearest Mesa/Boogie Repair center. Bench rates seem to go for about ~$50-75 an hour, and I was charged ~$70 for my mod. I was very willing to pay this because i thought if i tried doing this at home and MESSED UP, i'd be forking over a lot more cash to sent it to get repaired. Just my advice.

stoned_gods said:
does this mod work the same with the 3 channel triple rec or do they have a different mod? and how would i remove the 3 prong things? with a desoldering tool? and last did u solder the jumpers into place cause i cant tell by the pics, i dont see solder? dont look like any soldering job i have done ,like real messy.

sorry for the dumb questions but i realy am new to this stuff

Well if you do not feel comfortable soldering, you should not attempt it. Its pretty easy, but I know how to solder well, so for me it would be easy. I would recommend a 30 or 40 watt pencil iron. Once the iron is hot, all you do is touch the tip of the iron to the solder joint and pull the wires out, then do the same for the resistors (3 prong thingies). You will have to loosen the board, you just remove the nuts on the input and output jacks on the back, then the board slides into the amp and you can tip it up. I put my iron through the holes in the back of the amp to reach the solder points. Putting in the jumpers is easy if you have the right jumpers. I could not find any premade ones, so I had to make them. It can be a bit tricky with home made ones, but anyway, you heat up the solder in the hole you want to put the wire in. You do this from the back, then push the wire into the hole and you are done. You don't have to remove the pre-existing solder. The CORRECT way would be to desolder all the holes, put the wires in then solder them down. But I did it the quick way.
Ukalali Solo said:
As Promised Here are the posts for you guys:

Here is the best I could do. I do know that the tech did remove a few components (these little 3 pronged things) instead of cutting some wires, which is where the difference may lie.

Here are the schematics he used:


Zoomzilla said:
Ok, I finished my mod. It works like a champ. It's series now because it will not work unless I have a something in the loop like an effect or patch cable, plus my solo button still does work. The FX switch on the pedal does not work like expected. A million thanks Ukalali solo. Your pic really helped me out, I was clueless before!!! After reviewing the pics the jumpers may cause some confusion. Yes I suck at making jumpers. But they really do go inbetween the left and right pads.

I have made a little "How to". If anyone wants to know how to do it, look at my pics.

I don't know how to post pics in here, so I will just include links.

Thanks for the pics and info guys, i did this mod myself a while ago and didn't remove the FET's. i wasn't happy with it at all. but now i'm goin to try it again, hopefully with better results.
I know that this is an old post but just got a Dual Rec and I want to mod the FX. I also presently have a Single Rec that I modified the FX and couldn't be happier.... That was easy! The question that I have about the Dual Rec FX mod is that the 3 gray wires that are disconnected from the board.

In one of the after images(Zoomzilla) they are still present

In the other after image (Ukalali Solo) they are gone.

What should be done with these wires? Cap them with heat shrink?

