Got my IIC+ back from Mesa! Pictures!

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Well-known member
Sep 17, 2010
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Jacksonville, Fl
So after for what seemed like eternity (2 weeks, 6 days) - I got my C+ back from Mesa!

A little history on the amp and old pictures from roughly a year before I bought it can be found

Originally a Mark IIB with GEQ/Export Tranny - it was converted to a C+ and Simul-Class added in 1987. Sometime during that period the tranny was replaced.

I had the amp for roughly 6 months, I started having some issues.. I had severe microphonic noise coming from the power tubes, I noticed the thing was running wayyyy too hot, I had my V3 preamp tube go out, and just overall loss of sound quality. So it was time to go to Mesa.

I spoke with Rich, who quoted me the typical $175-250, and got it shipped out... 10 days later I got a call from Mike B., we talked options for the amp and repairs it needed.. my estimate went to $320, followed by another call the next day, with more work needed, taking it to a total of $436.70, $213.70 for parts, $200 for labor, $23 for shipping...

As for what was done to it, here goes...

Replaced filter caps, EQ sliders, upgraded the power tube sockets to porcelain sockets, clean up and rewire of main supply board, clean and services pots and pull jacks, rewired most pull pots on front, replaced 3 resistors, removed excess wiring from export tranny, replaced all power tubes, replaced power cable, added power cable socket, rebiased amp.

So basically.. after I changed out the preamp tubes (with Dougs Tubes preamp cocktail).. I have a brand new amp!

Now for the pictures (check out the old pictures to see how nice it looks after coming back from Mesa)









New sockets and power tubes!


New power cable, socket, refreshed "MB" initials, newly added "+"


Sitting in my awesome GTS shell.



Sitting with baby brother.


Replacement parts list!

I can't tell you guys how stoked I am to have the amp back in this shape, it took me forever to get a IIC+, and though it's not factory, it's my baby!

Sorry for huge post, it's like Christmas for me!
Congrats, man! It looks as good as new! Must be an awesome feeling! I think some sound clips are in order. :D
Neptical said:
Congrats, man! It looks as good as new! Must be an awesome feeling! I think some sound clips are in order. :D

Thanks! It looks like it's brand new.. After all the work Mike B. did on it, it's pretty **** close to new condition... Can't say enough good things about Mike B... though everybody already knows he is awesome.. and clips are coming.. going to do my IIC+ vs. V side by side this weekend!
It's a pretty noticable improvement... EQ seems to be much better and responsive, and the muddy sound I had during the last week or so before I sent it in is gone, and it's super quiet now... I had some issues with UPS, and didn't get it home until about 9pm last night, after loading in the preamp tubes, and taking pics and stuff, I didn't have a whole lot of tweak time, as I crashed to get some sleep in before work this morning... I'm going to crank it up when I get home and then hopefully within the next week get some good clips recorded.
OMG guys... i just got the IIC+ dialed in... I've never heard something sound so good.... I'm saving my settings right now, just in case I ever lose them or change things around too much... I know the IIC+ can be used for more than metal.. but I play aggressive punk (think your favorite mid 90s punk band meeting Slayer, but no screaming) just fast, aggressive music... so that tone is what I go for... My first Mark was a Mark V, I got it because I wanted the IIC+ sound, and then I sold it, and bought my C+... and at the time, the C+ wasn't cutting it, and I actually almost sold it... I ended up with a Roadster, hated it, and traded for another Mark V.. then sent my head in... and for the longest time, I thought my V sounded better... nope.. not anymore... this thing just smokes.... No offense to the Mark V.. but I won't be using the V in IIC+ mode anymore... I do love the IV mode though... when I'm in the studio in November, I'm going to do one track with my IIC+ and my overdubs with my V in IV mode I think... I think it'll sound great.... ok, rambling is over... I gotta go take a cold shower now, this thing made me tingle in all the right places... it just took cranking it up a bit.
Its completely redone amp, Mike did a great job. I can imagine his face when he received it ( :?: :idea: :!: :!: ) :lol:

Anyways, i would order some replacement front knobs so noone confuses it for a IIB :twisted: , but other than that, the amp should sound just like any other DRG (that tranny is pretty good, and should sound close to PT100).

Keep it for long time man and dont allow GAS make you sell it. Now thats restored and serviced it should last for 20yrs before next service is needed.
adonixx said:
Its completely redone amp, Mike did a great job. I can imagine his face when he received it ( :?: :idea: :!: :!: ) :lol:

Anyways, i would order some replacement front knobs so noone confuses it for a IIB :twisted: , but other than that, the amp should sound just like any other DRG (that tranny is pretty good, and should sound close to PT100).

Keep it for long time man and dont allow GAS make you sell it. Now thats restored and serviced it should last for 20yrs before next service is needed.

Yea, Mike called me at first and was like.. so... here's the thing... and then I just couldn't not get everything fixed... I mean it was there, go big or go home... It sounds freakin' incredible.. and is a total night and day difference than it was before it went in.. like I almost gave up on it and sold it... because it just wasn't sounding like I know it should sound... but now it sounds just amazing...

I thought I had my Mark V dialed in pretty close to it, and I did, before it went in... now, comparing it... well, it's night and day.. I'm still going to do a side by side, and try to dial it in close, because there is still a place in my rig for the Mark V...
That thing was a screamer for sure... I miss it.. it's a shame I didnt really ever use it... just found my comfort zone with the Mark V... Mark V is actually the only Mesa amp left in my rig..