Got A Studio Pre: Tube Advice ?

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Oct 12, 2007
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Hi Guys

Got a real nice studio pre and need some tube advice for the clean channel. It came with Mesa tubes, V1 had a rubber band around it?

I play pedal steel and my Franklin guitar has old Bill Lawrence 705 pickups which are very hot and bright. I'd like to smooth the top/ upper mids out a bit if I could. Do I need to change V1 & V2 for just the clean channel tone? Looking at NOS 5751's, and reissue Tung-Sol or Mullard 12ax7's.

Appreciate any advice
Not sure about how the tubes are used for the rhythm vs. lead modes in that preamp, but I can tell you that I have Tung-Sols in V1 and V2 of my Studio Pre and I get wonderful clean tones. I believe I have my volume set at around 4 or 5 with the treble up around 7, mids around 4, and bass around 1, and I am able to get pristine cleans (I don't like dirt in my cleans) and a big lead sound without even using the graphic EQ. The pickups I use are not particularly hot though. If you go with the Tung-Sols and you don't need such a huge tone from the lead channel, you should probably be fine with your pickups if you keep the volume and treble down.

I think either way you go you'll be fine; the Studio Pre is a wonderful piece of gear that I think would sound great with almost any decent tube.

What did the Tung-Sols replace and was it a big difference in tone? I actually like a "fat" clean sound, not OD or distortion and am getting that with the Volume on 7.



Whoopysnorp said:
Not sure about how the tubes are used for the rhythm vs. lead modes in that preamp, but I can tell you that I have Tung-Sols in V1 and V2 of my Studio Pre and I get wonderful clean tones. I believe I have my volume set at around 4 or 5 with the treble up around 7, mids around 4, and bass around 1, and I am able to get pristine cleans (I don't like dirt in my cleans) and a big lead sound without even using the graphic EQ. The pickups I use are not particularly hot though. If you go with the Tung-Sols and you don't need such a huge tone from the lead channel, you should probably be fine with your pickups if you keep the volume and treble down.

I think either way you go you'll be fine; the Studio Pre is a wonderful piece of gear that I think would sound great with almost any decent tube.
steelgtr said:

What did the Tung-Sols replace and was it a big difference in tone? I actually like a "fat" clean sound, not OD or distortion and am getting that with the Volume on 7.



The ones I had in there before were EH. The change was fairly subtle but I found I had better definition afterwards.
I can recommend you RFT new old stock tunes.
I am using them and they are much better sounding than JJ`s, Sovteks, etc. They sound really subtle on cleans, have lots of gain and, what is most important for me, they have sound great balanced in all freuences.