got a dual rec!!!!!! but the clean sucks..........

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May 19, 2008
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Yeah, I picked up a dual rec yesterday and it the very best overdrive ever.... but the clean has to be one of the worst sounds I've ever heard... any suggestions on how to make it a little better? I've heard the dual recs cleans suck since I started shopping.

Also... I bought it used, any way I can check what year it is?
There are other parts to the equation then stating that the clean simply sucks

Guitar and pickups
Tone/gain/volume settings
Expected volume before breakup
loop settings

I got pretty good cleans out of a 2 ch, 3 ch, and roadking amps so how about divulging a little more information in your setup.

The cleans out of the box are not good on a dual rec. However if you throw an EQ in the loop, you can get some REALLY REALLY nice cleans. Fender type cleans. I have a 10 band in the EQ I use for Channel 2 and 3, but I need to get another one to use on channel 1.
Yes, Rectifier cleans suck; this isn't news ;)
I used to think the cleans were ok, until I heard what a decent clean sounds like. Unfortunately if clean is important to you, you bought the wrong amp. If you only use it every now and then, it's no big deal.
stadidas said:
Yes, Rectifier cleans suck; this isn't news ;)
I used to think the cleans were ok, until I heard what a decent clean sounds like. Unfortunately if clean is important to you, you bought the wrong amp. If you only use it every now and then, it's no big deal.

are there any places the do good mods for the cleans?
stadidas said:
Yes, Rectifier cleans suck; this isn't news ;)
I used to think the cleans were ok, until I heard what a decent clean sounds like. Unfortunately if clean is important to you, you bought the wrong amp. If you only use it every now and then, it's no big deal.

I don't agree with that at all. I love the cleans on my Triple. I didn't at first though.

After changing out all my preamp tubes to get a better distortion tone, I noticed my cleans were starting to get really good. At the same time, I was also messing around with EQs. I don't have it set up for bright, chimey cleans like a Fender might have. It's more of a very smooth, deep tone that I really like.

If I take the EQ out of the loop and out of the picture, the cleans are brighter, but they don't sound too great to my ears. I guess the bottom line is try out an EQ and know that a good clean sound is there.
The MXR108 10 band EQ has a sample setting for cleans, it sound pretty **** good using those settings.
I like the cleans on my single rec. how different are the preamps?.

turn up the channel volume on full, scoop the mids some, turn up the trebble and presence. depends on your guitar too. In fact EVERYTHING DEPENDS ON YOUR GUITAR. some guitars just have good cleans some dont.
coppa said:
I like the cleans on my single rec. how different are the preamps?.

turn up the channel volume on full, scoop the mids some, turn up the trebble and presence. depends on your guitar too. In fact EVERYTHING DEPENDS ON YOUR GUITAR. some guitars just have good cleans some dont.

Do you have a series 1 or 2 single? I'm not sure the differences in preamps, but I've heard the series 2 singles have great clean tone.

I have a lower end Gibson SG, and no the cleans aren't amazing, but I used to play a Marshall DSL100 and I had no complaints with my clean.

I am really thinking about a mod tho........
The recto clean doesnt please everyone, I have no problems with mine. What I do is put an eq in the loop, keep the gain down, and keep the channel volume around 1oclockish (depending on your other volume settings), switch to the neck pickup and roll off sum volume on the guitar. I'm runnin an EMG 60 in the neck and it sounds pretty sweet to me. so if you have a less aggressive pickup or even a passive pickup you should have better luck than me :lol:
To each their own, but I think the cleans on my RoV combo are just fine. It can sound bad with certain settings, but just stay away from those settings. haha. Your guitar and more specifically your pickups have alot to do with your clean tone for sure...
after the usual eq adjustments, and possibly an external eq, you can try a Sonic Stomp (for clarity and sparkle, it works very well on clean channels), or a clean boost if your problem is it's breaking up too early. I had the same DR clean issues too.
disassembled said:
There are other parts to the equation then stating that the clean simply sucks

Guitar and pickups
Tone/gain/volume settings
Expected volume before breakup
loop settings

I got pretty good cleans out of a 2 ch, 3 ch, and roadking amps so how about divulging a little more information in your setup.


you havn't provided any of these info yet. And most importantly what is the ideal clean to you? If you don'tknow what you're going for, no mods or setting can get you there.
MusicManJP6 said:
Your guitar and more specifically your pickups have alot to do with your clean tone for sure...

good point. a pickup that excels in distorted tones might sound poor to passable when used for cleans. and a PAF, vintage style pickup might not have the oomph and thickness for modern high gain players.
lyman said:
MusicManJP6 said:
Your guitar and more specifically your pickups have alot to do with your clean tone for sure...

good point. a pickup that excels in distorted tones might sound poor to passable when used for cleans. and a PAF, vintage style pickup might not have the oomph and thickness for modern high gain players.

I find the clean sounds from my 95 Dual Rec to be quite versatile. Dual Rec's have very complex and touchy EQ sweeps. They require way more tweaking than most amps, but it can do a lot if you also have the right pick ups. You're not going to get great clean tones with an EMG 81. But trying a hum bucker pick up that can be split (single coil) really helps. My Ibanez SZ has a Drop Sonic pickup in the bridge and the stock hum bucker in the neck. When I split the two hum bucker's I get a really nice strat style clean tone. As I said you really need to sit and tweak the amp for a while to dial in the desired tone but patience is needed.