Gibson Les Paul Suggestion

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That finish might be softer than poly but it's infinitely easier to fix. All it takes is a little drop fill and you're in business. Yet another reason that nitro rules.
i have been playing LPs for a little while ... i personally have found more Customs that I liked than any other model - and the 58/59 VOS was better to me than the 60. Local GC has a beautiful 60 used for 1600. Standards were nice - new ones are chambered ?? I'll take my body intact please.

my current only LP is the 74 Deluxe I got in 78. i knew i had something special when i brought it in in 83 or 84 to have it routed for some full size dimarzios and the repair dude said ... "pick any one up on the wall and i'll trade you straight up AND put the dimarzios in it for free ..." kept it as is ... needless to say.

good luck on your search. play them all for awhile, one will start calling your name. hopefully, it will be in English !!! :wink:
I am a Gibson snob!
That said, I am also 42 years old with a child to raise. I am not a professional player and just play for my own amusement. I can not justify a $3,000 guitar. However I have owned a few. I have had a Les Paul Custom, a Very nice AAA Flame top Standard, and about a dozen Studios.

You can not beat a Studio. Period.

I sold all my high end guitars when I found my baby. She is a 2004 Special edition Les Paul Studio (Guitar Center Exclusive). She's Blue with Nickel hardware. I dont remember the pickups she came with because I run JB Bridge and Jazz Neck pickups in ALL my guitars.

But I can tell you this. You can spend $3000 on a Custom, and $2000 on a Standard, and $1200 on a Studio, and the tone is the same. Its all about the frills.
Do you really want to spend an extra $1800 on nice binding and frills? If so buy a custom.
Les Pauls sound the same.
I think it comes down to function before form with guitars.

Get out and play them. I chose a Studio over anything else after trying to locate the LP that I would keep forever. It just felt the best and the tone was good. Did I care that it wasn't a vintage piece or that it wasn't as pretty as others? No. For me, it is all about the end result not how you look getting there. I played on some pretty "Frankensteined" crap and used just about every brand looking for tones in the past. You gotta like the way it feels in your hand and how its tone travels up your arm and into your torso. Not all will feel the same believe me. The tone has to speak to your soul as well. I do own other guitars but if I was stranded on that proverbial desert island I know what guitar I would have.

Whatever you choose take care of it. Sure "Only a Gibson is good enough" but take care of it the way it takes care of you and it will last forever.
I really have nothing to add, But here is mine.

1957 Custom


EdgeOfDarkness said:
I really have nothing to add, But here is mine.

1957 Custom



Mondo-Ultra Perverto Matic with the 3 shiny pickups and Gold Bigsby whang thang!!! Most beautiful! :D :D :D Bet she sings a pretty song too!
i play les pauls exclusively, although i do own strats , which im currently selling, the les paul is just undeniably a better sounding axe for me. although i play the dc pauls in arch top with aaa tops. i have one with rio grandes and the other burstbuckers. they are 24 fret and i wouldnt trade the sound for anything. and to boot they are lighter by several pounds and still have all the sustain youd ever need. course i play boogie amps and that helps too. the 24 fretters have bound necks where as the 22 frets have bound bodies. i like the feel of the bound neck personally. im done with strats for a while. i can even get the cluck outa my burst bucker one, its in the phasing. you might consider picking up a dc 98 or later as they have the arch tops, although the flat tops are quite cool too. regular les pauls are too heavy to play 3 nights a week for me, my chiropractor was loving it though. now i have the dc's which weigh anywhere from 8-9 pounds and you coundnt tell the difference in a dark room tone wise.
I'm personally partial to my Hamer Triple Threat Studio Custom but Gibsons are ok, hah hah.

The studio is a great guitar to think about when binding and things don't matter. My LPs of choice so far have been Customs I preffer the ebony fret board and the look of them. Especially since they started making them in the customer shop. I have also played a few studios and standards that have really had the that special mojo. The DC's are great as well, the few I have played rocked!. I have played one of those silver bursts and did not like it (though I love that color and still want a customer in that color) I am not sure if it's the chambered body (which I don't mind in the DC) . The best advice for you is what everyone else is giving you. Go out and play them, play as many as you can, try more than one store if need be. Every one of them is different. I know if I played another silver burst it would sound different than the one I played. One (or a few) will call out to you when you play it and that's when you'll know you've found your LP!
i got a 96 studio.. i love his tone but seriously a good standard is better than studio... and customs haha nothing to compare.. is not only a problem of frills. Sounds more clear in the midrange, more gain, more defined... IMO there're good studios out there but the GIBSON's sound starts with standard models and above

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