Hello all
I put up a post on one of the guitar gear forums back on September 5th this year and that day my other guitarist and I turned on the new Boogie Mark V 90 watt head he got through the new Harley Benton G412A cab with Celestion Vintage 30's he got too and had tried his Ibanez Steve Vai Woody guitar & Ibanez JEM70V Steve Vai Signature - Sea Foam Green and my Charvel model 5fx through it and it took quite some time to get it sounding somewhat ok and just couldn't get a pleasing sound from it??
Well last night 12/3, I went to our band building to play through the same setup again this time with my Charvel and my Gibson Les Paul Special (both guitars in my signature) and there is just this honky, boxy flubby sound going on, sounds like there is no body to the sound and don't know what it is? You can see my other amps in my signature and those amps did not take a lot of time dialing in to get a good sound. Our covers band plays Classic rock/hard rock/80's hair metal/90's rock tuned to standard E tuning. I'm lost and don't know what to do with the Boogie Mark V to get it to sound good??

Well last night 12/3, I went to our band building to play through the same setup again this time with my Charvel and my Gibson Les Paul Special (both guitars in my signature) and there is just this honky, boxy flubby sound going on, sounds like there is no body to the sound and don't know what it is? You can see my other amps in my signature and those amps did not take a lot of time dialing in to get a good sound. Our covers band plays Classic rock/hard rock/80's hair metal/90's rock tuned to standard E tuning. I'm lost and don't know what to do with the Boogie Mark V to get it to sound good??