Genz Benz El Diablo 60-TS vs Boogie MKIV

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Well-known member
Oct 29, 2005
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I was wondering if any readers here had an opinion on how these amps stack up against each other. A local music store has a Genz Benz El Diablo 60-TS and an El Diablo 60 in stock with the 2x12 cabinet tat matches it... Just wondering if anyone knows how these stack up against the MKIV with similar Boogie 2x12 cabinets. The guys at the store were going on how nothing can touch these amps and that I should get rid of my MKIV and get one of these. I won't be near the store for about 3 weeks so any input as to the differences... simalarities and how they compare would be appreciated. Enlighten me please before i go plug into them.
If you are happy with the Mark IV keep it. You would really need to play the Benz and compare the two amps a/b in order to really get a good comparison. Personally, I wouldn't change what you have. I think that the only way I would change is maybe for a H&K. The Benz 2x12 ported cab is pretty nice though.
If you fall for some sales BS, you have to resist. There is nothing like the MK series of amps. From the MK II - IV, no other amp offers the tonal flexiilty and useful graphic EQ. The VHT UL offers a graphic, but it is truly voiced well and IMO sounds better without it. I think the Genz Benz products are entry level tube amps. On the other hand, the H&K IMO uses some superior designs. I would buy an H&K Tri amp, but there is not way I would even consider getting rid of the MK IV. It's tone to dollar ratio is off the charts and Mesa is a great company to deal with when you need help.
Of course, instead of an Engl, Diezel or H&K, I found what I was looking for in a multi-channel amp called the Road King Series II.

The last time I gigged, I used a MK IV with a 1Z12 EV Thiele and i can say this without ego, it blew everone and there amps away.
I had a Diablo briefly. It had nice cleans, and the dirty channel was good with humbuckers but I couldn't get a good dirty Strat sound out of it, even after putting EL34s in it. Just from testing a MK IV I can tell you the sales guys are hyping you. I wouldn't fall for it...
I appreciate the feedback. I haven't tried it yet so I was interested if anyone had experienced it here. Thanks
srf399 said:
...The guys at the store were going on how nothing can touch these amps and that I should get rid of my MKIV and get one of these....

DON'T SHOP THERE! Reminds me of some of the Guitar Centers I used to visit when I was a kid. Not all GGs

If the shop has to justify how great there new addition "so-so" amp is over your amp Mark IV, it just their salesman mentality. But I would be offended.

Every boutique amplifier shops I ever visited, when asked the dealer or salesperson: "How does 'this amp' compared to 'that amp'?"

They always answer diplomatically like: "Its a matter of preference." or "Completely different 'animals'." I never heard one say: "This amp blows that amp away."

If those salesperson can't be diplomatic, I would not shop there. :?
I owned an El Diablo 100 watt head for about 3 weeks. Unless there was something seriously wrong with it, I thought it sounded bad.

I play heavier metal sounding tones, and in my opinion, the Mark IV is best I've ever heard in obtaining a sound that I hear in my head. I am extremely happy with it.

You should still go and play through ANY amp before you buy, or at least know you can return it so you can bring it home and mess with it. Tone and sound is so subjective, and everyone hears things differently.
I'm sorry to sound rude, but is this even a serious question? A MKIv vs. El Diablo? That's like asking about a Ferrari vs. Honda Civic.'s worse than that.
I tried an El Diablo once but I cannot remember if it was a 60 or a 100 (think it was a 60, but I can't be 100% sure on that).

Either way, once was enough.

Horrible sounding amp - STAY AWAY!!!

Keep the Mark IV.

zeeman said:
I tried an El Diablo once but I cannot remember if it was a 60 or a 100 (think it was a 60, but I can't be 100% sure on that).

Either way, once was enough.

Horrible sounding amp - STAY AWAY!!!

Keep the Mark IV.


I own a MK IV & love it, I tried the Genz Benz El Diablo (wanting to like it) , I played that amp for about a half hr and came to the following conclusion: It was made by robots for robots...Just horrible, dull , lifeless. No SALE! Remember this; ALL AMPS SOUND GREAT ON THE PRINTED PAGE!!
Heard this amp in our rehersal! Abs. crap!
We have an old mesa TR, tubes are old and you can imagine sound it produses. But after A/B test Diablo was blown away by that old'n'rusty TR.

BTW I don't like all that blue light, comes from El diablo. I think that Amp should produce sound, not illumination? :lol:
zeeman said:
I tried an El Diablo once but I cannot remember if it was a 60 or a 100 (think it was a 60, but I can't be 100% sure on that).

Either way, once was enough.

Horrible sounding amp - STAY AWAY!!!

Keep the Mark IV.



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