robstar said:
The economy is cyclical and has peaks and valleys across time; usually around 15 years +/-. You can also track the economic peaks and valleys and see that they track somewhat with war-time and military operations; and maybe not in the direction you would think at first thought.
You are wrong on just about every level here. Although what you say is true, that war-time spending and military projects do have an effect on the economy; this is mostly due to how those funds are appropriated and the volume of funds. They affect the market in many different ways, but they do not affect the "peaks and valleys".
Those peaks and valleys are manufactured. They are caused by the Fed's meddling with the money supply and interest rates. For all of you who are clueless, The Federal Reserve is a Privately run Bank. It has no actual gold reserve or any other sort of collateral. The Fed creates money out of thin air, and the Commercial Banks lend 9x more money based on that newly made money.
So don't give me this crap about inflation and the economic recession because its bullshit. The growth and recession cycle is forced upon the economy by the Fed and its parent World Banks.
If you want to learn how the system works, and how you are being swindled out of your money, then watch this documentary. This is no wild conspiracy theory either. This is well documented and based on historical FACT. The Fed goes back to the time of the founding fathers, however, at that time it was called the "The First Bank of The United States". When Jefferson (1801-09) became President he opposed the bank as being unconstitutional and when the 20 year charter came up for renewal in 1811 it was denied.
Nathan Rothschild, head of the family bank in England, had recognized America's potential and made loans to a few states, and in fact became the official European banker for the U.S. Government. Because he supported the Bank of the United States, he threatened:
"Either the application for renewal of the Charter is granted, or the United States will find itself in a most disastrous war."
He then ordered British troops to "teach these impudent Americans a lesson. Bring them back to Colonial status." This brought on the War of 1812, our second war with England, which facilitated the rechartering of the Bank of the United States. The war raised our national debt from $45 million to $127 million.
On May 10, 1816, President James Madison signed the Bill which created the second Bank of the United States.The bank was run by the Illuminati, through such international banker "front men" as John Jacob Astor, Stephen Girard, and David Parish (a Rothschild agent for the Vienna branch of the family).
Andrew Jackson Kills the Bank (1828-36)
People began to see how much power the Bank really had, and the voter backlash led to the election of Andrew Jackson as President in 1828. His slogan was: "Let the people rule." Jackson maintained: "If Congress has the right under the Constitution to issue paper money, it was given them to be used by themselves, not to be delegated to individuals or to corporations." Jackson said that the control of a central bank "would be exercised by a few over the political conduct of the many by first acquiring that control over the labor and earnings of the great body of people."
The Bank began to flourish under its new President, financier Nicholas Biddle (1786-1844), who petitioned the Congress for a renewal of the Bank's Charter in 1832 four years before its current charter expired. The Bill for the new Charter passed the Senate 28-20 and the House 107-85, and everyone knew how Jackson felt. Biddle threatened: "Should Jackson veto it, I shall veto him!"
Jackson did veto the Charter, and abolished the Bank in 1832. He ordered the Secretary of the Treasury to remove all Government deposits from U.S. Banks and deposit them in state banks. On January 8, 1835, Jackson paid off the final installment on our national debt and it was the only time in history that our national debt was reduced to zero and we were able to accumulate a surplus, $35 million of which was distributed to the States. Nicholas P. Trist, the President's personal secretary, said: "This is the crowning glory of A.J.'s life and the most important service he has ever rendered his country." The Boston Post compared it to Christ throwing the money-changers out of the Temple.
In the Senate, the Glass Bill was referred to the Senate Banking Committee and reported back to the Senate on November 22, 1913. The Bill was now known as the Glass-Owen Bill. Sen. Owen, who opposed the Aldrich Bill, made some additional revisions in an attempt to keep [the bankers] from completely dominating our monetary system. Sen. Elihu Root of New York criticized some of these revisions and some points were modified. It was passed by the Senate on December 19th.
The Bill the establish the Fed was hastily prepared without any public hearings and on December 23, 1913, two days before Christmas when many Congressmen were away from Washington, and was signed by Wilson, and thus the Federal Reserve Act into law.The gold and silver in the nation's vaults were now owned by the Federal Reserve. Baron Alfred Charles Rothschild (1842-1918), who [had] masterminded the entire scheme, then made plans to further weaken our country's financial structure.
Our economy is controlled by the old world bankers. Our gov't is powerless to control is own money supply. And last time I checked Money= Power.