Thanks for the comments, I know I was lucky with this find. I'm really surprised it was still available after these years.
The amp will get used but I have plans for protecting it's wellbeing. I am thinking about a customising an oversize case and putting the wheels out as far as possible. This will probably result in not being able to use rounded corners, with more angular edges could be a real ankle killer. One of my friends manages and fits out stage gear said he will keep an eye out for a suitable case. Have planned to jam in a few weeks so need to have something by then otherwise its back into the shipping box.
The amp will get used but I have plans for protecting it's wellbeing. I am thinking about a customising an oversize case and putting the wheels out as far as possible. This will probably result in not being able to use rounded corners, with more angular edges could be a real ankle killer. One of my friends manages and fits out stage gear said he will keep an eye out for a suitable case. Have planned to jam in a few weeks so need to have something by then otherwise its back into the shipping box.