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Mar 17, 2006
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Hi fellas,

I am interested in getting the g system. Does the G-System suck your tone at all? How does the sound of plugging directly to the amp and going through the g-system differ?

Is there any latency whatsoever in changing presets, turning on/off the loop, and controlling parameters via expression pedals?

I plan to put the G-system unit in the rack, and connect it with my TriAxis and power amp.

First off i really like mine, when the editor comes out in the next week or two ill like it even more.

Persoally, its all about getting used to the gsytem and setting it up right. Its out the box settings are pretty awful. I personally dont feel my tone has been sucked. Its an effect system at the end of the day there is gonna be some degrading of pure tone but for me its minimal and what you get far enhances your sound anyway.

I do believe there is a latency issue with the wah but that should be fixed when the upgrade comes out in the next week or so. Check outthe thread on the gear page. Its like 90 pages but its very informative. The main problem with the gsystem seems to be hum, possibly a ground issue.

Personally im dead happy with my gsystem and im running a dual rect which isnt idea. Through a triaxis i think it would be amazing.
Thanks for the reply, shredtheater

Some say that if you use the following setup,
Guitar > G-System > Amp input > fxout > gsystem > fx return>

you would notice the tone sucking. However, it is not the case when you use this setup: Guitar > Amp > fx loop > g-system > fx return >

I can't post on the gear page forum yet.

I've been using the GS for almost 2 years now for everything from recording to gigging and everything in between.

The GS is COMPLETLY transparent. It does not suck your tone unless you set it to do so.

No latency what so ever in preset changes, loops on/off or anything else.

I haven't experienced the wha glitch every one is talking about so I guess I'm lucky. Any way, TC are supposed to be releasing the editor along with a new software ver. that is supposed to address this problem as well.

If you're going to use only the clean channel of your amp and pedals for the drive effects (like I used to do with my Mark II), you can connect the GS to the front of the amp.
If you want to use your amps channels (Like I do on my Mark IV) the connection you mentioned places the Filter, the Compressor and the loops of the GS in front of your preamp while the rest of the effects are placed after the power amp, which, obviously, gives you the best signal path from your guitar to your amp.

Hope this helps ...
Hi Itsik,

Yes, I want to use my amp channels. If the GS doesn't affect the tone noticeably, such as loss of high, mid or low frequency, then that is great. So, the original guitar signal is as full as if you plug directly to your Mark IV, right?

Do you use the compressor, by the way?

I am just making sure, before I spend more than $1000 on this unit.
Hi JLagoon,

As I said, the GS does not effect the sound in anyway unless you set it up to do so. It is completely transparent.
Mind that the GS use the same guts as the G-Force rather then those of the G-Major.

Yes I do use the compressor and it's very good.

BTW, what amp do you have?
There are some models of amps that don't work well with the GS switching and you might need a midi switcher to make the channel switching work.

A small piece of advice, if I may. It is a very expansive piece of gear, and even with all the wealth of info you can get on the web, I'd try to find a way to really test this thing out before buying it... My two cents ...
Hi Itsik:

I have a rack setup filled with TriAxis and VHT power amp. So, no problem in channel switching, I suppose, as the TriAxis uses MIDI presets anyway.

MMm.... I wonder if there is a store in NYC where I can demo the GS.

By the way, I posted at geartalk page, and one guy said that the boost feature causes the tone sucking problem.

I have never used a G Major or G Force before, but I suppose that the G Force is a more transparent FX unit.

Yehh ... I saw that post JLagoon :D

Re. the boost function, I have to disagree. I use it constantly and there's no sound degredation what so ever (I hope I spelled it right ... :lol: ). Whet the boost function does is kind of a revers action. Say you set your boost to 4db, your output is actually attanuated by 4db untill you step on the boost pedal which brings it to 0db.
I have a Mark IV as I said before and I'm using the boost for all my solo work, I don't hear any problem with it.
As you're using a Triaxis, no need for the boost function for you any way, as you can set your patches to any level you want. so you set the boose function on the GS to 0db and it's disabled.

I had a G-Force and have a G-Major now and the transparency of all the units is the same. The differance is in the effect alogarithems which are noticably better on the G-Force and the G-System.

Re. a store in NYC, can't help you there ... But if you find your self in Israel any time soon you're welcome to test drive my setup :wink: :wink: :D
Ah, thanks so much, Itsik!

The same to you if you ever catch yourself in NYC.
I have noticed a tad bit of softening to the tone of my coliseum head(lead channel only)....very subtle-no prob for me-however, noticed none whatsoever with my mk IV-I also use it with my live acoustic gig setup-guitar=g system=bose pas-the boost is killer option-really helps me cut through the soup-many comments on the tone-no tone sucking here for sure(seems like it would be noticed for sure in this setup-the pickup is lr baggs dual source...beautiful tone-......thru the g,it sounds the same!!!)
JLagoon said:
Hi Itsik:

MMm.... I wonder if there is a store in NYC where I can demo the GS.

There is one on Long Island at Huntington Sam Ash. It’s used and they don’t have the dam power supply, I would like to try one also. Of course they offered to get me a new unit. The unit that is there looks like it was dragged behind a truck for 100 miles or so. I must say real solid board.
I only got mine about a month ago..i'm running it with triaxis and 2 90..i have the triaxis in to the insert loop of g system and the sound is perfect.. a bit of hum but then lifted the groung in triaxis and now it's so quiet.. it won't switch voicing on the 2 90 with it's relays as well as i would like..( you can only set up one relay per patch)..but you could set up different patches for each voice..delay spillovers are perfect..i've never had that before and i've had to smile during songs changing from lead back to rythm and my lead still echos..i like the hi pass filter to take some harshness out of some triaxis sounds..boost is fine..no change in tone.. blue light on the front..gotta love that being boogie people..i plan to put some demos up on you tube in a month or so when i've got it more nailed down so i can demonstrate specific things if you want.
g-system sounds much better with the boost function turned off. You are best to disable it and reassign it to another function such as channel switching.
The G-System can mess with your tone if you're using the four-cable hookup (insert loop) and don't get your levels set right. Takes a while to dial it in because you have input and output levels on the G-System and levels on the FX loop of your amp that all need to be balanced just right. Once it's dialed in, though, no problems with tone.

I recently switched back to using it just in the FX loop of my Road King II. The problem I had with the four-cable setup was that the Tuner Mute function didn't get totally quiet since not all of audio was passed through the amp FX loop.

While the Boost feature works quite well, I prefer to use the Solo boost feature in my Road King. With a cool new switching system from RJM Music Technology (just reviewed this month), I reassigned the G-System's Boost pedal so that instead of boosting a signal internally, it sends a MIDI CC message to the switcher to activate my amp's Solo feature instead. Works beautifully.

Overall, I am very happy with the G-System. It sounds great and has awesome features.
The same way as traditional rack gear...
Amp Send --> G-System Insert Loop Return (not guitar input)
Output Left --> Amp Return

By doing this, you give up the ability to route some of the FX to the front of your amp (like wah, the external loops, filter, etc.), but it's much less fussy that way. I'm only doing it because I added the RJM RG-16 to my rack and am using its 8 audio loops for anything I need to put in front of the input, and then just using the G-System in my loop for my other FX.


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