fx with Recto.... what's everyone using

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Well-known member
Mar 19, 2007
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Middletown, NJ
I'm looking for a good fx unit that will play well with the Roadster.... I have a rcoktron xpression but i'm finding the xpression sucking the life out of my clean channel.... the reverbs are ok but not exactly what i'm looking for.... the delays again are ok but not great.... and the chorus to my ears blow (it cold be because i played a JC-120 for 5 years and nothing beats a naturally produced chorus)..... anyway I'm considering the G-Major right now but i wanted to see whats working for everyone else.... i'm into very ambient sounds..... i tend to use a lot of reverbs and delays when i use effects....

Also i'm finding the Hush system built into the Xpression can't handle the Roadster at all..... i have a DBX compressor/gate sitting around from when i had my rack setup but i can't find a way to get it to work well without compressing the signal which sucks the life out of the tone..... so is there any good noise supressor unit out there other than the Hush or Boss pedal?
no one is using effects?

so here's what im thinking..... with a midi switcher (ie amp gizmo) use a line 6 xt live as my effects unit in the fx loop of the roadster and also use the xt live as my midi foot controller as the amp gizmo recieves midi messages.... any opinions?
I personally use a Lexicon MPX1 with my Road King and Mark IV. The MPX1 is a great effects processor. New they are $700 but the can be had for $350 on average on Ebay.
TC G-Major. Works great and sounds very transparent when setup correctly.

But I have to ask, why are you using an FX processor for reverb when the Roadster has on-board spring reverb?

I have a rcoktron xpression but i'm finding the xpression sucking the life out of my clean channel.... the reverbs are ok but not exactly what i'm looking for....

well the effects processor is not just for reverb..... plus i like to use different kinds of revevrb for different sounds.... i went from apedal junky to a vetta and now something has to fill that void other than the spring reverb on the roadster which i might add is excellent ..... i just like using effects at times and trying to create very surreal/atmospheric sounds
I am using a G-Force which is awesome. If I wasn't willing to spend the money on the G-Force, I would have gotten the G-Major though.
with my Roadster i use:

Boss DD-20
Xotic BB Preamp
Boss CE-2 chorus
Hi jdurso

Using a Rocktron Xpression with the analog path engaged. Not having the clean channel problem you are and the noise level is acceptable without the hush engaged and using single coils. I'm still learning how to adjust the parameters etc therefore not an expert, a PC editing program would help a lot. I emailed Rocktron and there are no plans to release editing software in the near future even though they have editing software for the earlier models.

I did consider going all digital on the FX loop insert with a G-major but couldn't see the the point in spending thousands $$$ on a good analogue amp and then digitizing the signal between the pre and power amps.

My opinion, hope it helps.

para20033 said:
Hi jdurso

Using a Rocktron Xpression with the analog path engaged. Not having the clean channel problem you are and the noise level is acceptable without the hush engaged and using single coils. I'm still learning how to adjust the parameters etc therefore not an expert, a PC editing program would help a lot. I emailed Rocktron and there are no plans to release editing software in the near future even though they have editing software for the earlier models.

I did consider going all digital on the FX loop insert with a G-major but couldn't see the the point in spending thousands $$$ on a good analogue amp and then digitizing the signal between the pre and power amps.

My opinion, hope it helps.


When I first got it i thought it was ok just out of the box with the idea that the more time i had to dig into it the better it would get..... i've tried all different combos and the hush never does what my boss noise supressor did.....i think the analog signal works well with the cleans but it still to my ears isn't as transparent as i would like..... right now i'm going between a g-major or a pod xt live.... the pod xt live with be both my effects unit and my midi controller as it can send midi signals to my amp gizmo which contols the Roadster..... i've had the xt live in the past when i had my tremoverb/JC120 setup and i have to say it was pretty **** good as far as fx go..... some of the amp models are good to but not in the fx loop ( i have a vetta so if you know how to model you can get them to sound good)...... so it just comes down to unloading the xpression and test driving both the g-major and the xt live and see what sounds better.... thank god for my friends at GC who always treat me good and the 30 day return policy
barneyc4 said:
with my Roadster i use:

Boss DD-20
Xotic BB Preamp
Boss CE-2 chorus

Eesh glad to see SOMEONE else using actually stompers. That's all I got! I feel oldschool for being one of the young'ns (19) on this site! I run my Smart People Factory "Greenline" OD, Boss Tremolo, and Dimebag Dunlop Wah in front of the amp, and then my MXR Script Phase 90, Maxon AD999 Analog Delay, and DD-6 Boss DigiDelay in the loop with the tuner in the last slot in the loop. Boss tuner.
jdurso said:
I'm looking for a good fx unit that will play well with the Roadster.... I have a rcoktron xpression but i'm finding the xpression sucking the life out of my clean channel.... the reverbs are ok but not exactly what i'm looking for.... the delays again are ok but not great.... and the chorus to my ears blow (it cold be because i played a JC-120 for 5 years and nothing beats a naturally produced chorus)..... anyway I'm considering the G-Major right now but i wanted to see whats working for everyone else.... i'm into very ambient sounds..... i tend to use a lot of reverbs and delays when i use effects....

Also i'm finding the Hush system built into the Xpression can't handle the Roadster at all..... i have a DBX compressor/gate sitting around from when i had my rack setup but i can't find a way to get it to work well without compressing the signal which sucks the life out of the tone..... so is there any good noise supressor unit out there other than the Hush or Boss pedal?

Jdurso - If you want effects there's 2 options - analog stompboxes or a digital modeller. Each have there pro's & cons. Having used both over many years with both Mesa & Marshall tube amps I've now got got a box full of stomps in a closet cause I everntually got tired of the all the setup issues, techo prob's. cost & lack of versatility

I used to be a tube amp tone snob but admit now that digital modellers have improved hugely in the past 5 yrs and there's now not a big difference in tone between something like a Boss GT8 or a Tonelab and and analog stomp. Both options will suck a bit of tone from your Mesa but there's a solution. Having tried a few dig modellers I've eventually went with the Boss GT8 coupled with a Radstone Harmonic Converger for a few reasons.

If your amp has a series FX Loop you can rig up the GT8 so that it either uses the Amps pre-amp, the GT8's pre-amp or both. If you want to keep the tube tone of your Mesa's pre-amp you can turn off the GT8's pre-amps and just use it as an multi-effects unit. I do that on occasions and it works well. The GT8 is the only model I'm aware of that gives you that versatility.

If you want to use the dig modellers pre-amp you can use it with a Radstone Harmonic Converger. This wonder box restores the tube amp tone that the dig modeller sucks out. That way you've still got your Mesa tone plus a huge variety of tones & effects - with your Mesa's pre-amp or not. This is what I've done. The GT8/HC option costs about $US700 and to get a comparable tonal range & effects with stompboxes you'd need about 20 of em and over $US2000, plus an hour to set-up. I wouldn't use a dig modeller's pre-amp without a Harmonic Converger. Too much tone suck otherwise. Guys in my band say they can't hear the diff between my GT8>HC>Mesa combo compared to direct from guitar to the amp. Get more info at www.BossGTCentral.com forum.

BUT if you're willing to spend around $2000 and want to go straight to the top of the pro effects tree look at the new Axe-FX. From all reports the raw facotry -pre-set Axe-FX patches direct to amp or FRFR sounds equally as good as any amp tone and the effects & tonal range range is limitless. Some muso's are saying it sounds even better then the amps it's simulating. This is the new next big thing. Check out the Axe-FX forum and the website for more info. If I had the money that's what I'd buy.

Another disadvantage of the high end dig modellers is that they are not plug & play units (except for the Axe-FX I hear). The factory pre-sets are **** and you have to do a lot of tweaking to get usable tones. But once you've learned how they work they are very versatile, reliable, quick easy set-up, give good tones & have any effect or tone you'd ever need.

If you read the reviews of the G-major on Harmony-Central you'll see there's been a tonne of prob's with these. :D
If i had the money th Axe-fx would be what i would go for hands down.... my buddy has one and the unit is worth the money for just the fx... some of the best digital effects around..... and it is hands down the best modeller on the market..... blows my vetta out of the water..... this maybe due to the fact that Fractal uses about 10 times the amount of code to emulate the characteristics of tubes and they use a ridiculous processor to get the job done..... i think if i hold out for about 3 months ill just go for the AXE-FX ..... if i become impatient which i often do i'm now pretty set on the pod xt live..... i had one in the past with my tremoverb and it was pretty killer...... the gt-8 is also great but does it have MIDI incorporated in it? i'm leaning towards the xt live because i cna use it as a midi controller as well as my fx unit.... the midi will allow me to contol my amp gizmo which controls my roadtser as far as switching...... thanks for all the great input guys
i tried the xpression for a couple of months but just couldn't get it to work with my DR so i sold it (even had my FX loop mod to serial!)

now, i'm back to using pedals and couldn't be happier:

Maxon compressor
TS9 (as a clean boost)
boss DD3 keeley mod (sounds awesome!)
boss NS2 noise gate

i'm in the process of getting an analogman chorus pedal, keeley compressor, and modding my TS9 (keeley also). i also want to replace my TU2 tuner with the peterson strobetuner for true bypass.

everything is controlled via MIDI using axess electronics CFX4 and GRX4 with the MIDI MATE foot controller.

when my custom pedalboard comes in i'll post some pics of my effects.
Djurso - yeah - I hear ya. From all reports there's very little diff between the Pod, Tonelab and the GT8 - pro's and cons on both sides. I went for the GT8 cause it's the most versatile. You can use the GT8 as a midi controller - it has midi in and out so you can use it to control anything else. Plus it has the options with by-passing it's pre-amp or not. Another good feature of the GT8 is that you have full control over the effects chain and can order it any way you want.

But I'd hang out for an AXE -FX if you can. I think everything else is a toy compared to that. I'm waiting for Fractal to sort out the foot controller issue before I get one. The owner is currently working on a dedicated foot controller/exp pedal. I'm also hoping the price will come down next year :D
I use a Rocktron Xpression. Not bad for $300.00, works like a champ. I am considering moving up to a Eventide though.
I still stick with pedals.

I've thought about switching to MIDI - but really don't wanna mess with it (and I like to tweak on the fly)

On my DR's the only thing I run in the loop is a compressor and EQ.
I keep changing it up, but I think I'm getting close. I tend to go between totally dry sounds or completely freaky; I don't do "subtle" fx.

Right now I have a Maxon AD900 in the Rec Pre loop and then this complicated double loop setup between the Rec Pre and the power amp. I have two custom-built true bypass loop pedals, one with a Yamaha Rev500 in its loop and another with a Boss RV-3 in its loop. Beauty of this is that I have a totally analog signal path if I want it but I still have a fair bit of versatility for crazy digital fx.

The Yamaha, which does reverb, tremolo, flange, and chorus, is controlled with a Tech 21 Midi Mouse-- the Rev500 takes a lot of tweaking because its presets are mostly intended for vocals or drums, but it sounds really nice for guitar with some work. The RV-3 is purely for crazy long-reverb madness a la Sigur Ros or Red Sparowes.

I still want an analog phaser for the Rec Pre loop, but I'm having a hard time finding one that I like that can handle the line level.

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