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For sale: Mark III in Pristine Condition

The Boogie Board

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Apr 27, 2011
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I'm Ron Carmona, high school mathematics teacher in Southern California.
Unfortunately, due to hard economic times, I am forced to sell some of my musical gear (Yamaha PA, Trace Elliot TA100R acoustic amp, '76 Fender Twin Reverb, and my beautiful 1985 Mesa Boogie Mark III amp) Note: I have seldom posted on a message board in the past, so please bear with me.

I am the original owner of this Mesa Boogie. In 1985, I had put in a custom order to Mesa Engineering for a Mark IIC, but I believe the amp I received was one of the first Mark IIIs instead...so I believe it is a Mark III.
The amp has a KILLER wood cabinet with the ratan grill. (I use the term KILLER because that's how I specifically ordered the wood grain back in 1985, and I remember the rep from Mesa insuring me that the grain would in fact be KILLER...it is!

The amp is in perfect working order; everything works; frankly, it's like new.
I have the original 2 pedals (one is a 2 peg Rev and EQ pedal, the other is the lead channel pedal).

I also have an anvil case and an amp stand, both purchased from Mesa...both in perfect shape.

Here's the specs directly off the original receipt paperwork from Mesa/Boogie, Ltd. (which I still have):
Boogie Amplifier with Channel Selecting Foot Switch Set
Hundred Watt Chassis with Power Selector Switch and Fan
Simul-class Modification
Graphic Equalizer
Hardwood Cabinet
EVM-Black Shadow 12" Speaker
Slip Cover
Dual FootswitchReverb and Graphic Equalizer
Hardshell Road Case with wheels 1 12"

Now, I don't know how to price this package (Amp, Anvi case, amp stand). I don't want to overcharge anyone, and I do want to get fair value for myself.
I'm thinking $2500 for the whole package, but that may be too much or too little.
...that's why I've come to this board...to find out some reliable pricing info.
I welcome all comments as I am very interested in selling this equipment.

I'd like to upload some pictures, but I haven't figured out how just yet.

Thanks in advance for your interest and comments.
Ron Carmona
Hey, welcome,

to upload pics, you need to upload them to photobucket or similar site, then just cut/paste the "IMG" code to your post

First Ron, welcome to the boards. Sadly you've come here to sell the reason you would frequent our pages. :wink:

I'm no dealer nor professional in used amp valuation, but I'm an enthusiast and owner of an '89 MkIII that, if it weren't for my cat puking down the front of it once, would be in mint condition. The current market is still very soft, but in my opinion, would still welcome a mint condition specimen like yours. The current hot model, a MkIIc+, can easily command $2500 in good condition. So, logically, a MkIII would probably draw a slightly lower price. But, with a hardwood combo w/ flight case, a buyer may pay a bit of a premium to get a like-new amp.

Recommendation: post some pictures. Nothing generates excitement like photos of a great amp. And while I've not bought a MkIII in quite a few years (22 to be exact), I'm sure there are several around here that would be happy to share their knowledge.

I wish you luck with your sale. If I didn't have 2 kids in college right now, I'd make an offer. But there's certainly another member here looking for a MKIII, the most aggressive Mark ever made.
Thank you Scott...here come the pictures...

Also, Thank you kdorsey. You're speaking my language...I have one in college now, and one about to start college in a few months...that's why I have to sell my gear!

I'm not really sure if I have a MkIII or a MKIIC+...perhaps someone can tell from these pictures. Again, the equipment is in excellent condition. I am the original owner and I've had this stuff stored in my closet for the past 12 years (now I'm more of an acoustic fingerpicker, so I rarely play electric).






Thanks again to everyone; I appreciate your interest/support/suggestions/comments!

Ron Carmona
P.S. You can see the last time I actually used the amp...back in 1988, I was playing in an all Grateful Dead band; go to youTube, then search on Dreadful Empties...someone put us up on youTube several years ago...Hope you like the Grateful Dead!
What you have there is a Mark III "No Stripe" w/ 105 Power Transformer.

Very cool amp!!! The asking price is a bit high though. I would say $1100-$1400 is realistic.

I am sure someone would love to have that!
Thanks mreeve! Good to know what I have!!!

I am going to hold out a bit for around $2500. (That includes the anvil case & amp stand).
When I look at the first picture I posted (see post #4), the top of the amp looks dusty or dirty...that was only from the flash picture. The hardwood case is a gorgeous piece of fine furniture; it's smooth and clean with amazing grain patterns (perhaps I should replace the picture?). Also, again, the amp is truly in a "like new" condition...a 26-year-old vintage piece of history in perfect shape with basically all the bells and whistles you could have ordered it with back in those days; i.e., fully loaded!

Next question: do you think this is the best forum to use to sell the amp? I've never tried eBay (so that would be another learning curve). Also, if I do make a deal with someone, I'm not sure how to handle the logistics of the transaction (so both parties are protected...again, another learning curve). So again, does anyone suggest eBay or anything else, or have I found the right site by using this one?

Also, PLEASE do leave me any inquiries/comments/suggestions. I will be away from my computer for a couple of days starting tomorrow...it's my Spring Break right now, and I'm going to San Diego tomorrow to tour the Taylor guitar factory (El Cajon actually). I own a brazilian rosewood Taylor and I've wanted to see the factory for several years.
But I will certainly respond to any posts upon my return on Friday night!

Once again, thanks to everyone in advance for their knowledge and interest and kindness.

Ron Carmona
Sign up for Paypal to handle the logistics of payment. You might want to try The Gear Page forum, as well. To be blunt, you won't get $2500 for a no stripe Mark III. With the hardwood you might be able to get $1500. That said, I wish you luck in your sale, it is a great looking amp.
Hi Ron,
I can feel your pain with the two kids in college. I have two also in college and I know it isn't a very easy pill to swallow watching the debt accumulate. I try not to let it get me down every day. I think your best bet would be to post on a couple of forums for now. The gear page and rig-talk are two you could try. Your amp is very nice but honestly $2500 probably is quite high.
If your gonna try ebay maybe list it as a local sale, that way maybe someone who is interested might come look at it and you could avoid ebay fees by making a private sale. Best of luck to you!
At 2500 you are in C+ territory. A Mark III will never bring that much. Unless the buyer is completely unaware.
I agree with the 1500 estimate. Your only wasting you time and efforts if you insist on 2500. It will sit for a long time.
The case and stand don't bring anything of value to the table. Sorry to say.
Thanks again to all of you who have posted comments & suggestions.

Today, I spoke with a tech support rep at Mesa Engineering. I've read quite a bit of material regarding the Mark IIC+ and Mark III, I wanted to hear some of the specific differences directly from the source. The rep had to use my serial number, #15275, to identify the amp as a Mark III (which is what I already had discovered from one of you knowledgable folks). But the rep did say that in those early days of the Mark III, the amps were being custom built specifically with the set of features ordered by the customer. He told me that with all the features I had, the two amps were quite similar in design.

I do still believe that a piece of vintage equipment, with a fully loaded set of features and in such excellent condition (including the hardwood case) should command a premium to the "going rate." However, I must bow to the pricing expertise that I've been receiving via the posted replies on this excellent website.
Sooooo, now I'm in a quandry as to my next step.
I guess I have to really decide whether or not to part with this wonderful piece of gear...whether or not to lower the asking price to the suggested range that I've been receiving. Frankly, I do hate to part with it; it was simply the greatest amp in my electric gigging days. (I always had the greatest tones, level controls, and linearity...and I didn't use many external effects in those days; except perhaps an occasional phase shifter!)
Perhaps I'll be "forced" to keep the amp (not such a bad idea), or pehaps I'll soon feel more moments of financial desparation, and then lower the price...just not sure right now.

But for now, I guess I'll just add one new phrase to my asking price...I'll add the phrase "OR BEST OFFER!" and see if I get any inquiries.

Once again, thanks to all of you for your comments and suggestions...please keep 'em coming.

Ron :)
rcarmona said:
Thanks again to all of you who have posted comments & suggestions.

Today, I spoke with a tech support rep at Mesa Engineering. I've read quite a bit of material regarding the Mark IIC+ and Mark III, I wanted to hear some of the specific differences directly from the source. The rep had to use my serial number, #15275, to identify the amp as a Mark III (which is what I already had discovered from one of you knowledgable folks). But the rep did say that in those early days of the Mark III, the amps were being custom built specifically with the set of features ordered by the customer. He told me that with all the features I had, the two amps were quite similar in design.

I do still believe that a piece of vintage equipment, with a fully loaded set of features and in such excellent condition (including the hardwood case) should command a premium to the "going rate." However, I must bow to the pricing expertise that I've been receiving via the posted replies on this excellent website.
Sooooo, now I'm in a quandry as to my next step.
I guess I have to really decide whether or not to part with this wonderful piece of gear...whether or not to lower the asking price to the suggested range that I've been receiving. Frankly, I do hate to part with it; it was simply the greatest amp in my electric gigging days. (I always had the greatest tones, level controls, and linearity...and I didn't use many external effects in those days; except perhaps an occasional phase shifter!)
Perhaps I'll be "forced" to keep the amp (not such a bad idea), or pehaps I'll soon feel more moments of financial desparation, and then lower the price...just not sure right now.

But for now, I guess I'll just add one new phrase to my asking price...I'll add the phrase "OR BEST OFFER!" and see if I get any inquiries.

Once again, thanks to all of you for your comments and suggestions...please keep 'em coming.

Ron :)

No offense, but if you want to sell it then be serious about it. If you like to write books on "for sale" threads about your indecision, then you are just wasting time and space here.

Anyways as everyone told you, you will not get more than $1400 for the amp. Anyone with half brain can buy one on ebay for $700 without the hardwood upgrade. Now you tell us, how much is the hardwood cab upgrade worth in your opinion, $700? $800? $1800?

Bottom line is, if you want to know how much your amp is worth, post it on ebay and you will get current market value.
...and then there's always the "douche-bag" factor. :shock:

For every one nice person there are 4 asses. And sometimes they're all installed on the same person!

Ignore him, Ron. You asked the posted question, you got feedback, you made a decision. If you want to rescind your sale, feel free to do so.
kdorsey said:
...and then there's always the "douche-bag" factor. :shock:

For every one nice person there are 4 asses. And sometimes they're all installed on the same person!

Ignore him, Ron. You asked the posted question, you got feedback, you made a decision. If you want to rescind your sale, feel free to do so.
Did you just call someone "douche-bag"? 4 asses? Seriously what compelled you to use such a "rich" lingo?
Please gentlemen, no need to squabble over my "overpriced" amp offering.

kdorsey: I teach high school; please believe me that my job requires thick skin! Besides, I figure the other gent is just trying to put down my offer as a prelude to making me a lowball offer...if he wants the deal, the price goes up to $2700!

But in all seriousness, a gentleman did forward me several e-bay listings, and I realize you're all correct in telling me I've overpriced my amp compared to what the e-bay market is supporting.
I will mention that my amp looks so much nicer than anything I saw in the e-bay links; but I do doubt that it's $1500 nicer than those $1000 amps.

I may have to just keep the amp (mixed emotions)...but I'm confident that if someone does actually see the condition and hear it, they'll be blown away with what they're getting (again, I'm just making my own subjective conjectures based on what I saw on e-bay...plus I've been a guitarist for 37 years and I'm very particular when it comes to equipment...I own a '59 Telecaster and a Brazilian Rosewood Taylor 914ce-L7 that I claim are among the greatest guitars anywhere; they aren't for sale. I'm only trying to sell my Boogie, my '75 Fender Twin Reverb, my Trace Elliot TA100R, and my Yamaha PA.)
Also, I do believe the anvil case and amp stand are worth a bit as well.

Anyways, I'll leave my ad up on the classified board for another week or two, then I'll probably take it down...who knows, maybe there will be a real collector out there that wants a top end vintage piece of equipment!
If someone makes me an offer that I feel is a reasonable starting point, I will certainly be willing to negotiate...it will have to feel like a good deal for both of us.

Thanks again,

Ron :)
Ron, regardless of the sale I for one appreciate you posting on this forum. You do have a very nice amp and a piece of American history there. Forums are the places people try to stir up trouble, never understood what kind of thrill they get out of it.
Hopefully if you decide to keep it you will stop back here now and then and join in on the discussions. And who knows what will happen in another ten years, maybe a mint condition mark III will be worth $2500 by then. If I were you and could afford to keep it I would, my bet is it will not loose value if you think of it that way. And I think you will miss it when it's gone.
I've thought many times about selling mine, and it's in very good condition also. It has sat for years without being used, and then I had some maintenence work done on it, fixed a few issues. Now it sounds better than ever, and I play it every day. I probably will never sell it now, give it to my son when I think the time is right. Some things you can't put a price tag on anyway.

Trust your gut and keep the MKIII. You'll thank yourself later. You can always get another Silverface Twin (lots out there), but your Boogie is a bit of a "more unique bird". Just my two cents!

mdortona said:

Trust your gut and keep the MKIII. You'll thank yourself later. You can always get another Silverface Twin (lots out there), but your Boogie is a bit of a "more unique bird". Just my two cents!


definitely agree with that ! also the 1-owner and totally original status will only add to its value. as for prices I guess everything has been said ? take this one as example
