Fizzy Lifter (Weber Beam Blocker alternative)

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Well-known member
Jun 4, 2007
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Greenville. SC
Funny name but seems to be a decent alternative for those with front loaded cabs who want to try beam blockers... or for anyone that has read about beam blockers causing rattling (like I have)...

I just bought one so we'll see how it does! Anyone used one? I've only been able to find them through one eBay seller...
Here's what the description says about halfway down:

The inexpensive Fizzy Lifter uses a self adhesive fastener that will stand up to both extreme temperature and the smoky atmospheres of a live gig environment.

I emailed the seller (after purchasing lol) to ask him the diameter of the cone and it is 4" which is the size I was going to go with if I went the weber route...
$16+ for a four inch diameter piece of plastic?! For that price I can get a full-size Frisbee, dude!
Hell, I'm gonna go find some old Tupperware lids and some two-sided tape!
I am in the wrong business.
Personally, I think the beam blockers work better....they're closer to the speaker, hence will disperse better....the further from the speaker such a device is, the less of an effect it will have.

I've NEVER had any trouble with my Beam Blockers.
I made mine out of black duct tape and they work perfectly. And only cost me about 50 cents each.

Well, it is a dome-shaped piece so they won't just cut the highs but disperse them. A frisbee or tupperware piece would not disperse but rather cut or block the highs.

As for the distance away from the speaker - we're talking about a difference of about 3/4 of an inch if not less (the thickness of the baffle board basically).

To each his own, but I feel it to be worth the price if they do as expected!
Ok, let me try again. Do they mount to the speaker, or baffle, or the grill. And for Beam blockers, they resonate with certain notes at high vol. due to the metal support bar. Like a tuning fork does. I made my own out of wood to alleviate that. I also tried some other thing called "pancakes" that hang on the grill cloth with a paper clip. Just basically a rubber disc the size of a CD. The ones I made have dome shape 4" dust caps hot glued to a 4" wooden disc I cut out of some plywood and mounted accross the speaker, with a lets say about 1/2" X 14" poplar wood from Home depot. Works great.
looks like a black tennis ball that's been cut in half! I though beam blockers only made noise when they weren't mounted right. Like if having them causes the speaker not to mount flush. I think i'd be tempted to cut a tennis ball in half and try that!
nomad100hd said:
looks like a black tennis ball that's been cut in half! I though beam blockers only made noise when they weren't mounted right. Like if having them causes the speaker not to mount flush. I think i'd be tempted to cut a tennis ball in half and try that!

Haha - only thing is that a tennis ball is a bit smaller than 4" in diameter. It would be an audible difference but not as much since less of the beam would be redirected...
There are also speaker supply/rebuild houses that sell spkr dustcaps in a variety of sizes and materials ...only a few bucks IIRC. One of those and a dab of glue (maybe rubber cement) and you're set, I would think. Anyone want to give it a try and report back??


Anybody tried the flapjack? They're only $7.50. I'd spend that in time, material and gas (not GAS as in Gear Acquisition Syndrome) making one myself.
wrapped my beam blocker in electrical tape and it solved my slight problem. Then I put a speaker in the amp that has cork on the front and back of the mounting flange and I don't have to use the tape anymore.
So now that MusicManJP6 got me all interested in these things I just have a question.

If I put 4 of these in my 4x12 Cab, will I get the same sound standing out front of the cab as if I were standing on the sides?

Hope that doesn't sound too confusing. Much appreciated.
Yes, that's the idea. It won't be exactly the same. For instance, when I installed a beam blocker on my combo, the "beam" of sound went from probably 30-45 degrees to more like 60 degrees. Make sense?
Yep, mystidream, that's the idea! It should come in any day but i'll be getting married Saturday and on my honeymoon all next week. i'll have to update after that on how it sounds!

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