First hour with new Road King - Updated!!!

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Well-known member
Mar 8, 2005
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Springfield/Mt.Vernon, MO

I know I said that about my T-verb, but multiply the "wow" from the t-verb by about 3 and that's how much more I like the RK!!

* Channel 1 is CLEAN, no real break up and nice low end (almost too much on the FAT setting). The tweed brings the mid range up and out a bit to give it a bit more bite. I can turn the gain up all the way and it is still clean even on a double humbucker guitar with hot p-ups unless I REALLY dig in to it, then it's just a slight breakup.

* Channel 2 can be clean like channel 1, but the Brit mode is where it's at. At first I didn't like it, but then I turned the trebble up all the way and I really like it alot. Imagine an old Marshall turned up all the way, not as much distortion as the JCM800, but very AC/DC-ish with a nice feel.

* Channel 3 is voiced like channel 2 on the 3 channel rectos and it has always been my favorite channel on the 3 channel recto's and it's the same here. I love the Vintage on ch 3, it seems to have a touch more gain than my T-verbs and definately more low end.

* Channel 4 is voiced after channel 3 on the 3 channel recto's.. I've never liked this channel for my high gain stuff (I'll leave that to channel 3), I set it for Vintage and only turn the gain up to about 11:30 for a good rock tone.

I'm really digging this amp alot!! Over all, this amp has more low end than my T-verb combo and possibly as much as a closed back 2x12... but thats at "non-gig" levels. It is heavy, but with it on casters it's very easy to move around.

The Progressive Linkage if fun to play with, you can try 6L6's or EL34's on all the channels or even both at the same time. You can also use either 1 or 2 of the rectifier tubes with the tube tracking (adjust by how many power amp tubes you use) or over-ride it and use solid state. I haven't even started with the FX loops yet. I does play with a Tubescreamer very well, I may not get my V-twin out this weekend and try it with just the TS. The reverb is nice, maybe even as nice as the T-verb but when you switch channels it takes about a second for the reverb to catch up with the change since each channel has it's own reverb setting. The footswitch works just like a Dual or Triple recto, solo and channel switching with a few more options (reverb, FX 1 and FX 2, trigger).

Over all, I'm extremely happy with the big investment. I just wish the huge road case that I got with it fit in my car. Looks like I'll be either selling it or using it for storage and keep it for later when I get a bigger vehicle. I'll also be getting a cover for the amp if I cant keep it in the case.

It's the same size as a T-verb combo and the Rectoverb combo's, but it weighs something like 120 pounds.

Thats my 1 hour review, I play with it tomorrow night and Saturday... I'll know then what it's really like.

Later, TJ
What is the noise floor like? I've often thought the RK is my next target amp. Not sure I want to give up the LSC just yet!

Do keep us posted. I would like to hear what its like when you open it up to gig levels.
Pretty cool man :) The Roadking is something I've been thinking about for awhile since I could pretty much get all 4 tones I normally use (or want to use) out of it. So the distortion tones were generally better than the Tverb in your opinion?

Tele-Jas, that's really cool getting the Road King ... I'm pretty much like you having first a Trem-o-Verb.

When Road King first came out, I said to myself: "If I was on a deserted Island with electricity and I only get to have one amp, it would be the Road King!"

But first let me get a LoneStar Special since among my amps, I don't have a quartet of EL84s Class A amp.
First two shows with the RK =........ WOW!!!!!!
:) :) :)
I've never heard such a beautiful sounding amp in my life. I actually found myself using Ch2 Brit quite a bit with my Wolfgang, that with a Tubescreamer is a very nice classic rock/over the top Marshall sound (but better). It's also nice to have a GREAT clean channel at high volume. And of course there's always the Recto distortion sounds on tap too that sound amazing in this amp.

I then surprised myself tonight when I picked up my Telecaster and played a few songs through it, I found a completely new range of tones with my tele that can't be found with my humbucker guitars. The Brit channel sounds like a Dr. Z amp with the gain cranked up just enough to give it some bite and the clean channel was even more Fender-ish sounding.

It's nice to also "feel" your sound behind you too, the RK combo has a nice amount of low end for an open back combo.

I could go on all night about how much I enjoyed my new RK, but It's 4 am and my son plays in a Basketball tournament at 8am.... So I better get to bed!

PS... I would have to say, I like the RK much better than the T-verbs I just sold. One big reason is, my tele doesn't sound thin, but rather thick and full. I also love the solo boost and 4 channels.

Ok, that's it..... Good night....
tele_jas said:
First two shows with the RK =........ WOW!!!!!!
:) :) :)
I've never heard such a beautiful sounding amp in my life. I actually found myself using Ch2 Brit quite a bit with my Wolfgang, that with a Tubescreamer is a very nice classic rock/over the top Marshall sound (but better). It's also nice to have a GREAT clean channel at high volume. And of course there's always the Recto distortion sounds on tap too that sound amazing in this amp.

I then surprised myself tonight when I picked up my Telecaster and played a few songs through it, I found a completely new range of tones with my tele that can't be found with my humbucker guitars. The Brit channel sounds like a Dr. Z amp with the gain cranked up just enough to give it some bite and the clean channel was even more Fender-ish sounding.

It's nice to also "feel" your sound behind you too, the RK combo has a nice amount of low end for an open back combo.

I could go on all night about how much I enjoyed my new RK, but It's 4 am and my son plays in a Basketball tournament at 8am.... So I better get to bed!

PS... I would have to say, I like the RK much better than the T-verbs I just sold. One big reason is, my tele doesn't sound thin, but rather thick and full. I also love the solo boost and 4 channels.

Ok, that's it..... Good night....

They are great amps, i owned the T-Verb head and compared to the RK it just shook scared in the corner. Still a great amp that T-Verb is, but once you own a RK it is just hard to go back to that T-Verb. The only Amp i like better is the Dual Rec, to me it just has that darker sound that i like.
About a month ago, my band played at a large festival here...largest stage i've played on in a looonnnggg time. First large outdoor gig with my RK (bought Feb of 04).

I had all channels set up as normal, but because of the size of the stage, I was able to run the master out at 12 o'clock and the solo between 1 and 2 o'clock. The amp breathed fire! AWESOME,AWESOME,AWESOME tone.

I have loved the RK on every gig I've done with it, but this one let the beast GO. channel 2 brit with the el34s was spectacular. Channel 3 with 2 6L6's set for vintage sounded like the best 50 watt Marshall I had ever played thru.

Mic'ed to that monster festival PA with a Sennheiser was great. Even the jaded pro sound guy repeatedly complimented me on my tone.

Enjoy the RK dude...welcome the the Royal Family.

how's the clean compared to your 72 fender??

I actually took it out and compared last night...... My old Fender must be in need of new tubes because the RK's clean was warmer, but also had a nice bite to it..... It also had a cool tube compression thing going on to where I could pop the strings (for some country licks) and it really sounded sweet.

When I tried my Deluxe, it was more neutral and sterile sounding, but it's been a few years since I've changed power tubes and probably about 15 years since I've changed/checked any preamp tubes (and one may actually be the original tube). It's also got a Jensen speaker in it which may make it sound a little less alive compared to the RK's Celestions.

But after all that's said, the Deluxe still sounds better than almost every other amp I've had and it works really well with a multi FX pedal since it's kind of neutral sounding. It adds tube sound and feel to a solid state preamp (like my Vox Tonelab SE).

I really hated to say the Deluxe wasn't as good, but the RK was much nicer (but that's my opinion). The only place the Deluxe won was the Reverb..... I've always loved the spring reverb in that thing and it still sounds great even compared to today's standards.
tele_jas said:
I really hated to say the Deluxe wasn't as good, but the RK was much nicer (but that's my opinion). The only place the Deluxe won was the Reverb..... I've always loved the spring reverb in that thing and it still sounds great even compared to today's standards.

I agree. Apparently, the reverb wasn't a point of focus for the RK's engineers. But then again, I would have bought my RK if it didn't have any reverb.
mloiaco said:
tele_jas said:
I really hated to say the Deluxe wasn't as good, but the RK was much nicer (but that's my opinion). The only place the Deluxe won was the Reverb..... I've always loved the spring reverb in that thing and it still sounds great even compared to today's standards.

I agree. Apparently, the reverb wasn't a point of focus for the RK's engineers. But then again, I would have bought my RK if it didn't have any reverb.
There's nothing like a Fender reverb. Hey you guys can't have your cake and eat it too. :evil:
the noise floor comment I made before is about the baseline hum of the amp. Every tube amp has a hum. Some are designed better than others when it comes to hum. High gain amps like the RK can be prone to noise. I had some issues with my LSC adn was just wondering.

It does sound like a killer amp.
The RK is very close to the dual recto, triple recto, tremoverb, and Rectoverb...... There is some hum/noise, but not bad enough to warrent a HUSH or noise gate. I've had a Peavey XXX and a 5150 and wouldn't even dream of playing without a noise gate. Even my Peavey Classic 30 was noiser than the RK. I currently also have a Marshall JCM800, that amp has less gain than the RK but it also has more hum than the RK and almost as much hum as the XXX & 5150. I'm very pleased with the RK's noise level, even on the highest gain setting.

Hope that helps.
I have not had a problem with noise AT matter how loud, or what the gain setting. From small clubs to festival concert stages, the RK has been a complete joy to play.

tele_jas said:
I then surprised myself tonight when I picked up my Telecaster and played a few songs through it, I found a completely new range of tones with my tele that can't be found with my humbucker guitars. The Brit channel sounds like a Dr. Z amp with the gain cranked up just enough to give it some bite and the clean channel was even more Fender-ish sounding.

I've been playing on my RK with a Strat a lot lately (mostly cause I was too lazy to bring my Les Paul home from school for the break) and I think I almost prefer single coils on the RK. The jangly sound of the strat really compliments the dark, bassy sound of the Mesa well.

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