Finally got a Mark IV! The journey is over?

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Active member
Feb 4, 2008
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So after a long search I got a Mark IV (B) wideboy combo with a road case just in time for the holiday. I think the search might be over! Really I still can't get over how great the DC-5 sounds for the money, but this IV offers a more controlled version of that sound and so much more. I do plan to get an OCD or a BB preamp to compliment rhy 2, but apart from that I am super pumped.

I couldn't believe it took me a few hours to set things up. Its probably my 6th Mesa but this one took much longer to find my tone. Never been a big fan of the push-pull idea on amps, but those really make the difference with this set up. The channel volume seems to really effect the loop on these things. At first I tried to set it up just like my DC but then every time the loop came in I would get a huge volume drop. I'm assuming that this is covered in the manual, but I'll have to download and print that at work tomorrow. Took a bit to balance that out, but in the end I got it pretty fine tuned.

Never had any amps with this kinda of tone, and now I have two that really do it for me. Can't believe that it was found in two older amps. Always thought I would be a recto man, but the dual and roadster just didn't do it for me.

Thanks for everyone's information on this board so far. Its really been great to find such tone!!!! My band has been really digging it too. Now to go jam.

I just got my Mark-IVA head about two weeks ago. The quality of tones I'm able to coax out of it completely blows me away. Absolutely no regrets in getting it.

Right on man. I also finally plugged it into my 212 recto cab... holy wow does it sound great.
Welcome to the Mk IV family, you can say that the first leg of your journey is over, now the fun begins! This amp is truly a treat to own and play. I too found the Mk IV to be more for me rather than the recto.
the journey has begun ... hopefully the GAS part of the journey is over ! i am happy for you that you kept the DC-5 ... getting rid of the amps is ALWAYS a mistake unless you have 2 or 3 of the exact same model.

I am thinking of getting one of each stripe of Mark III ... it's a sickness I tell you !
A great amp will inspire one to simply be a better musician. For me personally, the Mark-IV is one such amp.

I went away for a week, and while I was gone I kept thinking "It couldn't have sounded THAT good...maybe it was because I'd just gotten it". Well, I get back last night and it sounds even better than before.
rvschulz said:
I am thinking of getting one of each stripe of Mark III ... it's a sickness I tell you !
And then you need the 60 watter, and the 100/60, simul and colis of all the stripes, so the sickness never ends. :lol: