F-series standby switch - help needed

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Jun 23, 2008
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I just got the F-series amplifier and found strange thing from the manual:

"In the STANDBY position (switch up), the
tubes are at idle so that during power up they may warm up before being put to use."


Is the standby switch really on a STANDBY mode when the switch points up. This is quite strange because the manual goes on like this:

"Before the power is switched on, make sure the STANDBY switch is in the
STANDBY position. Wait at least 30 seconds and then flip the STANDBY
switch to its ON position."

Question to you all:

How do I use the STANDBY switch when I power on? The normal way - STANDBY switch down or follow the amp manual way - STANDBY switch up. The same text can be found also at the Express -series manual. Does it have a same switch up or down issue? Can you explain to me a correct way to power up these amps? Thanks !!

The standby is ON when in the down (no sound from amp)

Here's my proceedure:
Turn on main power. Wait 30 seconds or more. Flip standby up. Play your guitar.

so do you share my opinion? The manual says wrong when it says that the STANDBY position is switch up.

And it is safe to turn the power switch up when the STANDBY switch is down. Do I blow something if I do it wrong?
BlueFlames said:
And it is safe to turn the power switch up when the STANDBY switch is down. Do I blow something if I do it wrong?

No. You won't really hurt anything by turning your amp on without putting in on Standby for a minute or so beforehand, but you will shorten the life of your tubes if you do this every time.
BlueFlames said:

so do you share my opinion? The manual says wrong when it says that the STANDBY position is switch up.

And it is safe to turn the power switch up when the STANDBY switch is down. Do I blow something if I do it wrong?

To me..the manual is wrong/misprint.
Start with power up and standby down. No sound from amp. This is "standby on" position. Tubes warming up, blah blah blah...
Then flip stand by to up position, this is all power on... now rock hard!!!
Yes, the manual is wrong.
The amp is in "Standby" when the switch is pointing to "Standby". In most amps, this is "down" rather than "up", because the On/Off switch is already in the "up" position.
When both the power and the standby switch are in the "fully up and locked position", the amp will produce sounds, hopefully of a musical nature.
Confusion results from talking about the amp being "Off" when it's put "On" Standby.
Is it "on" or "off"?!? WTF!!??
Think of switching on your amp with the standby switch down (no sound) like starting up a car with the transmission in "Neutral".
The Express manual has the same error!

I never noticed it because I already knew how to use the standby switch and the paragraph following the error and the picture are correct.