F-50 vs. Stiletto Ace

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Well-known member
Sep 19, 2006
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Maybe it's late but I just saw the Guitar World review of the Stiletto Ace and am totally blown away. I have an F-50 combo and I love it but the Stiletto Ace has that EL34 British tone that I've been trying to get from the F-50.

Seems with the different voicings that the Stiletto Ace has more versatility. Can the Stiletto Ace achieve any of the F-50 sounds and more? I know they're different beasts, especially since the F-50 has 6L6's. The F-50 contour mode is great for modern American crunch/metal, etc.

I would appreciate any input. My cover band plays everything from Green Day, Audioslave to older 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's rock. We also play a lot of pop punk stuf. Thanks!
Hi there
I used to own an F50 (a long time ago) but have recently got the Stiletto Ace, as like you I crave that EL34 bark and bite. Having said that, the F50 is one of the best amps around, so I would think about switching...

I think you hit the nail on the head in your post - they are very different beasts and the valve types do make a big difference.

However, the Ace will do anything from clean to filth, given the two channels and 5 modes (one of the modes is replicated on both channels) and I've found it to be an extremely versatile amplifier. It is brighter than the F50 but that is easily controlled with the presence.

I know it's a boring answer, but the best advice I can give is to try one out - only you can decide whether it covers the bases you want it to...

Maybe you could have both :wink:
i recently picked up the ace 2 X 12 and i've used an F-50 for a few years now. i prefer the ace's dirty channel over the 50. it's got a bit of that marshall clarity, but it still sounds boogie. but i doubt i'll ever find myself wanting to use the ace for cleans. i really don't like the clean channel. i use it on the crunch setting with the gain dimed and it's brilliant for that. the 50 on the other hand has the cleans worked out but the dirty can be a little foggy in the mids for me. the F-30 lands somewhere in between, though definitly the same basic sound as the 50, the dirty channel seems more mid-friendly. but the ace's distortion is pretty serious. in my experience the ace really pulls out the sound of your pickups more. it loves a les paul whereas the 50 doesn't really take to it. but that's all how my ears feel about it. you gotta play it to find out what you think.

oh, ps: the low end from the combo is pretty cool too. it won't blow off your pants like a recto 4x but you won't miss the other two speakers at all.
Lt_Core said:
Can the Stiletto Ace achieve any of the F-50 sounds and more? I know they're different beasts, especially since the F-50 has 6L6's. The F-50 contour mode is great for modern American crunch/metal, etc.

I recently played both, when GC had the 20k Clapton replica, I test drove it through the F-50 and was quite impressed, almost bought the amp.
Very good clean with tite bottom end

I have also been playin the Ace quite a bit, mainly thru the 2x12 combo
with V30s, I did "not" find them to sound alike at all. Maybe you can dial them in
to be close, but I thought they were voiced quite diff

I really like the clean on the Ace also, the Gain channel is an animal
but with the clean, I could dial in a great slight overdriven tone, very
warm, and complex. The again my head was a couple of feet away
with one V30 in each ear....great tone...but diff

To me, the Ace picks up where my LSS leaves off, warm thick tone,
great slightly overdriven tone... Won't mistake the Ace for a Fender,
but you could probably dial in an F-50 Fender like with minimal effort
I must say that I love my Mesa F-50! I'm using a Les Paul Custom and let me tell you this amp is a tone monster. The dirty channel is very versatile. The clean channel is just the best out there. You could do Dwight Yoakem or Black Sabbath with this amp. I have played the Ace and it also is a grate amp. That both have a different sound no matter witch one you decide on I can’t see a wrong choice. If I had the money to buy a new amp the Ace or Lonestar Special would be on the list.
Woody _ i have the same combo LP Custom with an F-50- Just fandamtastic.

I am new to Mesa I purchased my F-50 in Oct 06 and everytime I play it I love it more. I tried some Marshalls, Vox, Carvin V3, and Rivera. The Mesa to me blew them all away. I Love this amp. If the F50 is considered the "low end" models the Rectifiers must be incredible.

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