F-30 clean channel becomes distorted after a few minutes

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Dec 31, 2006
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I've had my F-30 for almost 2 years now and i've always gotten unbelievable clean sounds from it with no pedals or anything. I recently got a boss ge7 eq pedal and a dd6 delay pedal, i also have an ibanez tube screamer in there as well. These are all pretty much to help my lead tone, which is great now. Anyways a few days ago I started up, the clean channel sounded as usual, then about 10 minutes in my clean channel began to sound like it was very distorted, like a very weak distortion, as well the notes were dying out fairly quickly. I checked the gain and everything, nothing had been changed. Now ever since then, my clean channel will start out great, then after a few minutes it will return to this terrible distorted sound.

Im fairly sure it isn't the tubes because I just had them replace 3 weeks ago. Also, I get no problems with my distortion channel, just the cleans. Anybody know whats goin on and how to fix this? If its necessary, i can possibly upload some clips tomorrow for you to hear.
Hmm...somebodys gotta know something. It seems as if its getting worse.
Don't count out a bad tube yet. Even though you just replaced them. How long after you got "new tubes" did the problem start? Try putting the old ones back in before you do anything else. Or just rotate an old power and pre. If that doesn't help???