Express 5:25

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Red Barchetta

Well-known member
Feb 22, 2005
Reaction score
New Orleans Area
I just played an Express 5:25 yesterday...put it thru it's paces for about 30 minutes or so....and WOW. I'm very impressed. For a little pipsqueak of an amp, this thing sounds friggin' HUGE! I was blown away by the tone on 5 watts (with both gains dimed on ch 1 clean, it sounds like a maxxed Fender Deluxe) and was really impressed by how much sound this sucker put out at 25 watts...even with a 10 inch speaker. I am looking forward to trying the 5:50 when it comes into my local shop...

rats...I think I feel some small amp class a GAS coming on....

Bought the 5:50 this weekend. The cleans are sparkling are they not? Everytime I think I am getting all that I can out of this amp I find a little more.
I was able to spend some time with a 5:50 1X12 over the weekend, and I was equally impressed. Since I would be coming from 2X12, I want to try that version of the 5:50, or hook it up with a 1X12 cabinet. I'm new to Mesa and am taking my time, but I have been very pleased with what I'm hearing so far.
Here's mine. I'm very pleased with it so far. It has the garnet Tolex. It's actually redder than it looks.

There's a bit of hiss in the 25 watt mode on the clean channel, but generally quiet in the other modes. There's less hiss in the 5 watt Class A power setting. The Crunch, Blues and Burn modes are outstanding. The clean mode is very nice. I have it set up for one channel as clean, the other channel as burn. Nice smooth sustain, harmonically rich, loud even at 5 watts. Audio samples maybe later:


sotto did u custom order that? or did the dealer have it in stock in the red bronco...just curious because if its a custom order that was really fast i have a white head on order right now.
The M/B Hollywood store had ordered that red one, a purple one, and an orange one some time ago. They all came in at once. I had asked them to hold the red one for me about 3 weeks ago.
I discovered today that the Express 5:25 and the Gretsch Setzer Nashville 6120 are a match made in Clean, Crunch and Blues Heaven.
A little more feedback: after redoing the hardwood floor and repainting my studio, I finally got everything set back up and I could do some more playing along with CD's and satellite radio (jazz and blues). Of all my amps, the 5:25 is the most pleasing for this purpose. Excellent voicing to fit in the recorded mixes. All I use is my Ibanez DE-7 into the burn channel and using the 5 watt mode. Hardly need to turn up the master and I get a very nice sustaining lead tone that both cuts and blends well at the same time. I'm happy with this amp if for no other reason than it's perfect for this application.
Is it just me? I prefer my 550's master setting anywhere between 7 and 9 o'clock. It is the perfect volume for that Metallica Black album tone and distortion. It seems to be my sweet spot. This is on the 5watt mode of course.

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