Express 5:25 or 5:50

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Jul 3, 2007
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Hello, this is my first post so please be gentle. ;)

I'm considering either an Express 5:25 or 5:50 (1x12). This would be my first Mesa Boogie amp. My other amps have been a Fender Blues Jr. and then a Gibson Goldtone GA-30-RVS, and presently I have a little early 50's Gibson BR-6.

I play mainly at home for personal pleasure. Typical middle aged guy who picked up the guitar again 5 years ago, after not having played since college 20 years ago. Imporant correction--I started college 30 years ago this fall. Yikes!

Other than being less expensive and lighter, would there be any advantages to the 5:25?

Many thanks!

Not sure if it's an advantage or not but I know the tubes are different between the 25 and 50, el84 vs. 6l6 I believe. I am new to tube amps too so I am not so sure about the intrinsic el84 tone.
I think the 5:25 sounds perfect for you but I went with the 5:50 1x12 instead. The 5:50 to me seemed to sound better in the cleans(it had more sparkle) it has to be just the difference in a 1x12 vs a 1x10 but the 1x12 sounded nicier to me. With the 5 watt option on both i think you should go with the 5:50. I use it at home all the time on the 5 watt option and it sounds killer. Either way you can't go wrong, I love these amps.
That was fast!

My local GC has a 5:25, 5:50 1x12, and 5:50 (2x12). I've played the 5:50 1x12 but not the others yet (I don't think the 2x12 makes any sense for me).
The 5:50 uses 6L6 tubes which gives it a Fender type clean sound, whereas the 5:25 uses EL84 tubes which will give you a more British or Marshall sound. Either would be ideal for home use. I use mine about 80% of the time at 5 watts. Just try them both and pick the one you like.
2x12 is over kill and to heavy, for us old guys. i'm 46 with a bad back.
Thanks--I'll check out the 5:25, but I'm leaning pretty strongly to the 5:50 1x12 (which I did play a bit last weekend at GC). I have no need for a 2x12.
What is a fair market discount for these amps? People don't pay list do they?
Another 5:50 1x12 owner here, and loving it! I use mine in 5 wattt mode all the time at home and it is great having the flexibility. The difference in tone between the 6L6 and EL84's can be summed up like this: 6L6's are more pronounced in the top and bottom end, so you get high-end sparkle and low-end thump. You also get a lot of headroom with them, so it takes more volume to overdrive them into saturation. Of course, this is desireable to many, hence the 5 watt mode which gets you saturation at lower volume. The EL84's are more balanced in their frequency response, so you get a good distribution of lows, mids and highs. EL84's have a characteristic "chime" in their high-end response which many people love, especially when they saturate which makes it more pronounced. Vox AC 30's are the archetype of the EL 84 amp, so if you've spent much time with one, you will understand the tonal quality I'm describing (of course pre-amp design has a lot to do with this too). For a strictly home-user, each amp would be good, it really comes down to what sounds best to your ear. For me I already had an EL84-equipped amp, and I needed the headroom that 6L6's provide.

Let us know what you decide?


Richt :D
I tried both yesterday, but actually I preferred a Fender Bassman. I'm now leaning in the direction of a tweed clone.

So perhaps my first thread here will be my last. Thanks though tor all who posted to this thread.

golftdi said:
I tried both yesterday, but actually I preferred a Fender Bassman. I'm now leaning in the direction of a tweed clone.

So perhaps my first thread here will be my last. Thanks though tor all who posted to this thread.


No don't do it! only kidding be happy
Try the Koch Twintone II!
Great clean channel. Two overdrive channels. Reverb. 50 or 25 watts. Solo boost. headphone socket etc

Not sure where you live but much cheaper than Mesa in UK (about half the price of Lonestar range).

I'm going now before I get lynched!!
I took an extended lunch break today and went to DiPinto Guitars in Philly, the city in which I work. I tried a Martone Deluxe clone, but it was too dark for my taste. The person helping me out was Chris DiPinto. I explained my history and needs to Chris, and asked him, as the designer of the main guitar I'm now playing (a DiPinto Bacchus), what he'd recommend. He pointed me to a 1970 Silverface Super Reverb, gave me a Bacchus to play, and it didn't take long for me to know this was the amp. (I did also try a Silverface Deluxe Reverb at DiPinto's, which also sounded good, but I guess I'm a 4x10 guy). It's on deposit now and I'll bring it home on Saturday (it would have been a little heavy to carry back to the office on the subway).

Thanks again to all.
Okay, here I go:

I own many, many amps. My main gigger was a 1993 Rivera M-60. Very, very versatile (if not complicated) amp. Best of both worlds, fender cleans, marshall gain.

My second backup amp is a Fender Vibrolux Reverb, silverface. Excellent cleans, great headroom.

I also own a Marshall JCM 900. 'Nuff said.

I wanted an amp that would give me enough brightness and crunch to get a reasonable mix of the "Fender" clean and a "Vox" dirt. It needed to be light and compact, since I play downtown in the city and carrying an 90 lb. amp for two blocks is not fun at all.

Enter the 5:25. I tried it with my PRS McCarty Soapbar, my American Tele Deluxe, and my Gretsch Duo Jet. All three guitars sounded beautiful through the EL-84 10" speaker. The 5:25 is light and very versatile. (Disclaimer: I do use a pedalboard for more "dirt" if I need it). It had wonderful mids and the highs are spot on. To me it is probably one of the brightest sounding EL-84 amps I have ever played.

The Dyna Watt feature is awesome. You would not believe you are playing through a 10" speaker. My friends always ask how they got a 12" in such a small cabinet. :D

If you do hook it up to a Mesa 12" extension cab, be prepared to be blown away. It is very, very dynamic. The notes bloom perfectly. The amp takes to pedals well and is a wonderful gigging amp. It is plenty loud! Switching down to 5 watt mode gives you great country cleans and lots of "spank" with a tele. I love this mode for practice and band rehearsals.

Of course you know what I am going to recommend. Don't take my word for it though. Read last month's GP article on the amp. They liked it as much as I did. This amp has now replaced all others. It is my main #1 now.

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