Experiments with Boost & Compression [clip inside]

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Well-known member
Jan 2, 2007
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Hey guys, recently I've been experimenting with using a compressor directly after my TS-8 boost pedal to see what kind of tones I can get. When I first got my boost, I never thought to use them together, and since I liked the tone of the boost better than the compressor, I haven't been using the compressor at all for many, many months. I figured I'd try them together after a tip from a buddy. I got some pretty good results.

I recorded a quick little random riff with my Road King, came out pretty decent. I'm running an MXR 10-band in the loop to kill off sub-125hz frequencies, otherwise it just sounds like Satan is pounding on my fuckin' house with a sledgehammer from hell. (BTW, if you boost 62hz on the 10-band, the amount of chunking low-end that comes out is indescribable).

Let me know what you think, I'm gonna try doing some recording with my Mark IV tomorrow afternoon to see what I can come up with, hopefully I'll be able to crank it up a bit more as well if no one else is home.

Sounded pretty tight to me in a kind of old School Metallica way. Not sure if that's what your going for but I mean it as a compliment.

What were the settings on the RK?
Thanks. Yeah that kinda was what I was going for hehe. The tracking on that is a bit sloppy, so the parts don't feel tight together, but the amp itself definitely is very tight.

Running channel 4, all tubes on, solid state recto, bold power...

Presence 1:30, Bass 12:30, Mids 7:00, Treble 12:30, Gain 1:00

Output at 12:00 and Channel Master at about 9-10:00, I can't quite remember.
Nice, that sound awsome! I love my MXR eq. Its an amazing contouring tool for distortion. I run mine right behind my distortion pedals for when I want a completely different sound then my amp makes. I run my dbx215 in the loop for amp distortion and because its not footswitchable on its own. It's like adding two more channels to the amp its so different.
Too bright for my taste. Try micing a little outside the center of the cone (a little not much) and see what happens?
Thanks for the comments guys.

I miced with two mics, SM57 on my 4x12 pointed dead center, e609 on my 2x12 on the edge. I gotta go out right now, I'm gonna try some more micing and experimenting when I get back.