Experience the Roadster

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Aug 30, 2007
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Hey everyone,

First time poster long time reader. I have been doing my research on the mesa boogies and i have finally come to the decision on a buying a roadster and a stilleto traditional cab. I tried this combination at the music shop and i was blown away by the sound. WOW!! I have tried rectifiers before but this time i got to sit with the roadster for an hour and i was in heaven (I just had the biggest grin my face).

I Currently own a PRS custom 22 and a marshall mode four and this combo has done me well for a year but the marshall just lacks so much. I've tried so much to get it sound the way i want to but its just not working. I played a boogie and only changed a few knobs and i was there in like 5 mins. I've had the Marshall Mode four for about 3 years now and its time for change. I've realised that ALL TUBE IS THE WAY TO GO.

Sometime next week i will be purchasing my roadster and 4x12 trad cab and then i'll be able tell you how its like at gigs and practise. There is so many great boogies out there i just hope i'm making the right choice in purchasing the roadster and not a Mark IV or something.
I'm sure you will be more than happy with it, I was. (Except for the channel popping when switching!)

Ciao ...
I also got the roadster. I still have my rack with 2:90 and Triaxis.
Got this amp because it's full tube with rectifiers.
The clean channel is much better then the dual and triple rectifier.
I'm missing the stereo thing though in my effects. My chorus and modulations sound so much better in stereo. Even though I use just a split cab.
The modern mode is much more brutal then anything I can get on the Triaxis with 2:90 in modern mode.
If you are after Recto tones then you will be very happy with the Roadster. I owned a Triple for 5+ years and IMO the Roadster feels smoother somehow, the FX loop is much better for me, it has built in tube driven reverb, and the Tweed and Brit modes are awesome as well.

Welcome, and ENJOY !

I also got the roadster. I still have my rack with 2:90 and Triaxis.
Got this amp because it's full tube with rectifiers.
The clean channel is much better then the dual and triple rectifier.
I'm missing the stereo thing though in my effects. My chorus and modulations sound so much better in stereo. Even though I use just a split cab.
The modern mode is much more brutal then anything I can get on the Triaxis with 2:90 in modern mode.

That was definitely an option of mine purley because of the stereo thing. But after playing the roadster i just don't think the triaxis could match the recto tones. All i'm really after is a super clean sound, a pushed sound and heavy recto distortion. Thats it!! Everything else is a bonus.
Storm said:
I'm sure you will be more than happy with it, I was. (Except for the channel popping when switching!)

Ciao ...

haha..... good one.... its a small price to pay for a killer tone..... mine's not that bad so i shouldnt really even complain
Oh, thank god mine isn't the only one that does that popping thing going into channel 3! I don't even like using that channel anymore, because as great as the channel sounds, switching into it is quite deadly! Sometimes, I'll be playing at a "bedroom" level, because it's like 2:00 AM or something, and because I'm currently programming a MIDI switching setup with my Axess Electronics FX1, I don't have the Roadster footswitch connected, and if I'm using channel 4, and want to go to channel 1, or 2, when going through channel 3 on the knob at the back, sometimes it pops so loud that I leap out of my skin. Oh well, great amp otherwise. P.S. For a great Petrucci shred tone, in channel 4, copy the manual's sample "Recto Modern", but put the gain knob at 2:00, put the voicing switch into "Vintage" instead, and finally, use the tube rectifiers. Greatness!!!
I didn't notice the popping when i played but when i play it next week i will look out for it. Some people have been saying that if you scroll through the buttons on the footswicth that it goes away.

Anyway I think i'll be able to cope with it anyway because playing live would be different. No one will mostly likely hear it.
I love the Roadster, but yeah the popping issue is a weird one.

At my house I never came across the pop, the amp never left the house, till one day I had the pop and couldn't get rid of it (so now I see what people are talking about). Now I haven't had the pop since that one time. Weird.
That's the thing, I love the Roadster so much that even though the popping totally pisses me off I'm still loving every minute when I play through it.

Ciao ...
My roadster rocks, the other band members compliment me on the great sound on many occasions ( i said sound, not my playing :wink: )
The popping is no big deal, on warm up, click through the diff channels on your foot switch board, problem solved. Even if you do get a pop, it happens only once.

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