EVH is back!!!!!!

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nowadays he is only a shadow of the pioneer he was, anyway we still have scott henderson, he only smokes hash ( not hush :) ) and I think that it keeps still rocking, if he get for harder drugs maybe he will be like evh now
You know back on topic, I havnt played Peavey in years, ive just seen them as intro level amps, are these things really any good? Or just being marketed better?
for my personal taste they are good for entry level, think that bandits costs less than 500$ and they sounds awesome, but the high gain tubes as 5150 are a great noise generator, not for my personal taste
he is a pioneer in the sense that he applies the tapping a technique of other instrument into the guitar, and he is a fake because he said that he invents that technique
anyway please we are trying to route the topic into the amp matter so please if you want to discuss if evh is a fake or rock star I recomends to open another topic
any comment about the amp please???'
I would say that he is a pioneer. Who else has used a drill on their guitar? Who else has really abandoned the standards for playing that were set before them? Honestly, there are not as many out there as we would like to think. Sure, tapping was not completely original nor was hammer-on or pull-off. I think that the use of it was more accepted once it was introduced into mainstream though. For this, he was a pioneer in the realm of modern playing. The whole drill thing was unthinkable until EVH did it. I also think that the thought of no other control but volume on a single pickup guitar was something that not too many others would have even wanted. It kind of puts you in a put up or shut up stance. There is nothing that helps you make your tone really any different other than your hands. Sure there are others that have that style of guitar now but he was one of the first to go that way. I am not a fan of the thin tone that he often plays with but for what he is playing it suits the bill. I am also not a fan of the cram a million notes into a phrase mentality either. In certain applications I can appreciate it but personally I would much rather have the tone and the feel of the Clapton school of thought for lead playing. As far as EVH being a fake is concerned I wouldn't make statements that are so pejorative. He may have borrowed technique but he would be the innovator as far as guitar technique is concerned. As inventor maybe technically not, but as the innovator it is a definite yes.

In my opinion, the 5150 is/was a decent amp to make a certain sound much as any other amp makes a niche sound. There are design flaws in many amps. To say that the amp sucks would be a matter of opinion. To be honest you can look at some older designs that became legendary that were flawed as well but still managed to become legendary. As far as tone is concerned I do not like the voicing of the 5150 but I can see its purpose.

The new 5150 from Fender will I am sure present its limitations and possible flaws. It is just a matter of time until these will appear. Without mistakes and room for improvement there would be nothing by which to judge anything by and thus no real progress.

As far as Peavey is concerned, I believe that their practice amps are great for what they are. Where else can you spend little money on something that is capable of making decent sounds at reasonably low volume practice levels that you don't really mind if it gets kicked around or whatever? The bandits can get loud too for use as an absolute emergency backup (your backup amp gets toast too while you are having your primary amp serviced and there are no rental services where you need to play and no one is willing to let you use their gear for your set). I wouldn't consider their SS stuff as a primary amp. If my tastes were elsewhere I might consider a 5150 (5150 II), 6505 (6505+), JSX or XXX as a primary amp though.

Has anyone played the Penta, Windsor or ValveKing?
What's with the Eddie hate? If it wasn't for Eddie, your so called guitar heroes wouldn't even have picked up the guitar. Eddie is the man responsible for setting off the chain reaction of YOU playing the guitar. Show some f-king respect jackasses.
To say that the amp sucks would be a matter of opinion.
of course dude it is imposible to say a total objective opinion about a machine that develops feels for music, that amp is not a great amp for me, that my opinion it isn´t a washing machine that works or doesn´t works that is an amp, it could be working perfectly ( remember the resistors I comment ) and it wouldn´t sound as you want, that is a total subjective matter

Show some f-king respect jackasses.
so if our opinion is that eddie is not a good guitar player we are not respecting him???? oo idf we didn´t think that he is THE father of all guitarrist we are not respecting him??? ok then who respects our opinion that evh is a not as good as you can think???
please end with the evh matter, for me he isn´t my GOD for other people he is his GOD, but we create a great offtopic about the amp "unrespecting" evh so please go on with the amp matter
Russ said:
Who else has used a drill on their guitar?

Paul Gilbert has used the drill. I don't know who was first with the drill between Eddie and Pablo Gilberto, but you can see Paul using it on one of his REH videos from back in the day.
Peavey's are cool. They are made 90 minutes from my house.

...But Mesa knows a bit more about versatility.
Paul was first. Did it with Racer X.

DCLP - where is MS (guessing it's MS and not AL) do you live.

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