ENGL vs Rectifiers

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Jul 12, 2008
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hey all,

I've always wanted an ENGL Savage 120 or powerball. But I don't have anywhere near me that sells them so un tested there is no way I'd drop that kind of cash. I recently made a trip to the house of ENGL outside of Chicago, a better name for that would be a closet with ONE ENGL. They only had the Invader and really it didnt impress me all that much. The lowend was way too boomy, the controls really weren't that responsive and really I was let down. Thats supposed to be their flagship now too! It reminded me of a 5150 with a lot more bottom end.

Anyone else played any of these other ENGL's? How would you compair them to the mesa you own.
ive own 2 engl savage120s a´nd one powerball. engl savage is a tight high gain amp .sounds good at low volumes but it lacks some lowend.
powerball is also a tight amp ,sounds decent but it is not good in a band situation. no mids dont cut through at all

I play now only on mesa amps and peavey 5150.just love the low end.

with other words go with mesa.

or try out alot of amps for yourself and decide
Thought of the Engl before I got my Roadster. The Engl was very very tight, almost solid state sounding. It was brutal even at low volumes which I enjoyed a lot but it didn't have much soul to it... can't explain it, maybe it was too tight sounding?

The Roadster just sounds more liquid to me. Another thing I discovered in my journey to find me my "wifey" amp was at first all i cared about was achieving the "brootals" but then I came to the conclusion I wanted versatility and the Roadster won that aspect hands down.

Once I got the Roadster I discovered sounds and ways of playing I always wanted to achieve but never could cuz of gear limitations. Like, channel 2 brit mode... I absolutely LOVE Channel 2's Brit Mode, WOW do I love it. I'm on that channel daily now!

Love my Roadster :D
Spent some time with the powerball and IMHO it walks all over the Mesa's for metal and rock. Very tight amp - and like all tight amps, they tend to have small low ends and the Powerball is no exception. It has more lows than a marshall but its bottom is small by recto standards. The rectifier low end is very addicting and hard to let go. everything sounds small and AM radio'ish after being on a rectifier for a while. That being said, if you can get your head around that, the Engl's tone is WAY more refined and warmer than the rectos. If you can deal with a touch less bass then I dont see how you could be disapointed with the Engl. Plus the Engl sound is a bit more unique than that of the rectos due to far less players using the Engls compared to the gazillions using rectifiers. Im not trying to kill the rectifier series - I LOVE my DR.
droptrd said:
far less players using the Engls compared to the gazillions using rectifiers. .
And clearly there is a reason for this isn't there?

Versatility. The Recto can do so much and it can sound just as refined and tight as the Engl with as little as an EQ or Boost.
Yep. The price and availablility. There are very few people playing Cameron amps too, that does mean they suck. Although the Roadking is pretty $$ too - I think its more $$ than the powerball. The fact is, you cant go wrong with a mesa. But that doesnt mean there isnt better amps out there. While I do feel the recto's are more versitile and flexible than the Engl's, the recto's are nowhere near as refined and warm and tight as the Engl IMO. The right boost and loop EQ combo can get you close but lets face it, the Rectos have great gain and bottom end. Thats it. Mids are blah. highs are shrill (not even talking about the fizz/fuzz) The clean ch is sub par. The Engl has good bottom and great everthing else. Awesome clean. The recto sound is starting to get played out a bit. Just my 2 cents
Elixir said:
droptrd said:
far less players using the Engls compared to the gazillions using rectifiers. .
And clearly there is a reason for this isn't there?

Versatility. The Recto can do so much and it can sound just as refined and tight as the Engl with as little as an EQ or Boost.
Never ever ever would I take an ENGL over a Mesa.

I've tested every ENGL there is....after selling my Stiletto in favor of a more brutal amp, I opened up for much more than usual. I was set to NOT buy a Mesa....I tried ENGL, Bogner, Diezel....A LOT of them.

The ENGL line is VERY tight, and kicks in the low end like crazy. But honestly, like others have said, the sound was sterile...was too compressed and processed IMO. It sounded like the amp itself went through a bunch of CD production....sounded like a generic metal guitar tone off any album. I find this to be a problem....a tone that is that processed will NEVER work in a live mix IMO.

So, after all was said and done, I came back to Mesa...there is something about the raw tone they put out...no other amp brand catches that for me. I now have a Roadster, and I have the best tones I've ever had.

Happy hunting!
the powerball sounds sterile, the savage is more warmer.

ive heard clips from the engl savage special edition that sounds good.
droptrd said:
Yep. The price and availablility. There are very few people playing Cameron amps too, that does mean they suck. Although the Roadking is pretty $$ too - I think its more $$ than the powerball. The fact is, you cant go wrong with a mesa. But that doesnt mean there isnt better amps out there. While I do feel the recto's are more versitile and flexible than the Engl's, the recto's are nowhere near as refined and warm and tight as the Engl IMO. The right boost and loop EQ combo can get you close but lets face it, the Rectos have great gain and bottom end. Thats it. Mids are blah. highs are shrill (not even talking about the fizz/fuzz) The clean ch is sub par. The Engl has good bottom and great everthing else. Awesome clean. The recto sound is starting to get played out a bit. Just my 2 cents
Elixir said:
droptrd said:
far less players using the Engls compared to the gazillions using rectifiers. .
And clearly there is a reason for this isn't there?

Versatility. The Recto can do so much and it can sound just as refined and tight as the Engl with as little as an EQ or Boost.

definitely you're two cents and like someone else in here said live this sh/t does not sound good. I wouldn't mind using it in a mix possibly but really? You hold it that high in regards to a Roadster or Roadking?

That's a bit much for me sorry. If you were talking about a Diezel or something then sure i'd say there was competition to be had but an Engl?

Nope, sorry.
I had an e530 for a while. It was a nice preamp, but lacked low end. My solution? Use the Recto as a poweramp. The tone was amazing.

Tight but thick, and different from a Rectifier in that the gain wasn't as organic, but good god it was HEAVY.

Wound up selling it for a Diezel Einstein combo, which I hated for higher gain stuff. Sold that for an Ecstasy, and paired with the Recto, there's no better combination for me.

If you like the Recto thickness and want to get Engl brutality and tightness, get a Recto poweramp and an Engl pre. There's some nice tone to be had with that!
From what I'm reading I think im definitly better off with the Rec. I have no real issues with the tone right now but it's one of those "I wonder if it could be a little better with something different" type thing. I personally don't care about gain mainly clarity and punch. I've started experimenting with EQs in the loop I think that might get me everything Im looking for.

Thanks for the responses all!

*Edit: Anyone know where I could find a pic of the inside of an Powerball or Savage? Just curious to see the components used.
XevKai said:
From what I'm reading I think im definitly better off with the Rec. I have no real issues with the tone right now but it's one of those "I wonder if it could be a little better with something different" type thing. I personally don't care about gain mainly clarity and punch. I've started experimenting with EQs in the loop I think that might get me everything Im looking for.

Thanks for the responses all!

*Edit: Anyone know where I could find a pic of the inside of an Powerball or Savage? Just curious to see the components used.
2 channel Triple and a full stack of Recto cabs. If you have decent tubes and a decent guitar, you're doin' it wrong if you can't get clarity and punch!!!
XevKai said:
From what I'm reading I think im definitly better off with the Rec. I have no real issues with the tone right now but it's one of those "I wonder if it could be a little better with something different" type thing. I personally don't care about gain mainly clarity and punch. I've started experimenting with EQs in the loop I think that might get me everything Im looking for.

Thanks for the responses all!

*Edit: Anyone know where I could find a pic of the inside of an Powerball or Savage? Just curious to see the components used.

you re gonna be afraid when you ll look in a powerball or savage. components of **** quality. sorry to say that but it is true
XevKai said:
From what I'm reading I think im definitly better off with the Rec. I have no real issues with the tone right now but it's one of those "I wonder if it could be a little better with something different" type thing. I personally don't care about gain mainly clarity and punch. I've started experimenting with EQs in the loop I think that might get me everything Im looking for.

Thanks for the responses all!

*Edit: Anyone know where I could find a pic of the inside of an Powerball or Savage? Just curious to see the components used.

adding a TS9 or an OD808 as a clean boost isn't too bad an idea either
The best bet for the OP is to sit down with a recto and an ENGL together and see which you love more.

Your question is kind of like...

Real Boobs or Implants?

I would say the Recto is more like real boobs and the ENGL like the Implants. :lol:

It's a matter of personal preference.

I owned a Single Rectifier for 7 years and it's was great amp and now I have an ENGL Preamp and I love it too. I do feel that naturally the ENGL leans more towards tight speed metal type gain sounds and death metal sounds, which are typically considered very solid state sounding. Not that there is anything wrong with that if you are going for that sound.

So I like real boobs and implants because in the end...They're still boobs man!
Turumbar82 said:
The best bet for the OP is to sit down with a recto and an ENGL together and see which you love more.

Your question is kind of like...

Real Boobs or Implants?

I would say the Recto is more like real boobs and the ENGL like the Implants. :lol:

It's a matter of personal preference.

I owned a Single Rectifier for 7 years and it's was great amp and now I have an ENGL Preamp and I love it too. I do feel that naturally the ENGL leans more towards tight speed metal type gain sounds and death metal sounds, which are typically considered very solid state sounding. Not that there is anything wrong with that if you are going for that sound.

So I like real boobs and implants because in the end...They're still boobs man!
Real boobs > implants
TheMagicEight said:
Turumbar82 said:
The best bet for the OP is to sit down with a recto and an ENGL together and see which you love more.

Your question is kind of like...

Real Boobs or Implants?

I would say the Recto is more like real boobs and the ENGL like the Implants. :lol:

It's a matter of personal preference.

I owned a Single Rectifier for 7 years and it's was great amp and now I have an ENGL Preamp and I love it too. I do feel that naturally the ENGL leans more towards tight speed metal type gain sounds and death metal sounds, which are typically considered very solid state sounding. Not that there is anything wrong with that if you are going for that sound.

So I like real boobs and implants because in the end...They're still boobs man!
Real boobs > implants


Isn't it weird that the best way to get a point across when talking about musical gear is to associate it to females? Everything from the physical aspect to the relationship aspect is all very much like the situation with your gear.

It's crazy. I often talk about my amp as if it was a relationship i was having with a woman.
Every time someone asks me if they are real or fake, I smile and say, 'Who Cares!'

But, if you asked me 'Tubes or chips?' The answer would be hands down, TUBES!!!!!!!!!!!

I've never looked inside an Engl, but hands down, Mesa is the best build for buck! I've been a Mesa tech for a couple of years now and have always been impressed with the quality.

Can't speak for the Engl tone though, sorry. The only one I've seen up close was a preamp that sounded great when the owner played it, but sounded like *** when I played it.