Empress Para EQ with Boost?

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Well-known member
Oct 6, 2007
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I am trying to thin out the bass boominess of my 3ch DR. I find the low E string in particular dominates even when I EQ the bass right out. An Empress Para EQ with Boost was recommended. Anyone try one of these?

Others recommeneded clean boost from an Ibanez TS9 or Maxon OD9. I tried a TS9 on clean boost and the change in tone was negligible. I also tried clean boost with an old Boss OD1, this did even less to the tone. I don't want to spend USD$250 if the effect of the Empress EQ will be negligible.
I bought one and I like it. Also got an Maxon OD9 Pro+ and a Death By Audio Fuzz War which are both also great.
Personally, I feel that a lot of the Rectifier's "boomy low end" comes from the Recto cab.

Once I switched to more traditional sized cabs the low end tightened up.
Yeah, I have heard that as well.

I once tried a Marshall JCM900 through a 4 x 12 Recto cab and it worked in the opposite fashion, adding bottom end and thickness to the tone when compared to the 1960A Marshall cab that was at hand at the time.

So maybe;
Recto head + Marshall cab = :D
Marshall head + Recto cab = :D
enuenu said:
So maybe;
Recto head + Marshall cab = :D
Marshall head + Recto cab = :D

It has been noted that the Stiletto sounds better through a Recto cab and a Recto sounds better through a Stiletto cab.

If I went with a Marshall cab I'd go with a V30 loaded version. I think the regular (G12T-75) version would be a disaster.
Thanks for the advice. I think Mesa make better quality gear so a Stilletto cab might be worth a try one day.
also look at the Mills Acoustic Afterburner cabs... tight like the stiletto, but with more of the depth of the recto cab