Effects Loop Question

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Active member
Jul 7, 2008
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Ok to all my Triaxis gurus out there, Now that we have covered the issue of going with the stomps or to retain the rack..... we are back using our rack setup...
So......NOW we are face with another "small" delema When it comes to wiring up the rack..

As of right now I am using

1) Sabine Rack Tuner (their first ver.)
2) Lexicon MPX 500

****** (or sometimes I switch it out with a Digitech Studio Quad 4)*************
3) Mesa Triaxis
4) Mesa 50/50 Power Amp ( run in Mono)

Into a 2X12 Bottom with Weber Sig Cer. Speakers (25 watts each, both 8 Ohm)

What I would like to know is ..Should I run the Lexicon/Digitech through the Triaxis's Effects Loop........OR........... should I just go from the Output of the Triaxis into the Input of the Effects....and then out into the Power Amp???????

And Again........ all advice from the Board is Greatly Appreciated....


You can do it either way, George.

I generally favor having the tuner in the loop rather than out front because I would like my signal to enter the Triaxis first with minimal tonal alteration. Remember that all cable lengths and connections, as well as devices, generally alter the tone and signal strength of a guitar's output - especially with passive pickups. It's not usually much, but it can be noticeable. On the other hand, with high output pickups, you may be very pressed to hear any difference at all. The other reason I would run it in the loop is because you need less cables. If you use the loop, the Triaxis preamp has already boosted the signal to a high level, so tone loss is usually a lot less significant.

FWIW, I use the tuner in my G-major II because I like the simplicity of having one less unit to carry and go wrong. Obviously that puts my tuner in the loop - works perfectly!

Ok, that's the tuner done with.

I think it's almost always better to run FX in the loop. Tonally, you may find something missing if you don't return into the loop because there is one more tube stage there (output tube). If you use digital effects and they sound a little too "digital" that would be even more reason to return through the Loop Return - the extra tube stage can give it back a little more analog charm.

I find the outputs on the Triaxis far too hot to run them into an FX unit. Safer to use the loop send -> FX -> Loop Return ->amp, or, loop send -> FX ->amp. But preferably not Triaxis out -> FX -> Amp. You are almost certain to get clipping problems in your FX unless you are very careful.

Best of luck.
You can run the FX either way. The TA has different output impedance on each of its outputs, so you may find it works best in one connection vs. others. Also, the outputs tend to run really hot signal levels, so you may need to run through the loop in order to keep from overloading the FX. Possible connections:

TA FX send -> FX input
FX output(s) -> TA FX return(s)

TA FX send -> FX input
FX output(s) -> Power amp input(s)

TA rec out -> FX in
FX out -> amp

TA main out -> FX in
FX out -> Amp

elvis said:
You can run the FX either way. The TA has different output impedance on each of its outputs, so you may find it works best in one connection vs. others. Also, the outputs tend to run really hot signal levels, so you may need to run through the loop in order to keep from overloading the FX. Possible connections:

TA FX send -> FX input
FX output(s) -> TA FX return(s)

TA FX send -> FX input
FX output(s) -> Power amp input(s)

TA rec out -> FX in
FX out -> amp

TA main out -> FX in
FX out -> Amp


You've described all the options there, I can't imagine using the record-out option, Elvis. It would sound horrible if you ran a record out signal (already emulating one speaker cab) through another speaker cab - ok if you are running direct into a PA though.
I know, Ando, but there are some people doing it anyway. The main outs on a TA are 25k Ohms at full volume, so they cn sound equally terrible into a low-impedance FX input (some are only a few kOhms). Pick your poison...
Once again... So much great info from this Forum..

Just got some great suggestions..

can't wait to sit down and try some of them out
