Effects and Triaxis

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Jul 7, 2008
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I am trying to decide on a new effects unit to use with my Triaxis

I am looking for something simple to setup and use, and I would like to find something that will generate "Classic" Reverbs (early Fender spring type) ,The Late 70's/ early 80's Chourus and Delay Effects...
I have tried the G Major, But for some reason or another, it just didn't do it for me..

One of my all time favorites was the early Digitech DSP 128... Simple and had some nice verbs and delays.... But it tended to be a bit noisy...
another one of my Fav's was the ART Dr- X..... But like the Dinosaurs it is now extinct.

I was thinking along the lines of maybe a Midi Verb.... But I don't want to do a lot of Programming to set it up.....

Then, there is the TC Electronics MC 350..... Totally Simple and Uncomplicated in use...but I don't have any clues on how it is sounds....

SO my fellow Triaxis Users I put forth todays Question....... To see what other users are and or have experimented with, your thoughts (Good Bad or Indifferent)
and of course Your Suggestions.....

My Current setup consists of
Triaxis (Early 90's no mods!!)
Mesa 50/50 Power Amp ( again Early 90's )
Lexicon MPX 500 ( it's a nice piece, just can't get the effects to sound the way I would like them to...)

So again my Fellow Boogie Users..... Looking for some great input and advice...

Thanks Again for such a great place....

I've heard nothing but good about the Rocktron stuff for getting classic effects sounds. The Replifex in particular seems to get fantastic reviews. I've been giving them a good look (on the used market) since I too have a Lexicon that for some reason I just can't get to sound like I'd like.

I've never personally tried one, but the Boss GT-8 & GT-10 get a lot of praise on the board here as well.
How much do you want to spend? Once you are above $500 the sounds are much better.

1. The TC G-Force is better than the G Major and has an intelligent pitch shifter. Great user interface.

2. Lexicon PCM 70, 80/81, 90/91. These blow away the MPX 500. Cheap for what you get. Clumsy user interface.

3. Eventide H3000/3500. A great box with all the effects you would ever need live or while recording. Complex interface when programming. Presets are easy to use. Listen to Surfing with the Alien by Satriani, this is the box on that album.

I prefer the Eventide. One grand for a box you will always use and be happy with. Just ask Satch or Vai or EVH, hell everyone uses or used this thing! :mrgreen:
I have a G Force with my triaxis, very clean and "transparent" sounding, check that unit out too. Very nice clean verbs on that unit and delays, overall very "transparent" sounding. I have mine connected in the loop of the triaxis.

Got an M13 and thought of using that on the Triaxis, but just couldn't pass up the sound of the G Force.
I have to wholly agree with the Replifex. I've tried a T.C. Electronic G Force on several occsasions and always come back to the Replifex because of the simplicity of use and the quality of the FX. It also as preset spillover so the previous patch will decay over the next patch without an abrupt cut off. They don't make them any more but you can find them on E-Bay for a pretty good price. I have one looped between my Triaxis and 2:90 without any complaints.

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