There are a multitude of delays on the market, and it's hard to find a bad one. With that being said, here's my opinion.
Strymon makes the best delays on the market right now!
Seriously, if you're into tape echo, the El Capistan is top dog. If you're into analog, they have a pedal called the Brigadier. They also also make a small foot switch called a Favorite switch that allows you to have two sounds: one preset (Favorite) and one manual (current state of knobs.)
If you want it all, they just came out with the TimeLine. If you haven't seen the videos for this pedal, go check it out right now!
With that being said, I just ordered my second T.C. Electronic Nova Delay. I think it's the best value on the market, especially used, but I think the Strymon pedals are the absolute best thing out there.