Effect-problem with the Dual Rectifier

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Nov 21, 2006
Reaction score
The Netherlands
I hope someone can help me with the a problem that I have with my Mesa Boogie:

Until some time ago I used to play with my Boss GT-6 plugged in on a Marshall-combo. It sounded pretty well but the distorted sound was really teribble. It just sounds to digital.

A few months ago I’ve bought a new Mesa Dual Rectifier. The distortion sounds very well… as you all may know. Beside the Mesa's distortion I like to use a chorus, delay and a reverb. All these are in the GT-6.
What I did was that I put my GT-6 in the send-return-loop. But as the manual says: the sound will change when the send-return is used. The problem is that is changing not only a little bit, but the sound loses all the power.

Then I tried to plug in my guitar in the GT-6 and plug the GT-6 in my Rectifier. Predictable as it was… it sounds even more horrible.

I can imagine that I’m not the onlyone facing this problem. So the questions that I have are:
* What effect –equipment do you use for a nice delay, chorus and reverb in combination with the Dual Rectifier?
* On which way have you connected the effects to the Dual Rectifier?

Thanks and best regards,

I'm facing the same problem as you. I have a Roadster and a GT-8 and I'm contemplating selling the GT-8 in favour of a few stomp boxes like Delay and Chorus. I can get it all working fine using the four wire connection method (works best with a SERIES loop) but there is a tone quality change that isn't exactly to my liking.

Ciao ...
I have a Tremoverb Combo and tried using my POD XT Live in the effects loop just for effects (amp sims turned off). I could just not get any good tone out of it. The POD sucked the life out of the tone no matter what level matching I tried. Borrowed a friends stomp boxes (Boss Delay + Chorus) and the sound was MUCH better. Stick with quality separate effects and lose the multi-fx, you will be much happier. :lol:
mbmesa said:
Borrowed a friends stomp boxes (Boss Delay + Chorus) and the sound was MUCH better. Stick with quality separate effects and lose the multi-fx, you will be much happier. :lol:


Unless you are willing to fork out the cash for an Eventide or Lexicon or some other top-shelf processor, you're better off with seperates.

Here, its Tremonti Wah, MXR 10-band, ISP Decimator into the front-end, and Boss CH1, DD6, and RV5 in the loop. With a bit of patience in the knob-twisting dept, killer FX with zero-to-minimal tone suckage is possible.
I use a Dunlop Crybaby from Hell, and a Maxon OD808 out front, and a TC Electronic G-Major in the loop.

Sounds bad ***.
I agree with seperate stomps for that.. get yourself a nice OD or boost to run in front and a stomp delay for your FX loop..
It's a way of routing certain effects through the front of the amp, and certain effects through the loop! It should be in the Boss manual! :idea:
I used to run the four wire method on my old setup. It's not described at all in the Boss manuals, rather something you find on a forum. I tried this method with the Mesa and it just sucked way to much tone ... Bye bye GT-8 in my case.

Ciao ...

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