Effect order suggestions...

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Sep 7, 2006
Reaction score
Hi everyone...

I'm looking for suggestions from you guys... I'm trying to figure out the best effect order... I'll explain... I love my Triple Rectifier. I want the gain, but too much gain loses the clarity.. So I picked up a Boss SD1 Overdrive silver/Mod from Analogman. Love the pedal.. It does allow me to keep my gain down. I just set the overdrive as a clean boost. Level up, Gain down on the pedal. This is my effect order... Any suggestions or changes?
Crybaby 535Q Wah Wah
Phase 90
Boss SD1 Overdrive silver Mod Analogman
Bi Chorus Analogman
Boss Noise Suppressor
Boss DD3 Delay with Mod Analogman
BBE Sonic Stomp
Korg Tuner
Triple Rectifier
2 - 4x12 Cabinets with Vintage 30's

I'm unsure if I should maybe put the BBE Sonic Stomp before the Overdrive and move the Phaser after the Overdrive...

Any suggestions I should try? Also, I have the FX loop off. I run everything through the front. Should I run certain effects through the loop?

What do you guys think?

Seriously dude, it's all a matter of personal preference. Some people hate their fx loops, i on the other hand love mine. My modulation effects such as reverb, delay, phaser, chorus are in my loop. i just think they sound better in my loop. granted, you'll have to do some major knob tweaking to get the loop to sound close to how it was when it was not engaged, but it is possible. Also one thing to consider, the more things you have between your guitar and the amp...the more your guitar tone will degrade before it hits your preamp. I just run my wah and tuner before my amp and it has really enhanced my true guitar tone that goes right into the preamp. So just mess around with pedal positions until you get what YOU want for YOUR sound. hopefully this helps :D