ED head - recto cabinet

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FWIW I have tried my Electra Dyne with my 1x12 recto cab a few times. I think there must be some type of room interaction or maybe I am just losing it because when I was in the other room I really liked the sound of it for the dirty stuff. But in the new room I have everything in, I much prefer it going through the combo C90 speaker then the V30, and it aint even close.
It is very possible that the room is shaping your tone in a very unpleasant way. Moving the position of the amp in the room as well as changing where you stand will both alter how you hear the tone in a surprising way. Best place to play is outside, provided you live on a farm where you can't annoy your neighbours.
Rooms, don't wnat to get started on that !

It took me way to long to figure out that proximity to walls has massive effect on bass. If you want max bass, put the amp in a corner. Genereally though getting away from a wall will tighten the bass. For my tastes, a recto cab can use some help in that area.
My C90 will be here tomorrow - any tips for installing it (such has tightening pattern and tension etc) would be very much appreciated
Tighten the bolts (or nuts if you don't have hurricane nuts) across from one another, going back and forth between them. Then tighten the other pair. Do not bend the speaker frame.

I don't know if that makes sense. Lets label the bolts clockwise starting at the top of the speaker or the right hand top side, if the speaker is installed at an angle. 1, 2, 3, 4. So you first tighten 1 and 3. Rather than tightening 1 all the way and then proceeding to 3, it is best to alternate between them so you tighten them both up at once. When you get near the appropriate tension, you can just do a quarter turn on one and then the other, alternating between them. When 1 and 3 are finished, repeat the same procedure on 2 and 4. This will help out immensely.

As for tightness, I have not really read a manual on this so I can't give a numerical value for how tight they should be. What I do know is that you are not to bend the speaker frame as this can damage the cone. Generally, the bolts will be tighter than finger tight but they will not be tight the way you put wheels on a car.

Hope this helps.

I think you'll enjoy the c90. I love my oversized 2 x 12 with a v30 and c90. Sounds very even!
Thank you Yellowjacket - good explanation. Looking forward to this change!

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